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    <div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 2016年08月15日 16:02, Colin King wrote:<br>
      <pre wrap="">From: Colin Ian King <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:colin.king@canonical.com"><colin.king@canonical.com></a>

Changes in this release of ACPICA are detailed at the following
link on the ACPICA developer mailing list:

<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://lists.acpica.org/pipermail/devel/2016-July/000940.html">https://lists.acpica.org/pipermail/devel/2016-July/000940.html</a>

Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E" href="mailto:colin.king@canonical.com"><colin.king@canonical.com></a>
 src/acpica/Makefile.am                             |    1 -
 src/acpica/source/common/acfileio.c                |    9 +-
 src/acpica/source/common/acgetline.c               |    2 -
 src/acpica/source/common/adisasm.c                 |    2 -
 src/acpica/source/common/ahtable.c                 |    1 +
 src/acpica/source/common/cmfsize.c                 |   13 +-
 src/acpica/source/common/dmtable.c                 |    7 +
 src/acpica/source/common/dmtables.c                |    4 +-
 src/acpica/source/common/dmtbdump.c                |  184 ++-
 src/acpica/source/common/dmtbinfo.c                |   41 +-
 src/acpica/source/common/getopt.c                  |    4 +-
 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcompiler.h           |    1 -
 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcompiler.y           |  613 +++++++---
 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcstyle.y             |   33 +-
 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslhelpers.y            |  358 ++++++
 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslkeywords.y           |  424 +++++++
 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslmain.c               |   28 +-
 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslparser.y             |    6 +-
 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslprimaries.y          | 1232 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslresources.y          |  621 +---------
 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslrules.y              | 1208 ++-----------------
 src/acpica/source/compiler/asltokens.y             |   42 +-
 src/acpica/source/compiler/asltypes.y              |   51 +-
 src/acpica/source/compiler/dtcompiler.h            |    1 +
 src/acpica/source/compiler/dttable.c               |   70 +-
 src/acpica/source/compiler/dttemplate.h            |   10 +
 src/acpica/source/compiler/dtutils.c               |    6 +
 src/acpica/source/components/debugger/dbfileio.c   |   19 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbfadt.c       |   10 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbutils.c      |    2 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxface.c      |    4 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxfload.c     |    4 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxfroot.c     |    4 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utbuffer.c  |   26 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utdebug.c   |   30 -
 src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utinit.c    |    2 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utpredef.c  |    2 -
 src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utprint.c   |  121 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/utilities/uttrack.c   |    4 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utxface.c   |    2 +-
 src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utxfinit.c  |    6 +-
 src/acpica/source/include/acapps.h                 |   14 +-
 src/acpica/source/include/acconfig.h               |    4 +
 src/acpica/source/include/acdisasm.h               |    7 +-
 src/acpica/source/include/acglobal.h               |    1 +
 src/acpica/source/include/acpiosxf.h               |   67 +-
 src/acpica/source/include/acpixf.h                 |   27 +-
 src/acpica/source/include/actables.h               |    2 +-
 src/acpica/source/include/actbl.h                  |  164 +--
 src/acpica/source/include/actypes.h                |   10 -
 src/acpica/source/include/acutils.h                |   42 -
 src/acpica/source/include/platform/acenv.h         |   90 +-
 src/acpica/source/include/platform/acenvex.h       |   21 +-
 src/acpica/source/include/platform/acgcc.h         |   17 +-
 src/acpica/source/include/platform/acgccex.h       |  130 +++
 src/acpica/source/include/platform/aclinux.h       |   14 +-
 src/acpica/source/include/platform/aclinuxex.h     |    2 +-
 .../source/os_specific/service_layers/oslibcfs.c   |  330 ------
 .../source/os_specific/service_layers/osunixxf.c   |    3 -
 src/acpica/source/tools/acpiexec/aecommon.h        |    5 -
 src/acpica/source/tools/acpiexec/aeinitfile.c      |    3 +-
 61 files changed, 3352 insertions(+), 2809 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslhelpers.y
 create mode 100644 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslkeywords.y
 create mode 100644 src/acpica/source/compiler/aslprimaries.y
 create mode 100644 src/acpica/source/include/platform/acgccex.h
 delete mode 100644 src/acpica/source/os_specific/service_layers/oslibcfs.c

diff --git a/src/acpica/Makefile.am b/src/acpica/Makefile.am
index 28b458c..fb3c29a 100644
--- a/src/acpica/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/acpica/Makefile.am
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ libfwtsacpica_la_SOURCES =                            \
        fwts_acpica.c                                   \
        osunixxf_munged.c                               \
        dscontrol_munged.c                              \
-       source/os_specific/service_layers/oslibcfs.c    \
        source/components/debugger/dbcmds.c             \
        source/components/debugger/dbdisply.c           \
        source/components/debugger/dbexec.c             \
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/common/acfileio.c b/src/acpica/source/common/acfileio.c
index c00580f..b7d5039 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/common/acfileio.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/common/acfileio.c
@@ -115,10 +115,9 @@
 #include "acpi.h"
 #include "accommon.h"
-#include "acapps.h"
 #include "actables.h"
 #include "acutils.h"
-#include <errno.h>
+#include "acapps.h"
         ACPI_MODULE_NAME    ("acfileio")
@@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ AcGetAllTablesFromFile (
     File = fopen (Filename, "rb");
     if (!File)
-        perror ("Could not open input file");
+        fprintf (stderr, "Could not open input file: %s\n", Filename);
         if (errno == ENOENT)
             return (AE_NOT_EXIST);
@@ -352,7 +351,7 @@ AcGetOneTableFromFile (
     /* Allocate a buffer for the entire table */
-    Table = AcpiOsAllocate ((size_t) TableHeader.Length);
+    Table = AcpiOsAllocate ((ACPI_SIZE) TableHeader.Length);
     if (!Table)
         return (AE_NO_MEMORY);
@@ -460,7 +459,7 @@ AcValidateTableHeader (
     long                    TableOffset)
     ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       TableHeader;
-    size_t                  Actual;
+    ACPI_SIZE               Actual;
     long                    OriginalOffset;
     UINT32                  FileSize;
     UINT32                  i;
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/common/acgetline.c b/src/acpica/source/common/acgetline.c
index dfc0653..a28aaf7 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/common/acgetline.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/common/acgetline.c
@@ -119,8 +119,6 @@
 #include "acparser.h"
 #include "acdebug.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
  * This is an os-independent implementation of line-editing services needed
  * by the AcpiExec utility. It uses getchar() and putchar() and the existing
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/common/adisasm.c b/src/acpica/source/common/adisasm.c
index 520863c..2d46c50 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/common/adisasm.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/common/adisasm.c
@@ -121,8 +121,6 @@
 #include "acparser.h"
 #include "acapps.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
 #define _COMPONENT          ACPI_TOOLS
         ACPI_MODULE_NAME    ("adisasm")
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/common/ahtable.c b/src/acpica/source/common/ahtable.c
index 021ae33..59ddc83 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/common/ahtable.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/common/ahtable.c
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ const AH_TABLE      AcpiSupportedTables[] =
     {ACPI_SIG_NFIT, "NVDIMM Firmware Interface Table"},
     {ACPI_SIG_PCCT, "Platform Communications Channel Table"},
     {ACPI_SIG_PMTT, "Platform Memory Topology Table"},
+    {ACPI_SIG_RASF, "RAS Features Table"},
     {ACPI_RSDP_NAME,"Root System Description Pointer"},
     {ACPI_SIG_RSDT, "Root System Description Table"},
     {ACPI_SIG_S3PT, "S3 Performance Table"},
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/common/cmfsize.c b/src/acpica/source/common/cmfsize.c
index accdf22..2139e4b 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/common/cmfsize.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/common/cmfsize.c
@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@
 #include "acpi.h"
 #include "accommon.h"
 #include "acapps.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
 #define _COMPONENT          ACPI_TOOLS
         ACPI_MODULE_NAME    ("cmfsize")
@@ -146,19 +145,19 @@ CmGetFileSize (
     /* Save the current file pointer, seek to EOF to obtain file size */
-    CurrentOffset = AcpiOsGetFileOffset (File);
+    CurrentOffset = ftell (File);
     if (CurrentOffset < 0)
         goto OffsetError;
-    Status = AcpiOsSetFileOffset (File, 0, ACPI_FILE_END);
+    Status = fseek (File, 0, SEEK_END);
     if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
         goto SeekError;
-    FileSize = AcpiOsGetFileOffset (File);
+    FileSize = ftell (File);
     if (FileSize < 0)
         goto OffsetError;
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ CmGetFileSize (
     /* Restore original file pointer */
-    Status = AcpiOsSetFileOffset (File, CurrentOffset, ACPI_FILE_BEGIN);
+    Status = fseek (File, CurrentOffset, SEEK_SET);
     if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
         goto SeekError;
@@ -176,10 +175,10 @@ CmGetFileSize (
-    AcpiLogError ("Could not get file offset");
+    fprintf (stderr, "Could not get file offset\n");
     return (ACPI_UINT32_MAX);
-    AcpiLogError ("Could not set file offset");
+    fprintf (stderr, "Could not set file offset\n");
     return (ACPI_UINT32_MAX);
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/common/dmtable.c b/src/acpica/source/common/dmtable.c
index 51d91f8..ff0603d 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/common/dmtable.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/common/dmtable.c
@@ -430,6 +430,7 @@ const ACPI_DMTABLE_DATA     AcpiDmTableData[] =
     {ACPI_SIG_NFIT, AcpiDmTableInfoNfit,    AcpiDmDumpNfit, DtCompileNfit,  TemplateNfit},
     {ACPI_SIG_PCCT, AcpiDmTableInfoPcct,    AcpiDmDumpPcct, DtCompilePcct,  TemplatePcct},
     {ACPI_SIG_PMTT, NULL,                   AcpiDmDumpPmtt, DtCompilePmtt,  TemplatePmtt},
+    {ACPI_SIG_RASF, AcpiDmTableInfoRasf,    NULL,           NULL,           TemplateRasf},
     {ACPI_SIG_RSDT, NULL,                   AcpiDmDumpRsdt, DtCompileRsdt,  TemplateRsdt},
     {ACPI_SIG_S3PT, NULL,                   NULL,           NULL,           TemplateS3pt},
     {ACPI_SIG_SBST, AcpiDmTableInfoSbst,    NULL,           NULL,           TemplateSbst},
@@ -916,6 +917,11 @@ AcpiDmDumpTable (
             ByteLength = 10;
+        case ACPI_DMT_BUF12:
+            ByteLength = 12;
+            break;
         case ACPI_DMT_BUF16:
         case ACPI_DMT_UUID:
@@ -1078,6 +1084,7 @@ AcpiDmDumpTable (
         case ACPI_DMT_BUF7:
         case ACPI_DMT_BUF10:
+        case ACPI_DMT_BUF12:
         case ACPI_DMT_BUF16:
         case ACPI_DMT_BUF128:
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/common/dmtables.c b/src/acpica/source/common/dmtables.c
index 813ba83..06897dc 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/common/dmtables.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/common/dmtables.c
@@ -114,14 +114,12 @@
 #include "aslcompiler.h"
-#include "acapps.h"
 #include "acdispat.h"
 #include "acnamesp.h"
 #include "actables.h"
 #include "acparser.h"
+#include "acapps.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
 #define _COMPONENT          ACPI_TOOLS
         ACPI_MODULE_NAME    ("dmtables")
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/common/dmtbdump.c b/src/acpica/source/common/dmtbdump.c
index ae48276..fe4ce2f 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/common/dmtbdump.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/common/dmtbdump.c
@@ -124,12 +124,31 @@
         ACPI_MODULE_NAME    ("dmtbdump")
-/* Local prototypes */
+/* Table of revision-dependent FADT sizes */
-static void
-AcpiDmValidateFadtLength (
-    UINT32                  Revision,
-    UINT32                  Length);
+static const UINT32         FadtRevisionLength [ACPI_FADT_MAX_VERSION + 1] =
+    0,                      /* 0 - illegal */
+    ACPI_FADT_V1_SIZE,      /* 1 - ACPI 1.0 */
+    0,                      /* 2 - illegal */
+    ACPI_FADT_V3_SIZE,      /* 3 - ACPI 2.0 */
+    ACPI_FADT_V4_SIZE,      /* 4 - ACPI 3.0 and ACPI 4.0 */
+    ACPI_FADT_V5_SIZE,      /* 5 - ACPI 5.0 */
+    ACPI_FADT_V6_SIZE       /* 6 - ACPI 6.0 */
+/* Table of revision-dependent FADT info tables */
+ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           *FadtRevisionInfo [ACPI_FADT_MAX_VERSION + 1] =
+    NULL,                   /* 0 - illegal */
+    AcpiDmTableInfoFadt1,   /* 1 - ACPI 1.0 */
+    NULL,                   /* 2 - illegal */
+    AcpiDmTableInfoFadt3,   /* 3 - ACPI 2.0 */
+    AcpiDmTableInfoFadt4,   /* 4 - ACPI 3.0 and ACPI 4.0 */
+    AcpiDmTableInfoFadt5,   /* 5 - ACPI 5.0 */
+    AcpiDmTableInfoFadt6    /* 6 - ACPI 6.0 */
@@ -419,6 +438,11 @@ AcpiDmDumpXsdt (
  * DESCRIPTION: Format the contents of a FADT
+ *              Check the FADT revision against the expected table length for
+ *              that revision. Issue a warning if the length is not what was
+ *              expected. This seems to be such a common BIOS bug that the
+ *              FADT revision has been rendered virtually meaningless.
+ *
  * NOTE:        We cannot depend on the FADT version to indicate the actual
  *              contents of the FADT because of BIOS bugs. The table length
  *              is the only reliable indicator.
@@ -430,142 +454,72 @@ AcpiDmDumpFadt (
     ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *Table)
     ACPI_STATUS             Status;
+    UINT8                   FadtRevision;
+    UINT32                  ExpectedLength;
+    UINT32                  i;
-    /* Always dump the minimum FADT revision 1 fields (ACPI 1.0) */
+    FadtRevision = Table->Revision;
-    Status = AcpiDmDumpTable (Table->Length, 0, Table, 0,
-        AcpiDmTableInfoFadt1);
-    if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
+    /* FADT revision/length validation */
+    if ((FadtRevision == 0) ||
+        (FadtRevision == 2))
+        AcpiOsPrintf (
+            "// ACPI Warning: Invalid or unsupported FADT revision: %u\n",
+            FadtRevision);
-    /* Check for FADT revision 2 fields (ACPI 1.0B MS extensions) */
-    if ((Table->Length > ACPI_FADT_V1_SIZE) &&
-        (Table->Length <= ACPI_FADT_V2_SIZE))
+    if (FadtRevision > ACPI_FADT_MAX_VERSION)
-        Status = AcpiDmDumpTable (Table->Length, 0, Table, 0,
-            AcpiDmTableInfoFadt2);
-        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
+        AcpiOsPrintf ("// ACPI Warning: Revision %u is not fully supported, "
+            "disassembling known fields (up to revision %u)\n\n",
+            FadtRevision, ACPI_FADT_MAX_VERSION);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ExpectedLength = FadtRevisionLength[FadtRevision];
+        if (Table->Length != ExpectedLength)
-            return;
+            AcpiOsPrintf (
+                "// ACPI Warning: Input FADT revision %X does not match "
+                "expected length: found 0x%X expected 0x%X\n",
+                FadtRevision, Table->Length, ExpectedLength);
-    /* Check for FADT revision 3/4 fields and up (ACPI 2.0+ extended data) */
-    else if (Table->Length > ACPI_FADT_V2_SIZE)
+    /*
+     * Dump the input table on a per-version basis, but is actually
+     * based upon the length of the table. Table length must
+     * be larger than the required length of the previous version.
