Accepted dhcp3 3.0.5-3ubuntu1 (source)

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Mon Jul 16 16:25:16 BST 2007

 OK: dhcp3_3.0.5.orig.tar.gz
 OK: dhcp3_3.0.5-3ubuntu1.diff.gz
 OK: dhcp3_3.0.5-3ubuntu1.dsc
     -> Component: main Section: net

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 17:13:20 +0200
Source: dhcp3
Binary: dhcp3-client-udeb dhcp3-common dhcp3-relay dhcp3-dev dhcp3-client dhcp3-server
Architecture: source
Version: 3.0.5-3ubuntu1
Distribution: gutsy
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at>
Changed-By: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at>
 dhcp3-client - DHCP client
 dhcp3-client-udeb - DHCP Client for debian-installer
 dhcp3-common - common files used by all the dhcp3* packages
 dhcp3-dev  - API for accessing and modifying the DHCP server and client state
 dhcp3-relay - DHCP relay daemon
 dhcp3-server - DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment
Closes: 398378 398966 407667 407667 417548 422037 425704 426270 426285 426400 426434 426490 426496 426919 426993 427018 427823 428133 428152 428453 430064
 dhcp3 (3.0.5-3ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low
   * Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
     - debian/control, debian/dhcp3-server.init.d: LSB init script.
     - debian/dhclient.conf:
       + Remove the interface-mtu parameter, there are still to many DHCP
         servers out there supplying a wrong MTU. (LP#61989)
       + Drop default timeout from 60 to 30 seconds.
     - debian/dhclient-script.linux:
       + Wait for /etc/resolv.conf to become writable.
       + Do not clobber old search/domain values if we didn't get any from the
         DHCP response.
     - Deroot server and client:
       + debian/patches/droppriv.dpatch, deroot-client.dpatch,
         deroot-server.dpatch: Code changes.
       + debian/control: Build-depend on libcap-dev.
       + debian/dhcp3-client.files: Install call-dhclient-script.
       +{inst,rm}: Create/remove dhcp system user.
       + debian/dhcp3-server.init.d: Create paths with appropriate permissions
         for dhcpd system user access.
       + debian/{inst,rm}: Create/remove dhcpd system user.
       + debian/rules: Use the call-dhclient-script suid wrapper as client
     - Send hostname to DHCP server by default (#10239):
       + debian/patches/dynamic-hostname.dpatch: Add support for a new string
         type 'h' which behaves like 't' except that '<hostname>' is changed to
         the current hostname. Change 'host-name' DHCP option type from 't' to
       + debian/dhclient.conf: Enable send-hostname by default.
     - debian/dhcp3-server.config: Drop debconf question to medium.
     - debian/dhcp3-server.init.d: Allow LTSP to override default configuration
       in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf.
     - debian/patches/dhclient-onetry-call-clientscript.dpatch: Call
       'dhclient-script FAIL' when failing to get an address also when
        operating in oneshot mode (-1) to fix avahi-autoipd invocation through
     - debian/patches/dhcpd.conf-subnet-examples.dpatch: Give an example for
       subnet-mask in dhcpd.conf.
     - debian/patches/leave_lo_alone.dpatch: Don't take away the address of the
       loopback interface (LP#10174).
     - debian/patches/revert-next-server.dpatch: "revert the need of the
       next-server option in dhcpd.conf so it points to the own IP again for
       tftp if the option is not set" (from 3.0.3-6ubuntu4).
     - debian/dhclient-script.linux: Set a direct route to the gateway if subnet
       mask is, so that it gets actually reachable. This mask
       happens on PPP connections and other scenarios where all traffic should
       go through one host. (LP #33382)
     - debian/dhcp3-server.init.d: Fix test_config() to actually display the
       error in the config file. (LP #94804)
   * debian/patches/droppriv.dpatch: Do not bail out if the system user or
     group do not exist, just print a warning. We do not have the derooting
     infrastructure in the udeb.
 dhcp3 (3.0.5-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/rules: Don't ship dhclient-script in the udeb (closes: #398966)
   * debian/dhcp3-client-udeb.postinst: symlink /etc/dhclient-script to
     /sbin/dhclient-script until netcfg installs it in the right place
 dhcp3 (3.0.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * The "as Lintian clean as it's gonna get" release
   * debian/rules: Invoke configure such that the compiler flags can be
     influenced by DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS (I finally figured it out)
   * debian/dhcp-{prerm,postinst}.{prerm,postinst}: unconditionally use invoke-rc.d
   * debian/control: Bumped Standards-Version to (huzzah! finally!)
   * debian/dhclient.conf: revert change in 3.0.5-1 to not request anything
     in particular, seems to break some peoples networking (closes: #430064)
   * debian/dhclient.conf: request ntp-servers as well (closes: #407667)
 dhcp3 (3.0.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release
   * Remove patch for 64-bit, it's fixed upstream
   * debian/rules: move debhelper compatibility level setting to debian/compat
   * debian/dhclient.conf: don't restrict what parameters will be received (closes: #398378, #407667)
   * Remove a bunch of debconf messages that pertain to upgrading from Sarge (closes: #422037)
   * Updated Vietnamese debconf template translation (closes: #426993)
   * Updated German debconf template translation (closes: #428453)
   * Updated Portuguese debconf template translation (closes: #426919)
   * Updated Czech debconf template translation (closes: #427018)
   * Updated Russian debconf template translation (closes: #427823)
   * Added Tamil debconf template translation (closes: #428133)
   * Updated Italian debconf template translation (closes: #428152)
   * Updated Turkish debconf template translation (closes: #426490, #426400, #417548)
   * Updated Swedish debconf template translation (closes: #426270)
   * Updated Galician debconf template translation (closes: #426285)
   * Updated Spanish debconf template translation (closes: #426434)
   * Added Basque debconf template translation (closes: #426496)
   * Debconf templates and debian/control reviewed by the debian-l10n-english
     team as part of the Smith review project (closes: #425704)
 2834842805a122607f8037453dc16e69 874 net important dhcp3_3.0.5-3ubuntu1.dsc
 ce5d30d4645e4eab1f54561b487d1ec7 876591 net important dhcp3_3.0.5.orig.tar.gz
 686a65f9b4c62404d5e4c6adca6823ec 91583 net important dhcp3_3.0.5-3ubuntu1.diff.gz
Original-Maintainer: Eloy A. Paris <peloy at>
Package-Type: udeb

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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