+     */
+    for (i = 1; i <= ACPI_FADT_MAX_VERSION; i++)
-        Status = AcpiDmDumpTable (Table->Length, 0, Table, 0,
-            AcpiDmTableInfoFadt3);
-        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
+        if (!FadtRevisionLength[i]) /* Skip any empty slots */
-            return;
+            continue;
-        /* Check for FADT revision 5 fields and up (ACPI 5.0+) */
+        /* Dump the fields specific to FADT revision[i] */
-        if (Table->Length > ACPI_FADT_V3_SIZE)
+        Status = AcpiDmDumpTable (Table->Length, 0, Table, 0,
+            FadtRevisionInfo[i]);
+        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
-            Status = AcpiDmDumpTable (Table->Length, 0, Table, 0,
-                AcpiDmTableInfoFadt5);
-            if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
-            {
-                return;
-            }
+            return;
-        /* Check for FADT revision 6 fields and up (ACPI 6.0+) */
-        if (Table->Length > ACPI_FADT_V3_SIZE)
+        if (Table->Length <= FadtRevisionLength[i])
-            Status = AcpiDmDumpTable (Table->Length, 0, Table, 0,
-                AcpiDmTableInfoFadt6);
-            if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
-            {
-                return;
-            }
+            break;  /* End of table */
-    /* Validate various fields in the FADT, including length */
+    /* Build a local FADT to test some FADT values */
     AcpiTbCreateLocalFadt (Table, Table->Length);
-    /* Validate FADT length against the revision */
-    AcpiDmValidateFadtLength (Table->Revision, Table->Length);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiDmValidateFadtLength
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Revision            - FADT revision (Header->Revision)
- *              Length              - FADT length (Header->Length
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Check the FADT revision against the expected table length for
- *              that revision. Issue a warning if the length is not what was
- *              expected. This seems to be such a common BIOS bug that the
- *              FADT revision has been rendered virtually meaningless.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-static void
-AcpiDmValidateFadtLength (
-    UINT32                  Revision,
-    UINT32                  Length)
-    UINT32                  ExpectedLength;
-    switch (Revision)
-    {
-    case 0:
-        AcpiOsPrintf ("// ACPI Warning: Invalid FADT revision: 0\n");
-        return;
-    case 1:
-        ExpectedLength = ACPI_FADT_V1_SIZE;
-        break;
-    case 2:
-        ExpectedLength = ACPI_FADT_V2_SIZE;
-        break;
-    case 3:
-    case 4:
-        ExpectedLength = ACPI_FADT_V3_SIZE;
-        break;
-    case 5:
-        ExpectedLength = ACPI_FADT_V5_SIZE;
-        break;
-    default:
-        return;
-    }
-    if (Length == ExpectedLength)
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    AcpiOsPrintf (
-        "\n// ACPI Warning: FADT revision %X does not match length: "
-        "found %X expected %X\n",
-        Revision, Length, ExpectedLength);
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/common/dmtbinfo.c b/src/acpica/source/common/dmtbinfo.c
index 5520da2..e920724 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/common/dmtbinfo.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/common/dmtbinfo.c
@@ -178,6 +178,7 @@
 #define ACPI_S3PT_OFFSET(f)             (UINT16) ACPI_OFFSET (ACPI_TABLE_S3PT,f)
@@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoFacs[] =
-/* ACPI 1.0 FADT (Version 1) */
+/* FADT version 1 (ACPI 1.0) */
 ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoFadt1[] =
@@ -557,18 +558,7 @@ ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoFadt1[] =
-/* ACPI 1.0 MS Extensions (FADT version 2) */
-ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoFadt2[] =
-    {ACPI_DMT_GAS,      ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (ResetRegister),           "Reset Register", 0},
-    {ACPI_DMT_UINT8,    ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (ResetValue),              "Value to cause reset", 0},
-    {ACPI_DMT_UINT16,   ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (ArmBootFlags),            "Reserved", 0},
-    {ACPI_DMT_UINT8,    ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (MinorRevision),           "Reserved", 0},
-/* ACPI 2.0+ Extensions (FADT version 3, 4, and 5) */
+/* FADT version 3 (ACPI 2.0) */
 ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoFadt3[] =
@@ -592,16 +582,23 @@ ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoFadt3[] =
-/* ACPI 5.0 Extensions (FADT version 5) */
+/* FADT version 4 (ACPI 3.0 and ACPI 4.0) */
-ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoFadt5[] =
+ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoFadt4[] =
     {ACPI_DMT_GAS,      ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (SleepControl),            "Sleep Control Register", 0},
+/* FADT version 5 (ACPI 5.0) */
+ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoFadt5[] =
     {ACPI_DMT_GAS,      ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (SleepStatus),             "Sleep Status Register", 0},
-/* ACPI 6.0 Extensions (FADT version 6) */
+/* FADT version 6 (ACPI 6.0) */
 ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoFadt6[] =
@@ -2512,6 +2509,18 @@ ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoPmtt2[] =
+ * RASF -  RAS Feature table
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO           AcpiDmTableInfoRasf[] =
+    {ACPI_DMT_BUF12,    ACPI_RASF_OFFSET (ChannelId[0]),            "Channel ID", 0},
+ *
  * S3PT - S3 Performance Table
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/common/getopt.c b/src/acpica/source/common/getopt.c
index 15eadc2..d309789 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/common/getopt.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/common/getopt.c
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 #include "acapps.h"
 #define ACPI_OPTION_ERROR(msg, badchar) \
-    if (AcpiGbl_Opterr) {AcpiLogError ("%s%c\n", msg, badchar);}
+    if (AcpiGbl_Opterr) {fprintf (stderr, "%s%c\n", msg, badchar);}
 int                 AcpiGbl_Opterr = 1;
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ AcpiGetoptArgument (
     else if (++AcpiGbl_Optind >= argc)
-        ACPI_OPTION_ERROR ("Option requires an argument: -", 'v');
+        ACPI_OPTION_ERROR ("\nOption requires an argument", 0);
         CurrentCharPtr = 1;
         return (-1);
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcompiler.h b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcompiler.h
index 4d02852..64a9ae7 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcompiler.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcompiler.h
@@ -134,7 +134,6 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcompiler.y b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcompiler.y
index fa5c64b..4dd34d4 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcompiler.y
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcompiler.y
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ void *
 AslLocalAllocate (
     unsigned int            Size);
 /* Bison/yacc configuration */
 #define static
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ AslLocalAllocate (
  * These shift/reduce conflicts are expected. There should be zero
  * reduce/reduce conflicts.
-%expect 101
+%expect 102
 /*! [Begin] no source code translation */
@@ -195,6 +196,16 @@ AslLocalAllocate (
+ * Most tokens are defined to return <i>, which is a UINT64.
+ *
+ * These tokens return <s>, a pointer to the associated lexed string:
+ *
+ */
@@ -608,12 +619,42 @@ AslLocalAllocate (
 %token <i> PARSEOP_FOR
+/* Structures */
+/* Top level */
+%token <i> PARSEOP_ASL_CODE
+ *
+ * Tokens below are not in the aslmap.c file
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Tokens below this are not in the aslmap.c file */
 /* Specific parentheses tokens are not used at this time */
            /* PARSEOP_EXP_PAREN_OPEN */
            /* PARSEOP_EXP_PAREN_CLOSE */
+/* ASL+ variable creation */
-%token <i> PARSEOP_ASL_CODE
  * Special functions. These should probably stay at the end of this
@@ -863,7 +904,6 @@ AslLocalAllocate (
 %type <n> PackageElement
 %type <n> PackageList
 %type <n> PackageTerm
-%type <n> VarPackageLengthTerm
 /* Macros */
@@ -935,9 +975,9 @@ AslLocalAllocate (
 %type <n> OptionalAddressRange
 %type <n> OptionalBitsPerByte
 %type <n> OptionalBuffer_Last
-%type <n> OptionalBufferLength
 %type <n> OptionalByteConstExpr
 %type <n> OptionalCount
+%type <n> OptionalDataCount
 %type <n> OptionalDecodeType
 %type <n> OptionalDevicePolarity
 %type <n> OptionalDWordConstExpr
@@ -954,6 +994,7 @@ AslLocalAllocate (
 %type <n> OptionalObjectTypeKeyword
 %type <n> OptionalParameterTypePackage
 %type <n> OptionalParameterTypesPackage
+%type <n> OptionalParentheses
 %type <n> OptionalParityType
 %type <n> OptionalPredicate
 %type <n> OptionalQWordConstExpr
@@ -978,12 +1019,57 @@ AslLocalAllocate (
 %type <n> OptionalXferSize
- * C-style expression parser
+ * ASL+ (C-style) parser
+/* Expressions and symbolic operators */
 %type <n> Expression
 %type <n> EqualsTerm
 %type <n> IndexExpTerm
+/* ASL+ Named object declaration support */
+%type <n> NameTermAslPlus
+%type <n> BufferBegin
+%type <n> BufferEnd
+%type <n> PackageBegin
+%type <n> PackageEnd
+%type <n> OptionalLength
+/* ASL+ Structure declarations */
+%type <n> StructureTerm
+%type <n> StructureTermBegin
+%type <n> StructureType
+%type <n> StructureTag
+%type <n> StructureElementList
+%type <n> StructureElement
+%type <n> StructureElementType
+%type <n> OptionalStructureElementType
+%type <n> StructureId
+/* Structure instantiantion */
+%type <n> StructureInstanceTerm
+%type <n> StructureTagReference
+%type <n> StructureInstanceEnd
+/* Pseudo-instantiantion for method Args/Locals */
+%type <n> MethodStructureTerm
+%type <n> LocalStructureName
+/* Direct structure references via the Index operator */
+%type <n> StructureReference
+%type <n> StructureIndexTerm
+%type <n> StructurePointerTerm
+%type <n> StructurePointerReference
+%type <n> OptionalDefinePointer
 /* Production rules */
@@ -1001,7 +1087,8 @@ AslLocalAllocate (
  * to handle output from preprocessors
-    : DefinitionBlockList           {$<n>$ = TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ASL_CODE),1, $1);}
+    : DefinitionBlockList           {$<n>$ = TrLinkChildren (
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ASL_CODE),1, $1);}
     | error                         {YYABORT; $$ = NULL;}
@@ -1034,7 +1121,8 @@ DefinitionBlockTerm
         String ','
         ')'                         {TrSetEndLineNumber ($<n>3);}
-            '{' TermList '}'        {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,$4,$6,$8,$10,$12,$14,$18);}
+            '{' TermList '}'        {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,
+                                        $4,$6,$8,$10,$12,$14,$18);}
@@ -1043,12 +1131,36 @@ DefinitionBlockList
         DefinitionBlockList         {$$ = TrLinkPeerNodes (2, $1,$2);}
+/* Allow IO, DMA, IRQ Resource macro and FOR macro names to also be used as identifiers */
+    : NameSeg                       {}
+    | PARSEOP_NAMESTRING            {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) $1);}
+    | PARSEOP_IO                    {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "IO");}
+    | PARSEOP_DMA                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "DMA");}
+    | PARSEOP_IRQ                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "IRQ");}
+    | PARSEOP_FOR                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "FOR");}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_NAMESEG               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESEG, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT)
+                                            TrNormalizeNameSeg ($1));}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_NAMESEG               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESEG,
+                                            (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) AslCompilerlval.s);}
+    ;
     : NameString                    {}
     | ArgTerm                       {}
     | LocalTerm                     {}
     | DebugTerm                     {}
     | Type6Opcode                   {}
+    ;
     :                               {$$ = TrCreateNullTarget ();} /* Placeholder is a ZeroOp object */
@@ -1062,6 +1174,8 @@ TermArg
     | NameString                    {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_IS_TERM_ARG);}
     | ArgTerm                       {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_IS_TERM_ARG);}
     | LocalTerm                     {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_IS_TERM_ARG);}
@@ -1086,9 +1200,26 @@ OptionalCount
     | ',' TermArg                   {$$ = $2;}
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG);}
-    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
+ * Data count for buffers and packages (byte count for buffers,
+ * element count for packages).
+ */
+        /* Legacy ASL */
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | '(' TermArg ')'               {$$ = $2;}
+    | '('  ')'                      {$$ = NULL;}
+        /* C-style (ASL+) -- adds equals term */
+    |  PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | '(' TermArg ')'
+        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS          {$$ = $2;}
+    | '('  ')' String
+        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS          {$$ = NULL;}
@@ -1143,6 +1274,7 @@ Object
     : CompilerDirective             {}
     | NamedObject                   {}
     | NameSpaceModifier             {}
+//    | StructureTerm                 {}
@@ -1175,7 +1307,8 @@ ParameterTypePackageList
     :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG);}
-    | ',' ParameterTypePackageList  {$$ = TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),1,$2);}
+    | ',' ParameterTypePackageList  {$$ = TrLinkChildren (
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),1,$2);}
     /* Rules for specifying the types for method arguments */
@@ -1194,17 +1327,22 @@ ParameterTypesPackageList
     :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG);}
-    | ',' ParameterTypesPackageList {$$ = TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),1,$2);}
+    | ',' ParameterTypesPackageList {$$ = TrLinkChildren (
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),1,$2);}
     /* ACPI 3.0 -- allow semicolons between terms */
     :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | TermList Term                 {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$2);}
-    | TermList Term ';'             {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$2);}
-    | TermList ';' Term             {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$3);}
-    | TermList ';' Term ';'         {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$3);}
+    | TermList Term                 {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$2);}
+    | TermList Term ';'             {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$2);}
+    | TermList ';' Term             {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$3);}
+    | TermList ';' Term ';'         {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$3);}
@@ -1312,29 +1450,37 @@ QWordConst
  * constant folding code in the node AmlLength field.
-    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 1);}
-    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 1);}
+    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 1);}
+    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 1);}
     | ConstExprTerm                 {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, $1);}
     | ByteConst                     {}
-    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 2);}
-    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 2);}
+    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 2);}
+    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 2);}
     | ConstExprTerm                 {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_WORDCONST, $1);}
     | WordConst                     {}
-    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 4);}
-    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 4);}
+    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 4);}
+    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 4);}
     | ConstExprTerm                 {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_DWORDCONST, $1);}
     | DWordConst                    {}
-    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 8);}
-    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 8);}
+    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 8);}
+    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 8);}
     | ConstExprTerm                 {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_QWORDCONST, $1);}
     | QWordConst                    {}
@@ -1355,11 +1501,13 @@ ConstExprTerm
-    : PARSEOP_INTEGER               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_INTEGER, AslCompilerlval.i);}
+    : PARSEOP_INTEGER               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_INTEGER,
+                                        AslCompilerlval.i);}
-    : PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL        {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) AslCompilerlval.s);}
+    : PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL        {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL,
+                                        (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) AslCompilerlval.s);}
@@ -1400,6 +1548,7 @@ NamedObject
     : AliasTerm                     {}
     | NameTerm                      {}
+//    | NameTermAslPlus               {}
     | ScopeTerm                     {}
@@ -1413,6 +1562,7 @@ ObjectTypeName
     | RefOfTerm                     {}
     | DerefOfTerm                   {}
     | IndexTerm                     {}
 /*    | MethodInvocationTerm          {} */  /* Caused reduce/reduce with Type6Opcode->MethodInvocationTerm */
@@ -1478,6 +1628,8 @@ Type2IntegerOpcode                  /* "Type3" opcodes */
     | FromBCDTerm                   {}
     | IncTerm                       {}
     | IndexTerm                     {}
+//    | StructureIndexTerm            {}
+//    | StructurePointerTerm          {}
     | LAndTerm                      {}
     | LEqualTerm                    {}
     | LGreaterTerm                  {}
@@ -1538,6 +1690,8 @@ Type4Opcode
+/* Type 5 opcodes are a subset of Type2 opcodes, and return a constant */
     : ResourceTemplateTerm          {}
     | UnicodeTerm                   {}
@@ -1550,12 +1704,66 @@ Type6Opcode
     | DerefOfTerm                   {}
     | IndexTerm                     {}
     | IndexExpTerm                  {}
+//    | StructureIndexTerm            {}
+//    | StructurePointerTerm          {}
     | MethodInvocationTerm          {}
+ * ASL Helper Terms
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+    : Integer                       {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_PACKAGE_LENGTH,
+                                        (ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT *) $1);}
+    ;
+    : ',' NameString                {$$ = $2;}
+    | ',' error                     {$$ = AslDoError (); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : ',' TermArg                   {$$ = $2;}
+    | ',' error                     {$$ = AslDoError (); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO);}       /* Placeholder is a ZeroOp object */
+    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO);}       /* Placeholder is a ZeroOp object */
+    | ',' TermArg                   {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO),
+                                            NODE_IS_NULL_RETURN);}       /* Placeholder is a ZeroOp object */
+    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' SerializeRuleKeyword      {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG);}
+    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | WordConst                     {$$ = $1;}
+    ;
+ *
  * ASL Primary Terms
@@ -1627,7 +1835,8 @@ BankFieldTerm
         ',' LockRuleKeyword
         ',' UpdateRuleKeyword
         ')' '{'
-            FieldUnitList '}'       {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,$4,$5,$6,$8,$10,$12,$15);}
+            FieldUnitList '}'       {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$8,$10,$12,$15);}
         error ')' '{' error '}'     {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1641,12 +1850,9 @@ BreakPointTerm
-    : PARSEOP_BUFFER '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BUFFER);}
-        OptionalBufferLength
-        ')' '{'
-            BufferTermData '}'      {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    : PARSEOP_BUFFER                {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BUFFER);}
+        OptionalDataCount
+        '{' BufferTermData '}'      {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>2,2,$3,$5);}
@@ -1674,7 +1880,8 @@ ConcatTerm
+    : PARSEOP_CONCATENATERESTEMPLATE '(' {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                            PARSEOP_CONCATENATERESTEMPLATE);}
@@ -1690,10 +1897,11 @@ ConnectionTerm
     | PARSEOP_CONNECTION '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CONNECTION);}
         ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3, 1,
-                                            TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETEMPLATE), 3,
-                                                TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
-                                                TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
-                                                $4));}
+                                        TrLinkChildren (
+                                            TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETEMPLATE), 3,
+                                            TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
+                                            TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
+                                            $4));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1715,7 +1923,8 @@ CopyObjectTerm
     : PARSEOP_COPYOBJECT '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_COPYOBJECT);}
         ',' SimpleTarget
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1725,7 +1934,8 @@ CreateBitFieldTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1735,7 +1945,8 @@ CreateByteFieldTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1745,7 +1956,8 @@ CreateDWordFieldTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1756,7 +1968,8 @@ CreateFieldTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,$4,$5,$6,TrSetNodeFlags ($7, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,$4,$5,$6,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($7, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1766,7 +1979,8 @@ CreateQWordFieldTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1776,7 +1990,8 @@ CreateWordFieldTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1787,7 +2002,8 @@ DataRegionTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$5,$6,$7);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$5,$6,$7);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1823,7 +2039,8 @@ DeviceTerm
     : PARSEOP_DEVICE '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEVICE);}
         ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1878,7 +2095,8 @@ ElseTerm
     : PARSEOP_EVENT '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_EVENT);}
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
     | PARSEOP_EVENT '('
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1976,7 +2194,8 @@ FunctionTerm
         ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
                                         TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0),
                                         TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SERIALIZERULE_NOTSERIAL),
                                         TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0),$5,$6,$9);}
@@ -2001,7 +2220,8 @@ IncludeTerm
-    : PARSEOP_INCLUDE_END           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INCLUDE_END); TrSetCurrentFilename ($$);}
+    : PARSEOP_INCLUDE_END           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INCLUDE_END);
+                                        TrSetCurrentFilename ($$);}
@@ -2057,7 +2277,8 @@ LGreaterEqualTerm
     : PARSEOP_LGREATEREQUAL '('     {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LLESS);}
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1, TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1,
+                                        TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2075,7 +2296,8 @@ LLessEqualTerm
     : PARSEOP_LLESSEQUAL '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LGREATER);}
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1, TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1,
+                                        TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2093,7 +2315,8 @@ LNotEqualTerm
     : PARSEOP_LNOTEQUAL '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LEQUAL);}
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1, TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1,
+                                        TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2170,7 +2393,9 @@ MethodTerm
         ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$5,$7,$8,$9,$10,$13);}
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
+                                        $5,$7,$8,$9,$10,$13);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2210,7 +2435,8 @@ MutexTerm
     : PARSEOP_MUTEX '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MUTEX);}
         ',' ByteConstExpr
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6);}
     | PARSEOP_MUTEX '('
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2219,7 +2445,8 @@ NameTerm
     : PARSEOP_NAME '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAME);}
         ',' DataObject
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6);}
     | PARSEOP_NAME '('
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2288,7 +2515,9 @@ OpRegionTerm
         ',' OpRegionSpaceIdTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6,$7,$8);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
+                                        $6,$7,$8);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2309,13 +2538,9 @@ OrTerm
-    : PARSEOP_PACKAGE '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_VAR_PACKAGE);}
-        VarPackageLengthTerm
-        ')' '{'
-            PackageList '}'         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
+    : PARSEOP_PACKAGE               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_VAR_PACKAGE);}
+        OptionalDataCount
+        '{' PackageList '}'         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>2,2,$3,$5);}
     : PARSEOP_POWERRESOURCE '('     {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_POWERRESOURCE);}
@@ -2323,7 +2548,9 @@ PowerResTerm
         ',' ByteConstExpr
         ',' WordConstExpr
         ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6,$8,$11);}
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
+                                        $6,$8,$11);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2351,7 +2578,9 @@ ProcessorTerm
         ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,5,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6,$7,$8,$11);}
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
+                                        $6,$7,$8,$11);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2372,7 +2601,8 @@ RawDataBufferTerm
     : PARSEOP_REFOF '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REFOF);}
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
     | PARSEOP_REFOF '('
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2397,7 +2627,10 @@ ReturnTerm
     : PARSEOP_RETURN '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RETURN);}
         ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-    | PARSEOP_RETURN                {$$ = TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RETURN),1,TrSetNodeFlags (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO), NODE_IS_NULL_RETURN));}
+    | PARSEOP_RETURN                {$$ = TrLinkChildren (
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RETURN),1,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO),
+                                            NODE_IS_NULL_RETURN));}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2406,7 +2639,8 @@ ScopeTerm
     : PARSEOP_SCOPE '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SCOPE);}
         ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
     | PARSEOP_SCOPE '('
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2467,7 +2701,8 @@ StoreTerm
     : PARSEOP_STORE '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STORE);}
         ',' SuperName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
     | PARSEOP_STORE '('
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2481,6 +2716,7 @@ SubtractTerm
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
     : PARSEOP_SWITCH '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SWITCH);}
@@ -2495,7 +2731,8 @@ ThermalZoneTerm
     : PARSEOP_THERMALZONE '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_THERMALZONE);}
         ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2503,7 +2740,8 @@ ThermalZoneTerm
     : PARSEOP_TIMER '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TIMER);}
         ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,0);}
-    | PARSEOP_TIMER                 {$$ = TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TIMER),0);}
+    | PARSEOP_TIMER                 {$$ = TrLinkChildren (
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TIMER),0);}
     | PARSEOP_TIMER '('
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -2639,59 +2877,6 @@ WhileTerm
- *
- * ASL Helper Terms
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-    : Integer                       {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_PACKAGE_LENGTH,(ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT *) $1);}
-    ;
-    : ',' NameString                {$$ = $2;}
-    | ',' error                     {$$ = AslDoError (); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : ',' TermArg                   {$$ = $2;}
-    | ',' error                     {$$ = AslDoError (); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO);}       /* Placeholder is a ZeroOp object */
-    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO);}       /* Placeholder is a ZeroOp object */
-    | ',' TermArg                   {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO), NODE_IS_NULL_RETURN);}       /* Placeholder is a ZeroOp object */
-    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' SerializeRuleKeyword      {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG);}
-    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | WordConst                     {$$ = $1;}
-    ;
@@ -2731,6 +2916,13 @@ OptionalWordConst
  *  13)     = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= ^= |=
+ *
+ * Basic operations for math and logical expressions.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
     /* Unary operators */
@@ -2789,33 +2981,43 @@ Expression
     | TermArg PARSEOP_EXP_LOGICAL_OR    {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOR);}
         TermArg                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$1,$4);}
-        /* Parentheses */
+    /* Parentheses */
     | '(' TermArg ')'                   { $$ = $2;}
-        /* Index term -- "= BUF1[5]" on right-hand side of an equals (source) */
+    /* Index term -- "= BUF1[5]" on right-hand side of an equals (source) */
-                                        {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEX);
+        TermArg PARSEOP_EXP_INDEX_RIGHT {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEX);
                                         TrLinkChildren ($$,3,$1,$3,TrCreateNullTarget ());}
-        /* Index term -- "BUF1[5] = " on left-hand side of an equals (target) */
+    /* Index term -- "BUF1[5] = " on left-hand side of an equals (target) */
-                                        {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEX);
+        TermArg PARSEOP_EXP_INDEX_RIGHT {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEX);
                                         TrLinkChildren ($$,3,$1,$3,TrCreateNullTarget ());}
+ *
+ * All assignment-type operations -- math and logical. Includes simple
+ * assignment and compound assignments.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
-    /* All assignment-type operations */
+    /* Simple Store() operation */
         TermArg                         {$$ = TrCreateAssignmentNode ($1, $3);}
+    /* Compound assignments -- Add (operand, operand, target) */
     | TermArg PARSEOP_EXP_ADD_EQ        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ADD);}
         TermArg                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$1,$4,
                                             TrSetNodeFlags (TrCreateTargetOperand ($1, NULL), NODE_IS_TARGET));}
@@ -3167,6 +3369,8 @@ XferTypeKeyword
  * ASL Resource Template Terms
@@ -3178,15 +3382,20 @@ XferTypeKeyword
  * Also, insert the EndTag at the end of the template.
+    : PARSEOP_RESOURCETEMPLATE OptionalParentheses
         ResourceMacroList '}'       {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETEMPLATE,4,
                                           TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
                                           TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
-                                          $5,
+                                          $4,
                                           TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ENDTAG));}
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | '(' ')'                       {$$ = NULL;}
+    ;
     :                               {$$ = NULL;}
     | ResourceMacroList
@@ -3261,7 +3470,8 @@ DWordIOTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3284,7 +3494,8 @@ DWordMemoryTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,16,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,16,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3305,7 +3516,8 @@ DWordSpaceTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3333,7 +3545,8 @@ ExtendedIOTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3355,7 +3568,8 @@ ExtendedMemoryTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3375,7 +3589,8 @@ ExtendedSpaceTerm
         ',' QWordConstExpr
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,13,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,13,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3414,7 +3629,8 @@ GpioIntTerm
         OptionalNameString          /* 15: DescriptorName */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 16: VendorData */
         ')' '{'
-            DWordConstExpr '}'      {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,11,$4,$6,$7,$9,$10,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$19);}
+            DWordConstExpr '}'      {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,11,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$9,$10,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$19);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3432,7 +3648,8 @@ GpioIoTerm
         OptionalNameString          /* 14: DescriptorName */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 15: VendorData */
         ')' '{'
-            DWordList '}'           {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,11,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$18);}
+            DWordList '}'           {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,11,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$18);}
     | PARSEOP_GPIO_IO '('
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3448,7 +3665,8 @@ I2cSerialBusTerm
         OptionalResourceType        /* 12: ResourceType */
         OptionalNameString          /* 13: DescriptorName */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 14: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,10,$4,$5,$7,$8,$10,$11,$12,$13,
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,10,
+                                        $4,$5,$7,$8,$10,$11,$12,$13,
                                         TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),$14);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3466,8 +3684,8 @@ I2cSerialBusTermV2
         OptionalNameString          /* 13: DescriptorName */
         OptionalShareType           /* 14: Share */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 15: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,10,$4,$5,$7,$8,$10,$11,$12,$13,
-                                        $14,$15);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,10,
+                                        $4,$5,$7,$8,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3482,7 +3700,8 @@ InterruptTerm
         ')' '{'
-            DWordList '}'           {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,8,$4,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$15);}
+            DWordList '}'           {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,8,
+                                        $4,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$15);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3575,7 +3794,8 @@ QWordIOTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3598,7 +3818,8 @@ QWordMemoryTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,16,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,16,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3619,7 +3840,8 @@ QWordSpaceTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3652,7 +3874,8 @@ SpiSerialBusTerm
         OptionalResourceType        /* 19: ResourceType */
         OptionalNameString          /* 20: DescriptorName */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 21: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
                                         TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),$21);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3674,8 +3897,8 @@ SpiSerialBusTermV2
         OptionalNameString          /* 20: DescriptorName */
         OptionalShareType           /* 21: Share */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 22: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
-                                        $21,$22);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3714,7 +3937,8 @@ UartSerialBusTerm
         OptionalResourceType        /* 19: ResourceType */
         OptionalNameString          /* 20: DescriptorName */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 21: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
                                         TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),$21);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3737,8 +3961,8 @@ UartSerialBusTermV2
         OptionalNameString          /* 20: DescriptorName */
         OptionalShareType           /* 21: Share */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 22: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
-                                        $21,$22);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3775,7 +3999,8 @@ WordBusNumberTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,12,$4,$5,$6,$7,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,12,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3797,7 +4022,8 @@ WordIOTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -3818,27 +4044,13 @@ WordSpaceTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-/******* Object References ***********************************************/
-/* Allow IO, DMA, IRQ Resource macro names to also be used as identifiers */
-    : NameSeg                       {}
-    | PARSEOP_NAMESTRING            {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) AslCompilerlval.s);}
-    | PARSEOP_IO                    {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "IO");}
-    | PARSEOP_DMA                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "DMA");}
-    | PARSEOP_IRQ                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "IRQ");}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_NAMESEG               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESEG, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) AslCompilerlval.s);}
-    ;
@@ -3848,9 +4060,12 @@ NameSeg
-    : ','                                       {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_MASTER);}
+    : ','                                   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                                PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_MASTER);}
+    | ',' PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_MASTER      {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                                PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_MASTER);}
+    | ',' PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_NOTMASTER   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                                PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_NOTMASTER);}
@@ -3861,8 +4076,10 @@ OptionalAccessAttribTerm
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0);}
-    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0);}
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0);}
+    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0);}
     | ',' ByteConstExpr             {$$ = $2;}
@@ -3926,8 +4143,12 @@ OptionalIoRestriction
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL, ACPI_TO_INTEGER (""));}   /* Placeholder is a NULL string */
-    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL, ACPI_TO_INTEGER (""));}   /* Placeholder is a NULL string */
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL,
+                                        ACPI_TO_INTEGER (""));}   /* Placeholder is a NULL string */
+    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL,
+                                        ACPI_TO_INTEGER (""));}   /* Placeholder is a NULL string */
     | ',' TermArg                   {$$ = $2;}
@@ -3959,12 +4180,14 @@ OptionalNameString_Last
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO);}
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_ZERO);}
     | NameString                    {$$ = $1;}
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_UNK);}
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_UNK);}
     | ',' ObjectTypeKeyword         {$$ = $2;}
@@ -3985,19 +4208,25 @@ OptionalRangeType
-    :                                   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_BOTH);}
+    :                                   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                            PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_BOTH);}
+    | PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_BOTH        {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                            PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_BOTH);}
+    | PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_READONLY    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                            PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_READONLY);}
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
     | ResourceTypeKeyword           {$$ = $1;}
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
-    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
+    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
     | ',' ResourceTypeKeyword       {$$ = $2;}
@@ -4057,8 +4286,10 @@ OptionalWordConstExpr
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32, 2);}
-    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32, 2);}
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32, 2);}
+    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32, 2);}
     | ',' XferSizeKeyword           {$$ = $2;}
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcstyle.y b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcstyle.y
index f510b87..305d60d 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcstyle.y
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslcstyle.y
@@ -154,6 +154,13 @@ NoEcho('
  *  13)     = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= ^= |=
+ *
+ * Basic operations for math and logical expressions.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
     /* Unary operators */
@@ -212,33 +219,43 @@ Expression
     | TermArg PARSEOP_EXP_LOGICAL_OR    {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOR);}
         TermArg                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$1,$4);}
-        /* Parentheses */
+    /* Parentheses */
     | '(' TermArg ')'                   { $$ = $2;}
-        /* Index term -- "= BUF1[5]" on right-hand side of an equals (source) */
+    /* Index term -- "= BUF1[5]" on right-hand side of an equals (source) */
-                                        {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEX);
+        TermArg PARSEOP_EXP_INDEX_RIGHT {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEX);
                                         TrLinkChildren ($$,3,$1,$3,TrCreateNullTarget ());}
-        /* Index term -- "BUF1[5] = " on left-hand side of an equals (target) */
+    /* Index term -- "BUF1[5] = " on left-hand side of an equals (target) */
-                                        {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEX);
+        TermArg PARSEOP_EXP_INDEX_RIGHT {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEX);
                                         TrLinkChildren ($$,3,$1,$3,TrCreateNullTarget ());}
+ *
+ * All assignment-type operations -- math and logical. Includes simple
+ * assignment and compound assignments.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
-    /* All assignment-type operations */
+    /* Simple Store() operation */
         TermArg                         {$$ = TrCreateAssignmentNode ($1, $3);}
+    /* Compound assignments -- Add (operand, operand, target) */
     | TermArg PARSEOP_EXP_ADD_EQ        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ADD);}
         TermArg                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$1,$4,
                                             TrSetNodeFlags (TrCreateTargetOperand ($1, NULL), NODE_IS_TARGET));}
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslhelpers.y b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslhelpers.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed96eba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslhelpers.y
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+ *
+ * Module Name: aslhelpers.y - helper and option terms
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * 1. Copyright Notice
+ *
+ * Some or all of this work - Copyright (c) 1999 - 2016, Intel Corp.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * 2. License
+ *
+ * 2.1. This is your license from Intel Corp. under its intellectual property
+ * rights. You may have additional license terms from the party that provided
+ * you this software, covering your right to use that party's intellectual
+ * property rights.
+ *
+ * 2.2. Intel grants, free of charge, to any person ("Licensee") obtaining a
+ * copy of the source code appearing in this file ("Covered Code") an
+ * irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide license under Intel's copyrights in the
+ * base code distributed originally by Intel ("Original Intel Code") to copy,
+ * make derivatives, distribute, use and display any portion of the Covered
+ * Code in any form, with the right to sublicense such rights; and
+ *
+ * 2.3. Intel grants Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable patent
+ * license (with the right to sublicense), under only those claims of Intel
+ * patents that are infringed by the Original Intel Code, to make, use, sell,
+ * offer to sell, and import the Covered Code and derivative works thereof
+ * solely to the minimum extent necessary to exercise the above copyright
+ * license, and in no event shall the patent license extend to any additions
+ * to or modifications of the Original Intel Code. No other license or right
+ * is granted directly or by implication, estoppel or otherwise;
+ *
+ * The above copyright and patent license is granted only if the following
+ * conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 3. Conditions
+ *
+ * 3.1. Redistribution of Source with Rights to Further Distribute Source.
+ * Redistribution of source code of any substantial portion of the Covered
+ * Code or modification with rights to further distribute source must include
+ * the above Copyright Notice, the above License, this list of Conditions,
+ * and the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance provision. In addition,
+ * Licensee must cause all Covered Code to which Licensee contributes to
+ * contain a file documenting the changes Licensee made to create that Covered
+ * Code and the date of any change. Licensee must include in that file the
+ * documentation of any changes made by any predecessor Licensee. Licensee
+ * must include a prominent statement that the modification is derived,
+ * directly or indirectly, from Original Intel Code.
+ *
+ * 3.2. Redistribution of Source with no Rights to Further Distribute Source.
+ * Redistribution of source code of any substantial portion of the Covered
+ * Code or modification without rights to further distribute source must
+ * include the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance provision in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with distribution. In
+ * addition, Licensee may not authorize further sublicense of source of any
+ * portion of the Covered Code, and must include terms to the effect that the
+ * license from Licensee to its licensee is limited to the intellectual
+ * property embodied in the software Licensee provides to its licensee, and
+ * not to intellectual property embodied in modifications its licensee may
+ * make.
+ *
+ * 3.3. Redistribution of Executable. Redistribution in executable form of any
+ * substantial portion of the Covered Code or modification must reproduce the
+ * above Copyright Notice, and the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance
+ * provision in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ * 3.4. Intel retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Original
+ * Intel Code.
+ *
+ * 3.5. Neither the name Intel nor any other trademark owned or controlled by
+ * Intel shall be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+ * other dealings in products derived from or relating to the Covered Code
+ * without prior written authorization from Intel.
+ *
+ * 4. Disclaimer and Export Compliance
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * 4.3. Licensee shall not export, either directly or indirectly, any of this
+ * software or system incorporating such software without first obtaining any
+ * required license or other approval from the U. S. Department of Commerce or
+ * any other agency or department of the United States Government. In the
+ * event Licensee exports any such software from the United States or
+ * re-exports any such software from a foreign destination, Licensee shall
+ * ensure that the distribution and export/re-export of the software is in
+ * compliance with all laws, regulations, orders, or other restrictions of the
+ * U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Licensee agrees that neither it nor
+ * any of its subsidiaries will export/re-export any technical data, process,
+ * software, or service, directly or indirectly, to any country for which the
+ * United States government or any agency thereof requires an export license,
+ * other governmental approval, or letter of assurance, without first obtaining
+ * such license, approval or letter.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * ASL Helper Terms
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+    : ','                                   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                                PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_MASTER);}
+    | ',' PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_MASTER      {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                                PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_MASTER);}
+    | ',' PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_NOTMASTER   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                                PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_NOTMASTER);}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' ByteConstExpr             {$$ = $2;}
+    | ',' AccessAttribKeyword       {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0);}
+    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0);}
+    | ',' ByteConstExpr             {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' AddressingModeKeyword     {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' AddressKeyword            {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' BitsPerByteKeyword        {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' RawDataBufferTerm         {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' ByteConstExpr             {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' DecodeKeyword             {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' DevicePolarityKeyword     {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' DWordConstExpr            {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' EndianKeyword             {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' FlowControlKeyword        {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' IoRestrictionKeyword      {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL,
+                                        ACPI_TO_INTEGER (""));}   /* Placeholder is a NULL string */
+    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL,
+                                        ACPI_TO_INTEGER (""));}   /* Placeholder is a NULL string */
+    | ',' TermArg                   {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' MaxKeyword                {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' MemTypeKeyword            {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' MinKeyword                {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' NameString                {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' NameString                {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_ZERO);}
+    | NameString                    {$$ = $1;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_UNK);}
+    | ',' ObjectTypeKeyword         {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' ParityTypeKeyword         {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' QWordConstExpr            {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' RangeTypeKeyword          {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                                   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                            PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_BOTH);}
+    | PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_BOTH        {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                            PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_BOTH);}
+    | PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_READONLY    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                            PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_READONLY);}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
+    | ResourceTypeKeyword           {$$ = $1;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
+    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
+    | ',' ResourceTypeKeyword       {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' SlaveModeKeyword          {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' ShareTypeKeyword          {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ShareTypeKeyword              {$$ = $1;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' StopBitsKeyword           {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' StringData                {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' TranslationKeyword        {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' TypeKeyword               {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' TypeKeyword               {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' WireModeKeyword           {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | ',' WordConstExpr             {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32, 2);}
+    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (
+                                        PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32, 2);}
+    | ',' XferSizeKeyword           {$$ = $2;}
+    ;
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslkeywords.y b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslkeywords.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..644a1a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslkeywords.y
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+ *
+ * Module Name: aslkeywords.y - Rules for resource descriptor keywords
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * 1. Copyright Notice
+ *
+ * Some or all of this work - Copyright (c) 1999 - 2016, Intel Corp.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * 2. License
+ *
+ * 2.1. This is your license from Intel Corp. under its intellectual property
+ * rights. You may have additional license terms from the party that provided
+ * you this software, covering your right to use that party's intellectual
+ * property rights.
+ *
+ * 2.2. Intel grants, free of charge, to any person ("Licensee") obtaining a
+ * copy of the source code appearing in this file ("Covered Code") an
+ * irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide license under Intel's copyrights in the
+ * base code distributed originally by Intel ("Original Intel Code") to copy,
+ * make derivatives, distribute, use and display any portion of the Covered
+ * Code in any form, with the right to sublicense such rights; and
+ *
+ * 2.3. Intel grants Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable patent
+ * license (with the right to sublicense), under only those claims of Intel
+ * patents that are infringed by the Original Intel Code, to make, use, sell,
+ * offer to sell, and import the Covered Code and derivative works thereof
+ * solely to the minimum extent necessary to exercise the above copyright
+ * license, and in no event shall the patent license extend to any additions
+ * to or modifications of the Original Intel Code. No other license or right
+ * is granted directly or by implication, estoppel or otherwise;
+ *
+ * The above copyright and patent license is granted only if the following
+ * conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 3. Conditions
+ *
+ * 3.1. Redistribution of Source with Rights to Further Distribute Source.
+ * Redistribution of source code of any substantial portion of the Covered
+ * Code or modification with rights to further distribute source must include
+ * the above Copyright Notice, the above License, this list of Conditions,
+ * and the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance provision. In addition,
+ * Licensee must cause all Covered Code to which Licensee contributes to
+ * contain a file documenting the changes Licensee made to create that Covered
+ * Code and the date of any change. Licensee must include in that file the
+ * documentation of any changes made by any predecessor Licensee. Licensee
+ * must include a prominent statement that the modification is derived,
+ * directly or indirectly, from Original Intel Code.
+ *
+ * 3.2. Redistribution of Source with no Rights to Further Distribute Source.
+ * Redistribution of source code of any substantial portion of the Covered
+ * Code or modification without rights to further distribute source must
+ * include the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance provision in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with distribution. In
+ * addition, Licensee may not authorize further sublicense of source of any
+ * portion of the Covered Code, and must include terms to the effect that the
+ * license from Licensee to its licensee is limited to the intellectual
+ * property embodied in the software Licensee provides to its licensee, and
+ * not to intellectual property embodied in modifications its licensee may
+ * make.
+ *
+ * 3.3. Redistribution of Executable. Redistribution in executable form of any
+ * substantial portion of the Covered Code or modification must reproduce the
+ * above Copyright Notice, and the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance
+ * provision in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ * 3.4. Intel retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Original
+ * Intel Code.
+ *
+ * 3.5. Neither the name Intel nor any other trademark owned or controlled by
+ * Intel shall be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+ * other dealings in products derived from or relating to the Covered Code
+ * without prior written authorization from Intel.
+ *
+ * 4. Disclaimer and Export Compliance
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * 4.3. Licensee shall not export, either directly or indirectly, any of this
+ * software or system incorporating such software without first obtaining any
+ * required license or other approval from the U. S. Department of Commerce or
+ * any other agency or department of the United States Government. In the
+ * event Licensee exports any such software from the United States or
+ * re-exports any such software from a foreign destination, Licensee shall
+ * ensure that the distribution and export/re-export of the software is in
+ * compliance with all laws, regulations, orders, or other restrictions of the
+ * U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Licensee agrees that neither it nor
+ * any of its subsidiaries will export/re-export any technical data, process,
+ * software, or service, directly or indirectly, to any country for which the
+ * United States government or any agency thereof requires an export license,
+ * other governmental approval, or letter of assurance, without first obtaining
+ * such license, approval or letter.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * ASL Parameter Keyword Terms
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+        ByteConst
+        ')'                                 {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        ByteConst
+        ')'                                 {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        ByteConst
+        ')'                                 {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_ANY                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_ANY);}
+    | PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_BYTE               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_BYTE);}
+    | PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_WORD               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_WORD);}
+    | PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_DWORD              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_DWORD);}
+    | PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_QWORD              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_QWORD);}
+    | PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_BUF                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_BUF);}
+    ;
+    ;
+    | PARSEOP_ADDRESSTYPE_NVS               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ADDRESSTYPE_NVS);}
+    | PARSEOP_ADDRESSTYPE_ACPI              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ADDRESSTYPE_ACPI);}
+    ;
+    : ByteConst                             {$$ = UtCheckIntegerRange ($1, 0x0A, 0xFF);}
+    | RegionSpaceKeyword                    {}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_FIVE              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_FIVE);}
+    | PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_SIX               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_SIX);}
+    | PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_NINE              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_NINE);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_CLOCKPHASE_FIRST              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CLOCKPHASE_FIRST);}
+    ;
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_DECODETYPE_POS                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DECODETYPE_POS);}
+    | PARSEOP_DECODETYPE_SUB                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DECODETYPE_SUB);}
+    ;
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_DMATYPE_A                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DMATYPE_A);}
+    | PARSEOP_DMATYPE_B                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DMATYPE_B);}
+    | PARSEOP_DMATYPE_F                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DMATYPE_F);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_ENDIAN_LITTLE                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ENDIAN_LITTLE);}
+    | PARSEOP_ENDIAN_BIG                    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ENDIAN_BIG);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_HW                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_HW);}
+    | PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_NONE              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_NONE);}
+    | PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_SW                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_SW);}
+    ;
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_INTTYPE_EDGE                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INTTYPE_EDGE);}
+    | PARSEOP_INTTYPE_LEVEL                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INTTYPE_LEVEL);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_IODECODETYPE_16               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IODECODETYPE_16);}
+    | PARSEOP_IODECODETYPE_10               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IODECODETYPE_10);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_IN                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_IN);}
+    | PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_OUT                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_OUT);}
+    | PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_NONE               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_NONE);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LOCKRULE_LOCK                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCKRULE_LOCK);}
+    | PARSEOP_LOCKRULE_NOLOCK               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCKRULE_NOLOCK);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MTR                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MTR);}
+    | PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MEQ                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MEQ);}
+    | PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MLE                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MLE);}
+    | PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MLT                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MLT);}
+    | PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MGE                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MGE);}
+    | PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MGT                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MGT);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_MAXTYPE_FIXED                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MAXTYPE_FIXED);}
+    | PARSEOP_MAXTYPE_NOTFIXED              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MAXTYPE_NOTFIXED);}
+    ;
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_MINTYPE_FIXED                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MINTYPE_FIXED);}
+    | PARSEOP_MINTYPE_NOTFIXED              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MINTYPE_NOTFIXED);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_UNK                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_UNK);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_INT                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_INT);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_STR                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_STR);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_BUF                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_BUF);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_PKG                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_PKG);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_FLD                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_FLD);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_DEV                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_DEV);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_EVT                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_EVT);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_MTH                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_MTH);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_MTX                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_MTX);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_OPR                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_OPR);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_POW                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_POW);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_PRO                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_PRO);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_THZ                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_THZ);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_BFF                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_BFF);}
+    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_DDB                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_DDB);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_SPACE              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_SPACE);}
+    | PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_MARK               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_MARK);}
+    | PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_ODD                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_ODD);}
+    | PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_EVEN               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_EVEN);}
+    | PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_NONE               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_NONE);}
+    ;
+    : PinConfigKeyword                      {$$ = $1;}
+    | ByteConstExpr                         {$$ = UtCheckIntegerRange ($1, 0x80, 0xFF);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_PIN_NOPULL                    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PIN_NOPULL);}
+    | PARSEOP_PIN_PULLDOWN                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PIN_PULLDOWN);}
+    | PARSEOP_PIN_PULLUP                    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PIN_PULLUP);}
+    | PARSEOP_PIN_PULLDEFAULT               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PIN_PULLDEFAULT);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_PLD_REVISION                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_REVISION);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_IGNORECOLOR               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_IGNORECOLOR);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_RED                       {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_RED);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_GREEN                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_GREEN);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_BLUE                      {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_BLUE);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_WIDTH                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_WIDTH);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_HEIGHT                    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_HEIGHT);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_USERVISIBLE               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_USERVISIBLE);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_DOCK                      {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_DOCK);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_LID                       {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_LID);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_PANEL                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_PANEL);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_SHAPE                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_SHAPE);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_GROUPTOKEN                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_GROUPTOKEN);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_BAY                       {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_BAY);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_EJECTABLE                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_EJECTABLE);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_REFERENCE                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_REFERENCE);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_ROTATION                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_ROTATION);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_ORDER                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_ORDER);}
+    | PARSEOP_PLD_RESERVED                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_RESERVED);}
+    ;
+    | PARSEOP_RANGETYPE_ENTIRE              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RANGETYPE_ENTIRE);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_IO                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_IO);}
+    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_MEM               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_MEM);}
+    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_PCI               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_PCI);}
+    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_EC                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_EC);}
+    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_CMOS              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_CMOS);}
+    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_IPMI              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_IPMI);}
+    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_GPIO              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_GPIO);}
+    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_PCC               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_PCC);}
+    ;
+    ;
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_SHARETYPE_SHARED              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SHARETYPE_SHARED);}
+   ;
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_STOPBITS_TWO                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STOPBITS_TWO);}
+    | PARSEOP_STOPBITS_ONE                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STOPBITS_ONE);}
+    | PARSEOP_STOPBITS_ZERO                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STOPBITS_ZERO);}
+    ;
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_TYPE_TRANSLATION              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TYPE_TRANSLATION);}
+    | PARSEOP_TYPE_STATIC                   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TYPE_STATIC);}
+    ;
+    | PARSEOP_UPDATERULE_ONES               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_UPDATERULE_ONES);}
+    | PARSEOP_UPDATERULE_ZEROS              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_UPDATERULE_ZEROS);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_WIREMODE_FOUR                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_WIREMODE_FOUR);}
+    | PARSEOP_WIREMODE_THREE                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_WIREMODE_THREE);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_8                    {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_8,   0);}
+    | PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_16                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_16,  1);}
+    | PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32,  2);}
+    | PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_64                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_64,  3);}
+    | PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_128                  {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_128, 4);}
+    | PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_256                  {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_256, 5);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_8                    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_8);}
+    | PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_8_16                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_8_16);}
+    | PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_16                   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_16);}
+    ;
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslmain.c b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslmain.c
index 671c76f..4233ad3 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslmain.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslmain.c
@@ -169,8 +169,6 @@ Usage (
     printf ("\nGeneral:\n");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-@ <file>",       "Specify command file");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-I <dir>",        "Specify additional include directory");
-    ACPI_OPTION ("-T <sig list>|ALL",   "Create ACPI table template/example files");
-    ACPI_OPTION ("-T <count>",      "Emit DSDT and <count> SSDTs to same file");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-p <prefix>",     "Specify path/filename prefix for all output files");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-v",              "Display compiler version");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-vo",             "Enable optimization comments");
@@ -195,7 +193,7 @@ Usage (
     ACPI_OPTION ("-vi",             "Less verbose errors and warnings for use with IDEs");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-vr",             "Disable remarks");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-vw <messageid>", "Disable specific warning or remark");
-    ACPI_OPTION ("-w1 -w2 -w3",     "Set warning reporting level");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-w <1|2|3>",      "Set warning reporting level");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-we",             "Report warnings as errors");
     printf ("\nAML Code Generation (*.aml):\n");
@@ -208,21 +206,31 @@ Usage (
     ACPI_OPTION ("-in",             "Ignore NoOp operators");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-r <revision>",   "Override table header Revision (1-255)");
-    printf ("\nOptional Source Code Output Files:\n");
-    ACPI_OPTION ("-sc -sa",         "Create source file in C or assembler (*.c or *.asm)");
-    ACPI_OPTION ("-ic -ia",         "Create include file in C or assembler (*.h or *.inc)");
-    ACPI_OPTION ("-tc -ta -ts",     "Create hex AML table in C, assembler, or ASL (*.hex)");
-    ACPI_OPTION ("-so",             "Create offset table in C (*.offset.h)");
-    printf ("\nOptional Listing Files:\n");
+    printf ("\nListings:\n");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-l",              "Create mixed listing file (ASL source and AML) (*.lst)");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-lm",             "Create hardware summary map file (*.map)");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-ln",             "Create namespace file (*.nsp)");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-ls",             "Create combined source file (expanded includes) (*.src)");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-lx",             "Create cross-reference file (*.xrf)");
+    printf ("\nFirmware Support - C Output:\n");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-tc",             "Create hex AML table in C (*.hex)");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-sc",             "Create named hex AML arrays in C (*.c)");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-ic",             "Create include file in C for -sc symbols (*.h)");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-so",             "Create namespace AML offset table in C (*.offset.h)");
+    printf ("\nFirmware Support - Assembler Output:\n");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-ta",             "Create hex AML table in assembler (*.hex)");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-sa",             "Create named hex AML arrays in assembler (*.asm)");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-ia",             "Create include file in assembler for -sa symbols (*.inc)");
+    printf ("\nFirmware Support - ASL Output:\n");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-ts",             "Create hex AML table in ASL (Buffer object) (*.hex)");
     printf ("\nData Table Compiler:\n");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-G",              "Compile custom table that contains generic operators");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-T <sig list>|ALL",   "Create ACPI table template/example files");
+    ACPI_OPTION ("-T <count>",      "Emit DSDT and <count> SSDTs to same file");
     ACPI_OPTION ("-vt",             "Create verbose template files (full disassembly)");
     printf ("\nAML Disassembler:\n");
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslparser.y b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslparser.y
index 1d6210b..cca976b 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslparser.y
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslparser.y
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ void *
 AslLocalAllocate (
     unsigned int            Size);
 /* Bison/yacc configuration */
 #define static
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ AslLocalAllocate (
  * These shift/reduce conflicts are expected. There should be zero
  * reduce/reduce conflicts.
-%expect 101
+%expect 102
 /*! [Begin] no source code translation */
@@ -194,8 +195,11 @@ m4_include(asltypes.y)
 /* Production rules */
 /*! [End] no source code translation !*/
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslprimaries.y b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslprimaries.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..605c889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslprimaries.y
@@ -0,0 +1,1232 @@
+ *
+ * Module Name: aslprimaries.y - Rules for primary ASL operators
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * 1. Copyright Notice
+ *
+ * Some or all of this work - Copyright (c) 1999 - 2016, Intel Corp.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * 2. License
+ *
+ * 2.1. This is your license from Intel Corp. under its intellectual property
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+ *
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+ * irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide license under Intel's copyrights in the
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+ * make derivatives, distribute, use and display any portion of the Covered
+ * Code in any form, with the right to sublicense such rights; and
+ *
+ * 2.3. Intel grants Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable patent
+ * license (with the right to sublicense), under only those claims of Intel
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+ * is granted directly or by implication, estoppel or otherwise;
+ *
+ * The above copyright and patent license is granted only if the following
+ * conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 3. Conditions
+ *
+ * 3.1. Redistribution of Source with Rights to Further Distribute Source.
+ * Redistribution of source code of any substantial portion of the Covered
+ * Code or modification with rights to further distribute source must include
+ * the above Copyright Notice, the above License, this list of Conditions,
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+ * Licensee must cause all Covered Code to which Licensee contributes to
+ * contain a file documenting the changes Licensee made to create that Covered
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+ * must include a prominent statement that the modification is derived,
+ * directly or indirectly, from Original Intel Code.
+ *
+ * 3.2. Redistribution of Source with no Rights to Further Distribute Source.
+ * Redistribution of source code of any substantial portion of the Covered
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+ * addition, Licensee may not authorize further sublicense of source of any
+ * portion of the Covered Code, and must include terms to the effect that the
+ * license from Licensee to its licensee is limited to the intellectual
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+ * not to intellectual property embodied in modifications its licensee may
+ * make.
+ *
+ * 3.3. Redistribution of Executable. Redistribution in executable form of any
+ * substantial portion of the Covered Code or modification must reproduce the
+ * above Copyright Notice, and the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance
+ * provision in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ * 3.4. Intel retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Original
+ * Intel Code.
+ *
+ * 3.5. Neither the name Intel nor any other trademark owned or controlled by
+ * Intel shall be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+ * other dealings in products derived from or relating to the Covered Code
+ * without prior written authorization from Intel.
+ *
+ * 4. Disclaimer and Export Compliance
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * 4.3. Licensee shall not export, either directly or indirectly, any of this
+ * software or system incorporating such software without first obtaining any
+ * required license or other approval from the U. S. Department of Commerce or
+ * any other agency or department of the United States Government. In the
+ * event Licensee exports any such software from the United States or
+ * re-exports any such software from a foreign destination, Licensee shall
+ * ensure that the distribution and export/re-export of the software is in
+ * compliance with all laws, regulations, orders, or other restrictions of the
+ * U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Licensee agrees that neither it nor
+ * any of its subsidiaries will export/re-export any technical data, process,
+ * software, or service, directly or indirectly, to any country for which the
+ * United States government or any agency thereof requires an export license,
+ * other governmental approval, or letter of assurance, without first obtaining
+ * such license, approval or letter.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * ASL Primary Terms
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+        AccessTypeKeyword
+        OptionalAccessAttribTerm
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSAS,2,$3,$4);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_ACQUIRE '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACQUIRE);}
+        SuperName
+        ',' WordConstExpr
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$6);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_ADD '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ADD);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+    | PARSEOP_ADD '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_ALIAS '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ALIAS);}
+        NameString
+        NameStringItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($5, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+    | PARSEOP_ALIAS '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_AND '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_AND);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+    | PARSEOP_AND '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_ARG0                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG0);}
+    | PARSEOP_ARG1                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG1);}
+    | PARSEOP_ARG2                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG2);}
+    | PARSEOP_ARG3                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG3);}
+    | PARSEOP_ARG4                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG4);}
+    | PARSEOP_ARG5                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG5);}
+    | PARSEOP_ARG6                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG6);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_BANKFIELD '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BANKFIELD);}
+        NameString
+        NameStringItem
+        TermArgItem
+        ',' AccessTypeKeyword
+        ',' LockRuleKeyword
+        ',' UpdateRuleKeyword
+        ')' '{'
+            FieldUnitList '}'       {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$8,$10,$12,$15);}
+        error ')' '{' error '}'     {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_BREAK                 {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_BREAK, 0);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_BREAKPOINT            {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_BREAKPOINT, 0);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_BUFFER                {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BUFFER);}
+        OptionalDataCount
+        '{' BufferTermData '}'      {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>2,2,$3,$5);}
+    ;
+    : ByteList                      {}
+    | StringData                    {}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_CASE '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CASE);}
+        DataObject
+        ')' '{'
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
+    | PARSEOP_CASE '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_CONCATENATE '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CONCATENATE);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_CONCATENATERESTEMPLATE '(' {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (
+                                            PARSEOP_CONCATENATERESTEMPLATE);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        NameString
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_CONNECTION,1,$3);}
+    | PARSEOP_CONNECTION '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CONNECTION);}
+        ResourceMacroTerm
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3, 1,
+                                        TrLinkChildren (
+                                            TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETEMPLATE), 3,
+                                            TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
+                                            TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
+                                            $4));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_CONDREFOF '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CONDREFOF);}
+        SuperName
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_CONTINUE              {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_CONTINUE, 0);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_COPYOBJECT '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_COPYOBJECT);}
+        TermArg
+        ',' SimpleTarget
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        NameStringItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        NameStringItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        NameStringItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_CREATEFIELD '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CREATEFIELD);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        TermArgItem
+        NameStringItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,$4,$5,$6,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($7, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        NameStringItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        NameStringItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        NameString
+        TermArgItem
+        TermArgItem
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$5,$6,$7);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_DEBUG                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEBUG);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_DECREMENT '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DECREMENT);}
+        SuperName
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_DEFAULT '{'           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT);}
+        TermList '}'                {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        error '}'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_DEREFOF '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEREFOF);}
+        TermArg
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_DEVICE '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEVICE);}
+        NameString
+        ')' '{'
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_DIVIDE '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DIVIDE);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,$4,$5,$6,$7);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        StringData ')'              {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_EISAID, $3);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : IfTerm ElseTerm               {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($1,$2);}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | PARSEOP_ELSE '{'              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ELSE);}
+        TermList '}'                {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+    | PARSEOP_ELSE '{'
+        error '}'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+        error                       {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    | PARSEOP_ELSEIF '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ELSE);}
+        TermArg                     {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IF);}
+        ')' '{'
+            TermList '}'            {TrLinkChildren ($<n>5,2,$4,$8);}
+        ElseTerm                    {TrLinkPeerNode ($<n>5,$11);}
+                                    {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$<n>5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+        error                       {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_EVENT '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_EVENT);}
+        NameString
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
+    | PARSEOP_EVENT '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        NameString
+        OptionalObjectTypeKeyword
+        OptionalParameterTypePackage
+        OptionalParameterTypesPackage
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_EXTERNAL,4,$3,$4,$5,$6);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_FATAL '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FATAL);}
+        ByteConstExpr
+        ',' DWordConstExpr
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$6,$7);}
+    | PARSEOP_FATAL '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_FIELD '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FIELD);}
+        NameString
+        ',' AccessTypeKeyword
+        ',' LockRuleKeyword
+        ',' UpdateRuleKeyword
+        ')' '{'
+            FieldUnitList '}'       {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,5,$4,$6,$8,$10,$13);}
+    | PARSEOP_FIELD '('
+        error ')' '{' error '}'     {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        TermArg
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        TermArg
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    /* Convert a For() loop to a While() loop */
+    : PARSEOP_FOR '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_WHILE);}
+        OptionalTermArg ','         {}
+        OptionalPredicate ','
+        OptionalTermArg             {$<n>$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($4,$<n>3);
+                                        TrSetParent ($9,$<n>3);}                /* New parent is WHILE */
+        ')' '{' TermList '}'        {$<n>$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$7,$13);}
+                                    {$<n>$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($13,$9);
+                                        $$ = $<n>10;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_INTEGER, 1);}
+    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_FPRINTF '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FPRINTF);}
+        TermArg ','
+        StringData
+        PrintfArgList
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$6,$7);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_FROMBCD '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FROMBCD);}
+        TermArg
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_FUNCTION '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_METHOD);}
+        NameString
+        OptionalParameterTypePackage
+        OptionalParameterTypesPackage
+        ')' '{'
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
+                                        TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0),
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SERIALIZERULE_NOTSERIAL),
+                                        TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0),$5,$6,$9);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_IF '('                {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IF);}
+        TermArg
+        ')' '{'
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
+    | PARSEOP_IF '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        String  ')'                 {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_INCLUDE, $3);
+                                        FlOpenIncludeFile ($3);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_INCLUDE_END           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INCLUDE_END);
+                                        TrSetCurrentFilename ($$);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_INCREMENT '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INCREMENT);}
+        SuperName
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_INDEXFIELD '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEXFIELD);}
+        NameString
+        NameStringItem
+        ',' AccessTypeKeyword
+        ',' LockRuleKeyword
+        ',' UpdateRuleKeyword
+        ')' '{'
+            FieldUnitList '}'       {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,6,$4,$5,$7,$9,$11,$14);}
+        error ')' '{' error '}'     {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_INDEX '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEX);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+    | PARSEOP_INDEX '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LAND '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LAND);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+    | PARSEOP_LAND '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LEQUAL '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LEQUAL);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LGREATEREQUAL '('     {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LLESS);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1,
+                                        TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LGREATER '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LGREATER);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LLESSEQUAL '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LGREATER);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1,
+                                        TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LLESS '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LLESS);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+    | PARSEOP_LLESS '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LNOTEQUAL '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LEQUAL);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1,
+                                        TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LNOT '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LNOT);}
+        TermArg
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+    | PARSEOP_LNOT '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LOADTABLE '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOADTABLE);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        TermArgItem
+        OptionalListString
+        OptionalListString
+        OptionalReference
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,6,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LOAD '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOAD);}
+        NameString
+        RequiredTarget
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+    | PARSEOP_LOAD '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LOCAL0                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL0);}
+    | PARSEOP_LOCAL1                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL1);}
+    | PARSEOP_LOCAL2                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL2);}
+    | PARSEOP_LOCAL3                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL3);}
+    | PARSEOP_LOCAL4                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL4);}
+    | PARSEOP_LOCAL5                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL5);}
+    | PARSEOP_LOCAL6                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL6);}
+    | PARSEOP_LOCAL7                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL7);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_LOR '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOR);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+    | PARSEOP_LOR '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_MATCH '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCH);}
+        TermArg
+        ',' MatchOpKeyword
+        TermArgItem
+        ',' MatchOpKeyword
+        TermArgItem
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,6,$4,$6,$7,$9,$10,$11);}
+    | PARSEOP_MATCH '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_METHOD  '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_METHOD);}
+        NameString
+        OptionalByteConstExpr       {UtCheckIntegerRange ($5, 0, 7);}
+        OptionalSerializeRuleKeyword
+        OptionalByteConstExpr
+        OptionalParameterTypePackage
+        OptionalParameterTypesPackage
+        ')' '{'
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
+                                        $5,$7,$8,$9,$10,$13);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_MID '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MID);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,$4,$5,$6,$7);}
+    | PARSEOP_MID '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_MOD '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MOD);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+    | PARSEOP_MOD '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_MULTIPLY '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MULTIPLY);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_MUTEX '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MUTEX);}
+        NameString
+        ',' ByteConstExpr
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6);}
+    | PARSEOP_MUTEX '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_NAME '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAME);}
+        NameString
+        ',' DataObject
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6);}
+    | PARSEOP_NAME '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_NAND '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAND);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+    | PARSEOP_NAND '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_NOOP                  {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_NOOP, 0);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_NOR '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NOR);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+    | PARSEOP_NOR '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_NOTIFY '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NOTIFY);}
+        SuperName
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_NOT '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NOT);}
+        TermArg
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+    | PARSEOP_NOT '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE);}
+        ObjectTypeName
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        AmlPackageLengthTerm
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_OFFSET,1,$3);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        NameString
+        ',' OpRegionSpaceIdTerm
+        TermArgItem
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
+                                        $6,$7,$8);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : RegionSpaceKeyword            {}
+    | ByteConst                     {$$ = UtCheckIntegerRange ($1, 0x80, 0xFF);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_OR '('                {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OR);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+    | PARSEOP_OR '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_PACKAGE               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_VAR_PACKAGE);}
+        OptionalDataCount
+        '{' PackageList '}'         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>2,2,$3,$5);}
+    : PARSEOP_POWERRESOURCE '('     {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_POWERRESOURCE);}
+        NameString
+        ',' ByteConstExpr
+        ',' WordConstExpr
+        ')' '{'
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
+                                        $6,$8,$11);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_PRINTF '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PRINTF);}
+        StringData
+        PrintfArgList
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
+    | PrintfArgList ','
+       TermArg                      {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($1, $3);}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_PROCESSOR '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PROCESSOR);}
+        NameString
+        ',' ByteConstExpr
+        OptionalDWordConstExpr
+        OptionalByteConstExpr
+        ')' '{'
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,5,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
+                                        $6,$7,$8,$11);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_DATABUFFER  '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DATABUFFER);}
+        OptionalWordConst
+        ')' '{'
+            ByteList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+ * In RefOf, the node isn't really a target, but we can't keep track of it after
+ * we've taken a pointer to it. (hard to tell if a local becomes initialized this way.)
+ */
+    : PARSEOP_REFOF '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REFOF);}
+        SuperName
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
+    | PARSEOP_REFOF '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_RELEASE '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RELEASE);}
+        SuperName
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_RESET '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESET);}
+        SuperName
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+    | PARSEOP_RESET '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_RETURN '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RETURN);}
+        OptionalReturnArg
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+    | PARSEOP_RETURN                {$$ = TrLinkChildren (
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RETURN),1,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO),
+                                            NODE_IS_NULL_RETURN));}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_SCOPE '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SCOPE);}
+        NameString
+        ')' '{'
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
+    | PARSEOP_SCOPE '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_SHIFTLEFT '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SHIFTLEFT);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_SHIFTRIGHT '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SHIFTRIGHT);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_SIGNAL '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SIGNAL);}
+        SuperName
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_SIZEOF '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SIZEOF);}
+        SuperName
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_SLEEP '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SLEEP);}
+        TermArg
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+    | PARSEOP_SLEEP '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_STALL '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STALL);}
+        TermArg
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+    | PARSEOP_STALL '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_STORE '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STORE);}
+        TermArg
+        ',' SuperName
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
+    | PARSEOP_STORE '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_SUBTRACT '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SUBTRACT);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_SWITCH '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SWITCH);}
+        TermArg
+        ')' '{'
+            CaseDefaultTermList '}'
+                                    {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_THERMALZONE '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_THERMALZONE);}
+        NameString
+        ')' '{'
+            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_TIMER '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TIMER);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,0);}
+    | PARSEOP_TIMER                 {$$ = TrLinkChildren (
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TIMER),0);}
+    | PARSEOP_TIMER '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_TOBCD '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOBCD);}
+        TermArg
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+    | PARSEOP_TOBCD '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_TOBUFFER '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOBUFFER);}
+        TermArg
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        TermArg
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_TOHEXSTRING '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOHEXSTRING);}
+        TermArg
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_TOINTEGER '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOINTEGER);}
+        TermArg
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_TOPLD '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOPLD);}
+        PldKeywordList
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+    | PARSEOP_TOPLD '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | PldKeyword
+        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS Integer  {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($1,1,$3);}
+    | PldKeyword
+        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS String   {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($1,1,$3);}
+    | PldKeywordList ','            /* Allows a trailing comma at list end */
+    | PldKeywordList ','
+        PldKeyword
+        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS Integer  {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($1,TrLinkChildren ($3,1,$5));}
+    | PldKeywordList ','
+        PldKeyword
+        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS String   {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($1,TrLinkChildren ($3,1,$5));}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_TOSTRING '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOSTRING);}
+        TermArg
+        OptionalCount
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+        StringData ')'              {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_TOUUID, $3);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_UNICODE '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_UNICODE);}
+        StringData
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,0,$4);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_UNLOAD '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_UNLOAD);}
+        SuperName
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_WAIT '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_WAIT);}
+        SuperName
+        TermArgItem
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
+    | PARSEOP_WAIT '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_XOR '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_XOR);}
+        TermArg
+        TermArgItem
+        Target
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
+    | PARSEOP_XOR '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_WHILE '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_WHILE);}
+        TermArg
+        ')' '{' TermList '}'
+                                    {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
+    | PARSEOP_WHILE '('
+        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
+    ;
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslresources.y b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslresources.y
index d3dbe99..9f5fb02 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslresources.y
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslresources.y
@@ -116,313 +116,6 @@ NoEcho('
- *
- * ASL Parameter Keyword Terms
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-        ByteConst
-        ')'                                 {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        ByteConst
-        ')'                                 {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        ByteConst
-        ')'                                 {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_ANY                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_ANY);}
-    | PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_BYTE               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_BYTE);}
-    | PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_WORD               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_WORD);}
-    | PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_DWORD              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_DWORD);}
-    | PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_QWORD              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_QWORD);}
-    | PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_BUF                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSTYPE_BUF);}
-    ;
-    ;
-    | PARSEOP_ADDRESSTYPE_NVS               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ADDRESSTYPE_NVS);}
-    | PARSEOP_ADDRESSTYPE_ACPI              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ADDRESSTYPE_ACPI);}
-    ;
-    : ByteConst                             {$$ = UtCheckIntegerRange ($1, 0x0A, 0xFF);}
-    | RegionSpaceKeyword                    {}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_FIVE              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_FIVE);}
-    | PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_SIX               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_SIX);}
-    | PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_NINE              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BITSPERBYTE_NINE);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_CLOCKPHASE_FIRST              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CLOCKPHASE_FIRST);}
-    ;
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_DECODETYPE_POS                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DECODETYPE_POS);}
-    | PARSEOP_DECODETYPE_SUB                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DECODETYPE_SUB);}
-    ;
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_DMATYPE_A                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DMATYPE_A);}
-    | PARSEOP_DMATYPE_B                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DMATYPE_B);}
-    | PARSEOP_DMATYPE_F                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DMATYPE_F);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_ENDIAN_LITTLE                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ENDIAN_LITTLE);}
-    | PARSEOP_ENDIAN_BIG                    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ENDIAN_BIG);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_HW                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_HW);}
-    | PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_NONE              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_NONE);}
-    | PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_SW                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FLOWCONTROL_SW);}
-    ;
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_INTTYPE_EDGE                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INTTYPE_EDGE);}
-    | PARSEOP_INTTYPE_LEVEL                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INTTYPE_LEVEL);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_IODECODETYPE_16               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IODECODETYPE_16);}
-    | PARSEOP_IODECODETYPE_10               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IODECODETYPE_10);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_IN                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_IN);}
-    | PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_OUT                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_OUT);}
-    | PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_NONE               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IORESTRICT_NONE);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LOCKRULE_LOCK                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCKRULE_LOCK);}
-    | PARSEOP_LOCKRULE_NOLOCK               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCKRULE_NOLOCK);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MTR                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MTR);}
-    | PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MEQ                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MEQ);}
-    | PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MLE                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MLE);}
-    | PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MLT                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MLT);}
-    | PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MGE                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MGE);}
-    | PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MGT                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCHTYPE_MGT);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_MAXTYPE_FIXED                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MAXTYPE_FIXED);}
-    | PARSEOP_MAXTYPE_NOTFIXED              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MAXTYPE_NOTFIXED);}
-    ;
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_MINTYPE_FIXED                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MINTYPE_FIXED);}
-    | PARSEOP_MINTYPE_NOTFIXED              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MINTYPE_NOTFIXED);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_UNK                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_UNK);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_INT                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_INT);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_STR                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_STR);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_BUF                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_BUF);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_PKG                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_PKG);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_FLD                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_FLD);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_DEV                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_DEV);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_EVT                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_EVT);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_MTH                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_MTH);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_MTX                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_MTX);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_OPR                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_OPR);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_POW                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_POW);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_PRO                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_PRO);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_THZ                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_THZ);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_BFF                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_BFF);}
-    | PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_DDB                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_DDB);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_SPACE              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_SPACE);}
-    | PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_MARK               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_MARK);}
-    | PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_ODD                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_ODD);}
-    | PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_EVEN               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_EVEN);}
-    | PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_NONE               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PARITYTYPE_NONE);}
-    ;
-    : PinConfigKeyword                      {$$ = $1;}
-    | ByteConstExpr                         {$$ = UtCheckIntegerRange ($1, 0x80, 0xFF);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_PIN_NOPULL                    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PIN_NOPULL);}
-    | PARSEOP_PIN_PULLDOWN                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PIN_PULLDOWN);}
-    | PARSEOP_PIN_PULLUP                    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PIN_PULLUP);}
-    | PARSEOP_PIN_PULLDEFAULT               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PIN_PULLDEFAULT);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_PLD_REVISION                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_REVISION);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_IGNORECOLOR               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_IGNORECOLOR);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_RED                       {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_RED);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_GREEN                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_GREEN);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_BLUE                      {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_BLUE);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_WIDTH                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_WIDTH);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_HEIGHT                    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_HEIGHT);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_USERVISIBLE               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_USERVISIBLE);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_DOCK                      {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_DOCK);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_LID                       {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_LID);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_PANEL                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_PANEL);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_SHAPE                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_SHAPE);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_GROUPTOKEN                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_GROUPTOKEN);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_BAY                       {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_BAY);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_EJECTABLE                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_EJECTABLE);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_REFERENCE                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_REFERENCE);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_ROTATION                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_ROTATION);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_ORDER                     {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_ORDER);}
-    | PARSEOP_PLD_RESERVED                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PLD_RESERVED);}
-    ;
-    | PARSEOP_RANGETYPE_ENTIRE              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RANGETYPE_ENTIRE);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_IO                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_IO);}
-    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_MEM               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_MEM);}
-    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_PCI               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_PCI);}
-    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_EC                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_EC);}
-    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_CMOS              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_CMOS);}
-    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_IPMI              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_IPMI);}
-    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_GPIO              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_GPIO);}
-    | PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_PCC               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REGIONSPACE_PCC);}
-    ;
-    ;
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_SHARETYPE_SHARED              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SHARETYPE_SHARED);}
-   ;
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_STOPBITS_TWO                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STOPBITS_TWO);}
-    | PARSEOP_STOPBITS_ONE                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STOPBITS_ONE);}
-    | PARSEOP_STOPBITS_ZERO                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STOPBITS_ZERO);}
-    ;
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_TYPE_TRANSLATION              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TYPE_TRANSLATION);}
-    | PARSEOP_TYPE_STATIC                   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TYPE_STATIC);}
-    ;
-    | PARSEOP_UPDATERULE_ONES               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_UPDATERULE_ONES);}
-    | PARSEOP_UPDATERULE_ZEROS              {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_UPDATERULE_ZEROS);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_WIREMODE_FOUR                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_WIREMODE_FOUR);}
-    | PARSEOP_WIREMODE_THREE                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_WIREMODE_THREE);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_8                    {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_8,   0);}
-    | PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_16                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_16,  1);}
-    | PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32,  2);}
-    | PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_64                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_64,  3);}
-    | PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_128                  {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_128, 4);}
-    | PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_256                  {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_256, 5);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_8                    {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_8);}
-    | PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_8_16                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_8_16);}
-    | PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_16                   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERTYPE_16);}
-    ;
@@ -435,15 +128,20 @@ XferTypeKeyword
  * Also, insert the EndTag at the end of the template.
+    : PARSEOP_RESOURCETEMPLATE OptionalParentheses
         ResourceMacroList '}'       {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETEMPLATE,4,
                                           TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
                                           TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
-                                          $5,
+                                          $4,
                                           TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ENDTAG));}
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | '(' ')'                       {$$ = NULL;}
+    ;
     :                               {$$ = NULL;}
     | ResourceMacroList
@@ -518,7 +216,8 @@ DWordIOTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -541,7 +240,8 @@ DWordMemoryTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,16,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,16,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -562,7 +262,8 @@ DWordSpaceTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -590,7 +291,8 @@ ExtendedIOTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -612,7 +314,8 @@ ExtendedMemoryTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -632,7 +335,8 @@ ExtendedSpaceTerm
         ',' QWordConstExpr
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,13,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,13,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -671,7 +375,8 @@ GpioIntTerm
         OptionalNameString          /* 15: DescriptorName */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 16: VendorData */
         ')' '{'
-            DWordConstExpr '}'      {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,11,$4,$6,$7,$9,$10,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$19);}
+            DWordConstExpr '}'      {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,11,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$9,$10,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$19);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -689,7 +394,8 @@ GpioIoTerm
         OptionalNameString          /* 14: DescriptorName */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 15: VendorData */
         ')' '{'
-            DWordList '}'           {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,11,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$18);}
+            DWordList '}'           {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,11,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$18);}
     | PARSEOP_GPIO_IO '('
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -705,7 +411,8 @@ I2cSerialBusTerm
         OptionalResourceType        /* 12: ResourceType */
         OptionalNameString          /* 13: DescriptorName */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 14: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,10,$4,$5,$7,$8,$10,$11,$12,$13,
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,10,
+                                        $4,$5,$7,$8,$10,$11,$12,$13,
                                         TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),$14);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -723,8 +430,8 @@ I2cSerialBusTermV2
         OptionalNameString          /* 13: DescriptorName */
         OptionalShareType           /* 14: Share */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 15: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,10,$4,$5,$7,$8,$10,$11,$12,$13,
-                                        $14,$15);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,10,
+                                        $4,$5,$7,$8,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -739,7 +446,8 @@ InterruptTerm
         ')' '{'
-            DWordList '}'           {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,8,$4,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$15);}
+            DWordList '}'           {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,8,
+                                        $4,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$15);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -832,7 +540,8 @@ QWordIOTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -855,7 +564,8 @@ QWordMemoryTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,16,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,16,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -876,7 +586,8 @@ QWordSpaceTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -909,7 +620,8 @@ SpiSerialBusTerm
         OptionalResourceType        /* 19: ResourceType */
         OptionalNameString          /* 20: DescriptorName */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 21: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
                                         TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),$21);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -931,8 +643,8 @@ SpiSerialBusTermV2
         OptionalNameString          /* 20: DescriptorName */
         OptionalShareType           /* 21: Share */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 22: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
-                                        $21,$22);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -971,7 +683,8 @@ UartSerialBusTerm
         OptionalResourceType        /* 19: ResourceType */
         OptionalNameString          /* 20: DescriptorName */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 21: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
                                         TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),$21);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -994,8 +707,8 @@ UartSerialBusTermV2
         OptionalNameString          /* 20: DescriptorName */
         OptionalShareType           /* 21: Share */
         OptionalBuffer_Last         /* 22: VendorData */
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,
-                                        $21,$22);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$8,$9,$10,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1032,7 +745,8 @@ WordBusNumberTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,12,$4,$5,$6,$7,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,12,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$18,$19,$20);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1054,7 +768,8 @@ WordIOTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,15,
+                                        $4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$10,$12,$14,$16,$18,$19,$20,$21,$22,$23);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
@@ -1075,246 +790,8 @@ WordSpaceTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,$4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
+        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,14,
+                                        $4,$6,$7,$8,$9,$11,$13,$15,$17,$19,$21,$22,$23,$24);}
         error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-/******* Object References ***********************************************/
-/* Allow IO, DMA, IRQ Resource macro names to also be used as identifiers */
-    : NameSeg                       {}
-    | PARSEOP_NAMESTRING            {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) AslCompilerlval.s);}
-    | PARSEOP_IO                    {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "IO");}
-    | PARSEOP_DMA                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "DMA");}
-    | PARSEOP_IRQ                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "IRQ");}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_NAMESEG               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESEG, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) AslCompilerlval.s);}
-    ;
- *
- * ASL Helper Terms
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-    : ','                                       {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BUSMASTERTYPE_MASTER);}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' ByteConstExpr             {$$ = $2;}
-    | ',' AccessAttribKeyword       {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0);}
-    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0);}
-    | ',' ByteConstExpr             {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' AddressingModeKeyword     {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' AddressKeyword            {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' BitsPerByteKeyword        {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' RawDataBufferTerm         {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' ByteConstExpr             {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' DecodeKeyword             {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' DevicePolarityKeyword     {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' DWordConstExpr            {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' EndianKeyword             {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' FlowControlKeyword        {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' IoRestrictionKeyword      {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL, ACPI_TO_INTEGER (""));}   /* Placeholder is a NULL string */
-    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL, ACPI_TO_INTEGER (""));}   /* Placeholder is a NULL string */
-    | ',' TermArg                   {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' MaxKeyword                {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' MemTypeKeyword            {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' MinKeyword                {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' NameString                {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' NameString                {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO);}
-    | NameString                    {$$ = $1;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE_UNK);}
-    | ',' ObjectTypeKeyword         {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' ParityTypeKeyword         {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' QWordConstExpr            {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' RangeTypeKeyword          {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                                   {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_READWRITETYPE_BOTH);}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
-    | ResourceTypeKeyword           {$$ = $1;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
-    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETYPE_CONSUMER);}
-    | ',' ResourceTypeKeyword       {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' SlaveModeKeyword          {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' ShareTypeKeyword          {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ShareTypeKeyword              {$$ = $1;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' StopBitsKeyword           {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' StringData                {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' TranslationKeyword        {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' TypeKeyword               {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' TypeKeyword               {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' WireModeKeyword           {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    : ','                           {$$ = NULL;}
-    | ',' WordConstExpr             {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32, 2);}
-    | ','                           {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_XFERSIZE_32, 2);}
-    | ',' XferSizeKeyword           {$$ = $2;}
-    ;
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslrules.y b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslrules.y
index c4b0fc2..73c8062 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslrules.y
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/aslrules.y
@@ -127,7 +127,8 @@ NoEcho('
  * to handle output from preprocessors
-    : DefinitionBlockList           {$<n>$ = TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ASL_CODE),1, $1);}
+    : DefinitionBlockList           {$<n>$ = TrLinkChildren (
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ASL_CODE),1, $1);}
     | error                         {YYABORT; $$ = NULL;}
@@ -160,7 +161,8 @@ DefinitionBlockTerm
         String ','
         ')'                         {TrSetEndLineNumber ($<n>3);}
-            '{' TermList '}'        {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,$4,$6,$8,$10,$12,$14,$18);}
+            '{' TermList '}'        {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,
+                                        $4,$6,$8,$10,$12,$14,$18);}
@@ -169,12 +171,36 @@ DefinitionBlockList
         DefinitionBlockList         {$$ = TrLinkPeerNodes (2, $1,$2);}
+/* Allow IO, DMA, IRQ Resource macro and FOR macro names to also be used as identifiers */
+    : NameSeg                       {}
+    | PARSEOP_NAMESTRING            {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) $1);}
+    | PARSEOP_IO                    {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "IO");}
+    | PARSEOP_DMA                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "DMA");}
+    | PARSEOP_IRQ                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "IRQ");}
+    | PARSEOP_FOR                   {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESTRING, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) "FOR");}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_NAMESEG               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESEG, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT)
+                                            TrNormalizeNameSeg ($1));}
+    ;
+    : PARSEOP_NAMESEG               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAMESEG,
+                                            (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) AslCompilerlval.s);}
+    ;
     : NameString                    {}
     | ArgTerm                       {}
     | LocalTerm                     {}
     | DebugTerm                     {}
     | Type6Opcode                   {}
+    ;
     :                               {$$ = TrCreateNullTarget ();} /* Placeholder is a ZeroOp object */
@@ -188,6 +214,8 @@ TermArg
     | NameString                    {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_IS_TERM_ARG);}
     | ArgTerm                       {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_IS_TERM_ARG);}
     | LocalTerm                     {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_IS_TERM_ARG);}
@@ -212,9 +240,26 @@ OptionalCount
     | ',' TermArg                   {$$ = $2;}
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG);}
-    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
+ * Data count for buffers and packages (byte count for buffers,
+ * element count for packages).
+ */
+        /* Legacy ASL */
+    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
+    | '(' TermArg ')'               {$$ = $2;}
+    | '('  ')'                      {$$ = NULL;}
+        /* C-style (ASL+) -- adds equals term */
+    |  PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS           {$$ = NULL;}
+    | '(' TermArg ')'
+        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS          {$$ = $2;}
+    | '('  ')' String
+        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS          {$$ = NULL;}
@@ -269,6 +314,7 @@ Object
     : CompilerDirective             {}
     | NamedObject                   {}
     | NameSpaceModifier             {}
+//    | StructureTerm                 {}
@@ -301,7 +347,8 @@ ParameterTypePackageList
     :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG);}
-    | ',' ParameterTypePackageList  {$$ = TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),1,$2);}
+    | ',' ParameterTypePackageList  {$$ = TrLinkChildren (
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),1,$2);}
     /* Rules for specifying the types for method arguments */
@@ -320,17 +367,22 @@ ParameterTypesPackageList
     :                               {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG);}
-    | ',' ParameterTypesPackageList {$$ = TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),1,$2);}
+    | ',' ParameterTypesPackageList {$$ = TrLinkChildren (
+                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),1,$2);}
     /* ACPI 3.0 -- allow semicolons between terms */
     :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | TermList Term                 {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$2);}
-    | TermList Term ';'             {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$2);}
-    | TermList ';' Term             {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$3);}
-    | TermList ';' Term ';'         {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$3);}
+    | TermList Term                 {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$2);}
+    | TermList Term ';'             {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$2);}
+    | TermList ';' Term             {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$3);}
+    | TermList ';' Term ';'         {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode (
+                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_RESULT_NOT_USED),$3);}
@@ -438,29 +490,37 @@ QWordConst
  * constant folding code in the node AmlLength field.
-    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 1);}
-    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 1);}
+    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 1);}
+    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 1);}
     | ConstExprTerm                 {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, $1);}
     | ByteConst                     {}
-    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 2);}
-    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 2);}
+    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 2);}
+    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 2);}
     | ConstExprTerm                 {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_WORDCONST, $1);}
     | WordConst                     {}
-    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 4);}
-    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 4);}
+    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 4);}
+    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 4);}
     | ConstExprTerm                 {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_DWORDCONST, $1);}
     | DWordConst                    {}
-    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 8);}
-    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST); TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 8);}
+    : Type3Opcode                   {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 8);}
+    | Type2IntegerOpcode            {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags ($1, NODE_COMPILE_TIME_CONST);
+                                        TrSetNodeAmlLength ($1, 8);}
     | ConstExprTerm                 {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_QWORDCONST, $1);}
     | QWordConst                    {}
@@ -481,11 +541,13 @@ ConstExprTerm
-    : PARSEOP_INTEGER               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_INTEGER, AslCompilerlval.i);}
+    : PARSEOP_INTEGER               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_INTEGER,
+                                        AslCompilerlval.i);}
-    : PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL        {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL, (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) AslCompilerlval.s);}
+    : PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL        {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_STRING_LITERAL,
+                                        (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) AslCompilerlval.s);}
@@ -526,6 +588,7 @@ NamedObject
     : AliasTerm                     {}
     | NameTerm                      {}
+//    | NameTermAslPlus               {}
     | ScopeTerm                     {}
@@ -539,6 +602,7 @@ ObjectTypeName
     | RefOfTerm                     {}
     | DerefOfTerm                   {}
     | IndexTerm                     {}
 /*    | MethodInvocationTerm          {} */  /* Caused reduce/reduce with Type6Opcode->MethodInvocationTerm */
@@ -604,6 +668,8 @@ Type2IntegerOpcode                  /* "Type3" opcodes */
     | FromBCDTerm                   {}
     | IncTerm                       {}
     | IndexTerm                     {}
+//    | StructureIndexTerm            {}
+//    | StructurePointerTerm          {}
     | LAndTerm                      {}
     | LEqualTerm                    {}
     | LGreaterTerm                  {}
@@ -664,6 +730,8 @@ Type4Opcode
+/* Type 5 opcodes are a subset of Type2 opcodes, and return a constant */
     : ResourceTemplateTerm          {}
     | UnicodeTerm                   {}
@@ -676,1103 +744,21 @@ Type6Opcode
     | DerefOfTerm                   {}
     | IndexTerm                     {}
     | IndexExpTerm                  {}
+//    | StructureIndexTerm            {}
+//    | StructurePointerTerm          {}
     | MethodInvocationTerm          {}
- * ASL Primary Terms
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-        AccessTypeKeyword
-        OptionalAccessAttribTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_ACCESSAS,2,$3,$4);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_ACQUIRE '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ACQUIRE);}
-        SuperName
-        ',' WordConstExpr
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$6);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_ADD '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ADD);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-    | PARSEOP_ADD '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_ALIAS '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ALIAS);}
-        NameString
-        NameStringItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,
-                                        TrSetNodeFlags ($5, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
-    | PARSEOP_ALIAS '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_AND '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_AND);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-    | PARSEOP_AND '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_ARG0                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG0);}
-    | PARSEOP_ARG1                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG1);}
-    | PARSEOP_ARG2                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG2);}
-    | PARSEOP_ARG3                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG3);}
-    | PARSEOP_ARG4                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG4);}
-    | PARSEOP_ARG5                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG5);}
-    | PARSEOP_ARG6                  {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ARG6);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_BANKFIELD '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BANKFIELD);}
-        NameString
-        NameStringItem
-        TermArgItem
-        ',' AccessTypeKeyword
-        ',' LockRuleKeyword
-        ',' UpdateRuleKeyword
-        ')' '{'
-            FieldUnitList '}'       {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,$4,$5,$6,$8,$10,$12,$15);}
-        error ')' '{' error '}'     {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_BREAK                 {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_BREAK, 0);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_BREAKPOINT            {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_BREAKPOINT, 0);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_BUFFER '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_BUFFER);}
-        OptionalBufferLength
-        ')' '{'
-            BufferTermData '}'      {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : ByteList                      {}
-    | StringData                    {}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_CASE '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CASE);}
-        DataObject
-        ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
-    | PARSEOP_CASE '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_CONCATENATE '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CONCATENATE);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        NameString
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_CONNECTION,1,$3);}
-    | PARSEOP_CONNECTION '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CONNECTION);}
-        ResourceMacroTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3, 1,
-                                            TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESOURCETEMPLATE), 3,
-                                                TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
-                                                TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT_ARG),
-                                                $4));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_CONDREFOF '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CONDREFOF);}
-        SuperName
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_CONTINUE              {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_CONTINUE, 0);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_COPYOBJECT '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_COPYOBJECT);}
-        TermArg
-        ',' SimpleTarget
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        NameStringItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        NameStringItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        NameStringItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_CREATEFIELD '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_CREATEFIELD);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        TermArgItem
-        NameStringItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,$4,$5,$6,TrSetNodeFlags ($7, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        NameStringItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        NameStringItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        NameString
-        TermArgItem
-        TermArgItem
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$5,$6,$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_DEBUG                 {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEBUG);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_DECREMENT '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DECREMENT);}
-        SuperName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_DEFAULT '{'           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEFAULT);}
-        TermList '}'                {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        error '}'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_DEREFOF '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEREFOF);}
-        TermArg
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_DEVICE '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DEVICE);}
-        NameString
-        ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_DIVIDE '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DIVIDE);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,$4,$5,$6,$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        StringData ')'              {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_EISAID, $3);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : IfTerm ElseTerm               {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($1,$2);}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | PARSEOP_ELSE '{'              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ELSE);}
-        TermList '}'                {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-    | PARSEOP_ELSE '{'
-        error '}'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-        error                       {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    | PARSEOP_ELSEIF '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ELSE);}
-        TermArg                     {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IF);}
-        ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {TrLinkChildren ($<n>5,2,$4,$8);}
-        ElseTerm                    {TrLinkPeerNode ($<n>5,$11);}
-                                    {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$<n>5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-        error                       {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_EVENT '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_EVENT);}
-        NameString
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION));}
-    | PARSEOP_EVENT '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        NameString
-        OptionalObjectTypeKeyword
-        OptionalParameterTypePackage
-        OptionalParameterTypesPackage
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_EXTERNAL,4,$3,$4,$5,$6);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_FATAL '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FATAL);}
-        ByteConstExpr
-        ',' DWordConstExpr
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$6,$7);}
-    | PARSEOP_FATAL '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_FIELD '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FIELD);}
-        NameString
-        ',' AccessTypeKeyword
-        ',' LockRuleKeyword
-        ',' UpdateRuleKeyword
-        ')' '{'
-            FieldUnitList '}'       {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,5,$4,$6,$8,$10,$13);}
-    | PARSEOP_FIELD '('
-        error ')' '{' error '}'     {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        TermArg
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        TermArg
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    /* Convert a For() loop to a While() loop */
-    : PARSEOP_FOR '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_WHILE);}
-        OptionalTermArg ','         {}
-        OptionalPredicate ','
-        OptionalTermArg             {$<n>$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($4,$<n>3);
-                                        TrSetParent ($9,$<n>3);}                /* New parent is WHILE */
-        ')' '{' TermList '}'        {$<n>$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$7,$13);}
-                                    {$<n>$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($13,$9);
-                                        $$ = $<n>10;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_INTEGER, 1);}
-    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_FPRINTF '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FPRINTF);}
-        TermArg ','
-        StringData
-        PrintfArgList
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$6,$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_FROMBCD '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_FROMBCD);}
-        TermArg
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_FUNCTION '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_METHOD);}
-        NameString
-        OptionalParameterTypePackage
-        OptionalParameterTypesPackage
-        ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),
-                                        TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0),
-                                        TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SERIALIZERULE_NOTSERIAL),
-                                        TrCreateValuedLeafNode (PARSEOP_BYTECONST, 0),$5,$6,$9);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_IF '('                {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_IF);}
-        TermArg
-        ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
-    | PARSEOP_IF '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        String  ')'                 {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_INCLUDE, $3);
-                                        FlOpenIncludeFile ($3);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_INCLUDE_END           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INCLUDE_END); TrSetCurrentFilename ($$);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_INCREMENT '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INCREMENT);}
-        SuperName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_INDEXFIELD '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEXFIELD);}
-        NameString
-        NameStringItem
-        ',' AccessTypeKeyword
-        ',' LockRuleKeyword
-        ',' UpdateRuleKeyword
-        ')' '{'
-            FieldUnitList '}'       {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,6,$4,$5,$7,$9,$11,$14);}
-        error ')' '{' error '}'     {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_INDEX '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_INDEX);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-    | PARSEOP_INDEX '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LAND '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LAND);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-    | PARSEOP_LAND '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LEQUAL '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LEQUAL);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LGREATEREQUAL '('     {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LLESS);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1, TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LGREATER '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LGREATER);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LLESSEQUAL '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LGREATER);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1, TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LLESS '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LLESS);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-    | PARSEOP_LLESS '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LNOTEQUAL '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LEQUAL);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_LNOT, 1, TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LNOT '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LNOT);}
-        TermArg
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-    | PARSEOP_LNOT '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LOADTABLE '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOADTABLE);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        TermArgItem
-        OptionalListString
-        OptionalListString
-        OptionalReference
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,6,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LOAD '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOAD);}
-        NameString
-        RequiredTarget
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-    | PARSEOP_LOAD '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LOCAL0                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL0);}
-    | PARSEOP_LOCAL1                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL1);}
-    | PARSEOP_LOCAL2                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL2);}
-    | PARSEOP_LOCAL3                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL3);}
-    | PARSEOP_LOCAL4                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL4);}
-    | PARSEOP_LOCAL5                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL5);}
-    | PARSEOP_LOCAL6                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL6);}
-    | PARSEOP_LOCAL7                {$$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOCAL7);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_LOR '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_LOR);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-    | PARSEOP_LOR '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_MATCH '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MATCH);}
-        TermArg
-        ',' MatchOpKeyword
-        TermArgItem
-        ',' MatchOpKeyword
-        TermArgItem
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,6,$4,$6,$7,$9,$10,$11);}
-    | PARSEOP_MATCH '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_METHOD  '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_METHOD);}
-        NameString
-        OptionalByteConstExpr       {UtCheckIntegerRange ($5, 0, 7);}
-        OptionalSerializeRuleKeyword
-        OptionalByteConstExpr
-        OptionalParameterTypePackage
-        OptionalParameterTypesPackage
-        ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,7,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$5,$7,$8,$9,$10,$13);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_MID '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MID);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,$4,$5,$6,$7);}
-    | PARSEOP_MID '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_MOD '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MOD);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-    | PARSEOP_MOD '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_MULTIPLY '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MULTIPLY);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_MUTEX '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_MUTEX);}
-        NameString
-        ',' ByteConstExpr
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6);}
-    | PARSEOP_MUTEX '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_NAME '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAME);}
-        NameString
-        ',' DataObject
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6);}
-    | PARSEOP_NAME '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_NAND '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NAND);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-    | PARSEOP_NAND '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_NOOP                  {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_NOOP, 0);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_NOR '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NOR);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-    | PARSEOP_NOR '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_NOTIFY '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NOTIFY);}
-        SuperName
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_NOT '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_NOT);}
-        TermArg
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-    | PARSEOP_NOT '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OBJECTTYPE);}
-        ObjectTypeName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        AmlPackageLengthTerm
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrCreateNode (PARSEOP_OFFSET,1,$3);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        NameString
-        ',' OpRegionSpaceIdTerm
-        TermArgItem
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6,$7,$8);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : RegionSpaceKeyword            {}
-    | ByteConst                     {$$ = UtCheckIntegerRange ($1, 0x80, 0xFF);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_OR '('                {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_OR);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-    | PARSEOP_OR '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_PACKAGE '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_VAR_PACKAGE);}
-        VarPackageLengthTerm
-        ')' '{'
-            PackageList '}'         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_POWERRESOURCE '('     {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_POWERRESOURCE);}
-        NameString
-        ',' ByteConstExpr
-        ',' WordConstExpr
-        ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,4,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6,$8,$11);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_PRINTF '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PRINTF);}
-        StringData
-        PrintfArgList
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
-    | PrintfArgList ','
-       TermArg                      {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($1, $3);}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_PROCESSOR '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_PROCESSOR);}
-        NameString
-        ',' ByteConstExpr
-        OptionalDWordConstExpr
-        OptionalByteConstExpr
-        ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,5,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$6,$7,$8,$11);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_DATABUFFER  '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_DATABUFFER);}
-        OptionalWordConst
-        ')' '{'
-            ByteList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
- * In RefOf, the node isn't really a target, but we can't keep track of it after
- * we've taken a pointer to it. (hard to tell if a local becomes initialized this way.)
- */
-    : PARSEOP_REFOF '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_REFOF);}
-        SuperName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
-    | PARSEOP_REFOF '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_RELEASE '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RELEASE);}
-        SuperName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_RESET '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RESET);}
-        SuperName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-    | PARSEOP_RESET '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_RETURN '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RETURN);}
-        OptionalReturnArg
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-    | PARSEOP_RETURN                {$$ = TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_RETURN),1,TrSetNodeFlags (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO), NODE_IS_NULL_RETURN));}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_SCOPE '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SCOPE);}
-        NameString
-        ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
-    | PARSEOP_SCOPE '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_SHIFTLEFT '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SHIFTLEFT);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_SHIFTRIGHT '('        {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SHIFTRIGHT);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_SIGNAL '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SIGNAL);}
-        SuperName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_SIZEOF '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SIZEOF);}
-        SuperName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_SLEEP '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SLEEP);}
-        TermArg
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-    | PARSEOP_SLEEP '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_STALL '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STALL);}
-        TermArg
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-    | PARSEOP_STALL '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_STORE '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_STORE);}
-        TermArg
-        ',' SuperName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,TrSetNodeFlags ($6, NODE_IS_TARGET));}
-    | PARSEOP_STORE '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_SUBTRACT '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SUBTRACT);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_SWITCH '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_SWITCH);}
-        TermArg
-        ')' '{'
-            CaseDefaultTermList '}'
-                                    {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_THERMALZONE '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_THERMALZONE);}
-        NameString
-        ')' '{'
-            TermList '}'            {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,TrSetNodeFlags ($4, NODE_IS_NAME_DECLARATION),$7);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_TIMER '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TIMER);}
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,0);}
-    | PARSEOP_TIMER                 {$$ = TrLinkChildren (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TIMER),0);}
-    | PARSEOP_TIMER '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_TOBCD '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOBCD);}
-        TermArg
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-    | PARSEOP_TOBCD '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_TOBUFFER '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOBUFFER);}
-        TermArg
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        TermArg
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_TOHEXSTRING '('       {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOHEXSTRING);}
-        TermArg
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_TOINTEGER '('         {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOINTEGER);}
-        TermArg
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_TOPLD '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOPLD);}
-        PldKeywordList
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-    | PARSEOP_TOPLD '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | PldKeyword
-        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS Integer  {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($1,1,$3);}
-    | PldKeyword
-        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS String   {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($1,1,$3);}
-    | PldKeywordList ','            /* Allows a trailing comma at list end */
-    | PldKeywordList ','
-        PldKeyword
-        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS Integer  {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($1,TrLinkChildren ($3,1,$5));}
-    | PldKeywordList ','
-        PldKeyword
-        PARSEOP_EXP_EQUALS String   {$$ = TrLinkPeerNode ($1,TrLinkChildren ($3,1,$5));}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_TOSTRING '('          {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_TOSTRING);}
-        TermArg
-        OptionalCount
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-        StringData ')'              {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_TOUUID, $3);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_UNICODE '('           {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_UNICODE);}
-        StringData
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,0,$4);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_UNLOAD '('            {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_UNLOAD);}
-        SuperName
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,1,$4);}
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_WAIT '('              {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_WAIT);}
-        SuperName
-        TermArgItem
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$5);}
-    | PARSEOP_WAIT '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_XOR '('               {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_XOR);}
-        TermArg
-        TermArgItem
-        Target
-        ')'                         {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,3,$4,$5,$6);}
-    | PARSEOP_XOR '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
-    : PARSEOP_WHILE '('             {$<n>$ = TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_WHILE);}
-        TermArg
-        ')' '{' TermList '}'
-                                    {$$ = TrLinkChildren ($<n>3,2,$4,$7);}
-    | PARSEOP_WHILE '('
-        error ')'                   {$$ = AslDoError(); yyclearin;}
-    ;
- *
  * ASL Helper Terms
-    : Integer                       {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_PACKAGE_LENGTH,(ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT *) $1);}
+    : Integer                       {$$ = TrUpdateNode (PARSEOP_PACKAGE_LENGTH,
+                                        (ACPI_PARSE_OBJECT *) $1);}
@@ -1792,7 +778,8 @@ OptionalReference
-    :                               {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO), NODE_IS_NULL_RETURN);}       /* Placeholder is a ZeroOp object */
+    :                               {$$ = TrSetNodeFlags (TrCreateLeafNode (PARSEOP_ZERO),
+                                            NODE_IS_NULL_RETURN);}       /* Placeholder is a ZeroOp object */
     | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
@@ -1807,11 +794,6 @@ OptionalTermArg
     | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
-    :                               {$$ = NULL;}
-    | TermArg                       {$$ = $1;}
-    ;
     :                               {$$ = NULL;}
     | WordConst                     {$$ = $1;}
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/asltokens.y b/src/acpica/source/compiler/asltokens.y
index 993d0f1..04e21ff 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/asltokens.y
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/asltokens.y
@@ -125,6 +125,16 @@ NoEcho('
+ * Most tokens are defined to return <i>, which is a UINT64.
+ *
+ * These tokens return <s>, a pointer to the associated lexed string:
+ *
+ */
@@ -538,12 +548,42 @@ NoEcho('
 %token <i> PARSEOP_FOR
+/* Structures */
+/* Top level */
+%token <i> PARSEOP_ASL_CODE
+ *
+ * Tokens below are not in the aslmap.c file
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+/* Tokens below this are not in the aslmap.c file */
 /* Specific parentheses tokens are not used at this time */
            /* PARSEOP_EXP_PAREN_OPEN */
            /* PARSEOP_EXP_PAREN_CLOSE */
+/* ASL+ variable creation */
-%token <i> PARSEOP_ASL_CODE
  * Special functions. These should probably stay at the end of this
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/asltypes.y b/src/acpica/source/compiler/asltypes.y
index 118ad57..811bed6 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/asltypes.y
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/asltypes.y
@@ -350,7 +350,6 @@ NoEcho('
 %type <n> PackageElement
 %type <n> PackageList
 %type <n> PackageTerm
-%type <n> VarPackageLengthTerm
 /* Macros */
@@ -422,9 +421,9 @@ NoEcho('
 %type <n> OptionalAddressRange
 %type <n> OptionalBitsPerByte
 %type <n> OptionalBuffer_Last
-%type <n> OptionalBufferLength
 %type <n> OptionalByteConstExpr
 %type <n> OptionalCount
+%type <n> OptionalDataCount
 %type <n> OptionalDecodeType
 %type <n> OptionalDevicePolarity
 %type <n> OptionalDWordConstExpr
@@ -441,6 +440,7 @@ NoEcho('
 %type <n> OptionalObjectTypeKeyword
 %type <n> OptionalParameterTypePackage
 %type <n> OptionalParameterTypesPackage
+%type <n> OptionalParentheses
 %type <n> OptionalParityType
 %type <n> OptionalPredicate
 %type <n> OptionalQWordConstExpr
@@ -465,8 +465,53 @@ NoEcho('
 %type <n> OptionalXferSize
- * C-style expression parser
+ * ASL+ (C-style) parser
+/* Expressions and symbolic operators */
 %type <n> Expression
 %type <n> EqualsTerm
 %type <n> IndexExpTerm
+/* ASL+ Named object declaration support */
+%type <n> NameTermAslPlus
+%type <n> BufferBegin
+%type <n> BufferEnd
+%type <n> PackageBegin
+%type <n> PackageEnd
+%type <n> OptionalLength
+/* ASL+ Structure declarations */
+%type <n> StructureTerm
+%type <n> StructureTermBegin
+%type <n> StructureType
+%type <n> StructureTag
+%type <n> StructureElementList
+%type <n> StructureElement
+%type <n> StructureElementType
+%type <n> OptionalStructureElementType
+%type <n> StructureId
+/* Structure instantiantion */
+%type <n> StructureInstanceTerm
+%type <n> StructureTagReference
+%type <n> StructureInstanceEnd
+/* Pseudo-instantiantion for method Args/Locals */
+%type <n> MethodStructureTerm
+%type <n> LocalStructureName
+/* Direct structure references via the Index operator */
+%type <n> StructureReference
+%type <n> StructureIndexTerm
+%type <n> StructurePointerTerm
+%type <n> StructurePointerReference
+%type <n> OptionalDefinePointer
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/dtcompiler.h b/src/acpica/source/compiler/dtcompiler.h
index eb85ddc..1072f52 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/dtcompiler.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/dtcompiler.h
@@ -681,6 +681,7 @@ extern const unsigned char  TemplateMtmr[];
 extern const unsigned char  TemplateNfit[];
 extern const unsigned char  TemplatePcct[];
 extern const unsigned char  TemplatePmtt[];
+extern const unsigned char  TemplateRasf[];
 extern const unsigned char  TemplateRsdt[];
 extern const unsigned char  TemplateS3pt[];
 extern const unsigned char  TemplateSbst[];
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/dttable.c b/src/acpica/source/compiler/dttable.c
index 561c5ce..ee3d26d 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/dttable.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/dttable.c
@@ -201,9 +201,12 @@ DtCompileFadt (
     DT_SUBTABLE             *ParentTable;
     DT_FIELD                **PFieldList = (DT_FIELD **) List;
     ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       *Table;
-    UINT8                   Revision;
+    UINT8                   FadtRevision;
+    UINT32                  i;
+    /* Minimum table is the FADT version 1 (ACPI 1.0) */
     Status = DtCompileTable (PFieldList, AcpiDmTableInfoFadt1,
         &Subtable, TRUE);
     if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
@@ -215,53 +218,48 @@ DtCompileFadt (
     DtInsertSubtable (ParentTable, Subtable);
     Table = ACPI_CAST_PTR (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER, ParentTable->Buffer);
-    Revision = Table->Revision;
+    FadtRevision = Table->Revision;
+    /* Revision 0 and 2 are illegal */
-    if (Revision == 2)
+    if ((FadtRevision == 0) ||
+        (FadtRevision == 2))
-        Status = DtCompileTable (PFieldList, AcpiDmTableInfoFadt2,
-            &Subtable, TRUE);
-        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
-        {
-            return (Status);
-        }
+        DtError (ASL_ERROR, 0, NULL,
+            "Invalid value for FADT revision");
-        DtInsertSubtable (ParentTable, Subtable);
+        return (AE_BAD_VALUE);
-    else if (Revision >= 2)
+    /* Revision out of supported range? */
+    if (FadtRevision > ACPI_FADT_MAX_VERSION)
-        Status = DtCompileTable (PFieldList, AcpiDmTableInfoFadt3,
-            &Subtable, TRUE);
-        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
-        {
-            return (Status);
-        }
+        DtError (ASL_ERROR, 0, NULL,
+            "Unknown or unsupported value for FADT revision");
-        DtInsertSubtable (ParentTable, Subtable);
+        return (AE_BAD_VALUE);
+    }
+    /* Compile individual sub-parts of the FADT, per-revision */
-        if (Revision >= 5)
+    for (i = 3; i <= ACPI_FADT_MAX_VERSION; i++)
+    {
+        if (i > FadtRevision)
-            Status = DtCompileTable (PFieldList, AcpiDmTableInfoFadt5,
-                &Subtable, TRUE);
-            if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
-            {
-                return (Status);
-            }
-            DtInsertSubtable (ParentTable, Subtable);
+            break;
-        if (Revision >= 6)
+        /* Compile the fields specific to this FADT revision */
+        Status = DtCompileTable (PFieldList, FadtRevisionInfo[i],
+            &Subtable, TRUE);
+        if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
-            Status = DtCompileTable (PFieldList, AcpiDmTableInfoFadt6,
-                &Subtable, TRUE);
-            if (ACPI_FAILURE (Status))
-            {
-                return (Status);
-            }
-            DtInsertSubtable (ParentTable, Subtable);
+            return (Status);
+        DtInsertSubtable (ParentTable, Subtable);
     return (AE_OK);
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/dttemplate.h b/src/acpica/source/compiler/dttemplate.h
index e420ec4..8bf873b 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/dttemplate.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/dttemplate.h
@@ -978,6 +978,16 @@ const unsigned char TemplatePmtt[] =
     0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00                       /* 000000B0    "...."     */
+const unsigned char TemplateRasf[] =
+    0x52,0x41,0x53,0x46,0x30,0x00,0x00,0x00,  /* 00000000    "RASF0..." */
+    0x01,0x31,0x49,0x4E,0x54,0x45,0x4C,0x20,  /* 00000008    ".1INTEL " */
+    0x54,0x65,0x6D,0x70,0x6C,0x61,0x74,0x65,  /* 00000010    "Template" */
+    0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x49,0x4E,0x54,0x4C,  /* 00000018    "....INTL" */
+    0x27,0x05,0x16,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,  /* 00000020    "'.. ...." */
+    0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00   /* 00000028    "........" */
 const unsigned char TemplateRsdp[] =
     0x52,0x53,0x44,0x20,0x50,0x54,0x52,0x20,  /* 00000000    "RSD PTR " */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/compiler/dtutils.c b/src/acpica/source/compiler/dtutils.c
index 6ca418c..fa12b51 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/compiler/dtutils.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/compiler/dtutils.c
@@ -439,6 +439,7 @@ DtGetFieldType (
     case ACPI_DMT_BUF7:
     case ACPI_DMT_BUF10:
+    case ACPI_DMT_BUF12:
     case ACPI_DMT_BUF16:
     case ACPI_DMT_BUF128:
     case ACPI_DMT_PCI_PATH:
@@ -688,6 +689,11 @@ DtGetFieldLength (
         ByteLength = 10;
+    case ACPI_DMT_BUF12:
+        ByteLength = 12;
+        break;
     case ACPI_DMT_BUF16:
     case ACPI_DMT_UUID:
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/debugger/dbfileio.c b/src/acpica/source/components/debugger/dbfileio.c
index d7942b7..ecc202f 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/debugger/dbfileio.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/debugger/dbfileio.c
@@ -118,15 +118,15 @@
 #include "accommon.h"
 #include "acdebug.h"
 #include "actables.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "acapps.h"
         ACPI_MODULE_NAME    ("dbfileio")
+#include "acapps.h"
@@ -145,8 +145,6 @@ AcpiDbCloseDebugFile (
     if (AcpiGbl_DebugFile)
        fclose (AcpiGbl_DebugFile);
@@ -155,7 +153,6 @@ AcpiDbCloseDebugFile (
        AcpiOsPrintf ("Debug output file %s closed\n",
@@ -176,8 +173,6 @@ AcpiDbOpenDebugFile (
     char                    *Name)
     AcpiDbCloseDebugFile ();
     AcpiGbl_DebugFile = fopen (Name, "w+");
     if (!AcpiGbl_DebugFile)
@@ -190,8 +185,6 @@ AcpiDbOpenDebugFile (
     strncpy (AcpiGbl_DbDebugFilename, Name,
         sizeof (AcpiGbl_DbDebugFilename));
     AcpiGbl_DbOutputToFile = TRUE;
@@ -241,8 +234,7 @@ AcpiDbLoadTables (
             return (Status);
-        fprintf (stderr,
-            "Acpi table [%4.4s] successfully installed and loaded\n",
+        AcpiOsPrintf ("Acpi table [%4.4s] successfully installed and loaded\n",
         TableListHead = TableListHead->Next;
@@ -250,3 +242,4 @@ AcpiDbLoadTables (
     return (AE_OK);
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbfadt.c b/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbfadt.c
index 413b2fd..6fb738d 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbfadt.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbfadt.c
@@ -588,17 +588,19 @@ AcpiTbConvertFadt (
-     * For ACPI 1.0 FADTs (revision 1 or 2), ensure that reserved fields which
+     * For ACPI 1.0 FADTs (revision 1), ensure that reserved fields which
      * should be zero are indeed zero. This will workaround BIOSs that
      * inadvertently place values in these fields.
      * The ACPI 1.0 reserved fields that will be zeroed are the bytes located
      * at offset 45, 55, 95, and the word located at offset 109, 110.
-     * Note: The FADT revision value is unreliable. Only the length can be
-     * trusted.
+     * Note: The FADT revision value is unreliable because of BIOS errors.
+     * The table length is instead used as the final word on the version.
+     *
+     * Note: FADT revision 3 is the ACPI 2.0 version of the FADT.
-    if (AcpiGbl_FADT.Header.Length <= ACPI_FADT_V2_SIZE)
+    if (AcpiGbl_FADT.Header.Length <= ACPI_FADT_V3_SIZE)
         AcpiGbl_FADT.PreferredProfile = 0;
         AcpiGbl_FADT.PstateControl = 0;
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbutils.c b/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbutils.c
index fd1d427..f270b94 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbutils.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbutils.c
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ AcpiTbGetRootTableEntry (
 AcpiTbParseRootTable (
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxface.c b/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxface.c
index 09753bf..9ac9dc1 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxface.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxface.c
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ AcpiAllocateRootTable (
 AcpiInitializeTables (
     ACPI_TABLE_DESC         *InitialTableArray,
     UINT32                  InitialTableCount,
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ ACPI_EXPORT_SYMBOL_INIT (AcpiInitializeTables)
 AcpiReallocateRootTable (
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxfload.c b/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxfload.c
index 6c6f2be..6ffc3cc 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxfload.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxfload.c
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 AcpiLoadTables (
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ UnlockAndExit:
 AcpiInstallTable (
     BOOLEAN                 Physical)
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxfroot.c b/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxfroot.c
index c5275c8..abd29a8 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxfroot.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/tables/tbxfroot.c
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ AcpiTbValidateRsdp (
 AcpiFindRootPointer (
     ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS   *TableAddress)
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ AcpiFindRootPointer (
-ACPI_EXPORT_SYMBOL (AcpiFindRootPointer)
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utbuffer.c b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utbuffer.c
index 4a50e9e..fe5c7d5 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utbuffer.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utbuffer.c
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ AcpiUtDumpBufferToFile (
     if (!Buffer)
-        AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "Null Buffer Pointer in DumpBuffer!\n");
+        fprintf (File, "Null Buffer Pointer in DumpBuffer!\n");
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ AcpiUtDumpBufferToFile (
         /* Print current offset */
-        AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "%6.4X: ", (BaseOffset + i));
+        fprintf (File, "%6.4X: ", (BaseOffset + i));
         /* Print 16 hex chars */
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ AcpiUtDumpBufferToFile (
                 /* Dump fill spaces */
-                AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "%*s", ((Display * 2) + 1), " ");
+                fprintf (File, "%*s", ((Display * 2) + 1), " ");
                 j += Display;
@@ -371,28 +371,28 @@ AcpiUtDumpBufferToFile (
             case DB_BYTE_DISPLAY:
             default:    /* Default is BYTE display */
-                AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "%02X ", Buffer[(ACPI_SIZE) i + j]);
+                fprintf (File, "%02X ", Buffer[(ACPI_SIZE) i + j]);
             case DB_WORD_DISPLAY:
                 ACPI_MOVE_16_TO_32 (&Temp32, &Buffer[(ACPI_SIZE) i + j]);
-                AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "%04X ", Temp32);
+                fprintf (File, "%04X ", Temp32);
             case DB_DWORD_DISPLAY:
                 ACPI_MOVE_32_TO_32 (&Temp32, &Buffer[(ACPI_SIZE) i + j]);
-                AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "%08X ", Temp32);
+                fprintf (File, "%08X ", Temp32);
             case DB_QWORD_DISPLAY:
                 ACPI_MOVE_32_TO_32 (&Temp32, &Buffer[(ACPI_SIZE) i + j]);
-                AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "%08X", Temp32);
+                fprintf (File, "%08X", Temp32);
                 ACPI_MOVE_32_TO_32 (&Temp32, &Buffer[(ACPI_SIZE) i + j + 4]);
-                AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "%08X ", Temp32);
+                fprintf (File, "%08X ", Temp32);
@@ -403,29 +403,29 @@ AcpiUtDumpBufferToFile (
          * Print the ASCII equivalent characters but watch out for the bad
          * unprintable ones (printable chars are 0x20 through 0x7E)
-        AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, " ");
+        fprintf (File, " ");
         for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
             if (i + j >= Count)
-                AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "\n");
+                fprintf (File, "\n");
             BufChar = Buffer[(ACPI_SIZE) i + j];
             if (isprint (BufChar))
-                AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "%c", BufChar);
+                fprintf (File, "%c", BufChar);
-                AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, ".");
+                fprintf (File, ".");
         /* Done with that line. */
-        AcpiUtFilePrintf (File, "\n");
+        fprintf (File, "\n");
         i += 16;
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utdebug.c b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utdebug.c
index 4d2b306..995d45c 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utdebug.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utdebug.c
@@ -780,33 +780,3 @@ AcpiTracePoint (
- *
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiLogError
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Format              - Printf format field
- *              ...                 - Optional printf arguments
- *
- * RETURN:      None
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Print error message to the console, used by applications.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-AcpiLogError (
-    const char              *Format,
-    ...)
-    va_list                 Args;
-    va_start (Args, Format);
-    (void) AcpiUtFileVprintf (ACPI_FILE_ERR, Format, Args);
-    va_end (Args);
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utinit.c b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utinit.c
index 7a80f43..ba42ad2 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utinit.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utinit.c
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ AcpiUtInitGlobals (
     AcpiGbl_NextOwnerIdOffset           = 0;
     AcpiGbl_DebuggerConfiguration       = DEBUGGER_THREADING;
     AcpiGbl_OsiMutex                    = NULL;
-    AcpiGbl_MaxLoopIterations           = 0xFFFF;
+    AcpiGbl_MaxLoopIterations           = ACPI_MAX_LOOP_COUNT;
     /* Hardware oriented */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utpredef.c b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utpredef.c
index 01196bb..a97064c 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utpredef.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utpredef.c
@@ -268,8 +268,6 @@ AcpiUtGetExpectedReturnTypes (
 #if (defined ACPI_ASL_COMPILER || defined ACPI_HELP_APP)
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
 /* Local prototypes */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utprint.c b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utprint.c
index 5ca859e..552656f 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utprint.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utprint.c
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ AcpiUtFormatNumber (
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiUtVsnprintf
+ * FUNCTION:    vsnprintf
  * PARAMETERS:  String              - String with boundary
  *              Size                - Boundary of the string
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ AcpiUtFormatNumber (
-AcpiUtVsnprintf (
+vsnprintf (
     char                    *String,
     ACPI_SIZE               Size,
     const char              *Format,
@@ -785,7 +785,7 @@ AcpiUtVsnprintf (
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiUtSnprintf
+ * FUNCTION:    snprintf
  * PARAMETERS:  String              - String with boundary
  *              Size                - Boundary of the string
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ AcpiUtVsnprintf (
-AcpiUtSnprintf (
+snprintf (
     char                    *String,
     ACPI_SIZE               Size,
     const char              *Format,
@@ -809,7 +809,38 @@ AcpiUtSnprintf (
     va_start (Args, Format);
-    Length = AcpiUtVsnprintf (String, Size, Format, Args);
+    Length = vsnprintf (String, Size, Format, Args);
+    va_end (Args);
+    return (Length);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:    sprintf
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS:  String              - String with boundary
+ *              Format, ...         - Standard printf format
+ *
+ * RETURN:      Number of bytes actually written.
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Formatted output to a string.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+sprintf (
+    char                    *String,
+    const char              *Format,
+    ...)
+    va_list                 Args;
+    int                     Length;
+    va_start (Args, Format);
+    Length = vsnprintf (String, ACPI_UINT32_MAX, Format, Args);
     va_end (Args);
     return (Length);
@@ -819,7 +850,69 @@ AcpiUtSnprintf (
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiUtFileVprintf
+ * FUNCTION:    vprintf
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS:  Format              - Standard printf format
+ *              Args                - Argument list
+ *
+ * RETURN:      Number of bytes actually written.
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Formatted output to stdout using argument list pointer.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+vprintf (
+    const char              *Format,
+    va_list                 Args)
+    ACPI_CPU_FLAGS          Flags;
+    int                     Length;
+    Flags = AcpiOsAcquireLock (AcpiGbl_PrintLock);
+    Length = vsnprintf (AcpiGbl_PrintBuffer,
+                sizeof (AcpiGbl_PrintBuffer), Format, Args);
+    (void) fwrite (AcpiGbl_PrintBuffer, Length, 1, ACPI_FILE_OUT);
+    AcpiOsReleaseLock (AcpiGbl_PrintLock, Flags);
+    return (Length);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:    printf
+ *
+ * PARAMETERS:  Format, ...         - Standard printf format
+ *
+ * RETURN:      Number of bytes actually written.
+ *
+ * DESCRIPTION: Formatted output to stdout.
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+printf (
+    const char              *Format,
+    ...)
+    va_list                 Args;
+    int                     Length;
+    va_start (Args, Format);
+    Length = vprintf (Format, Args);
+    va_end (Args);
+    return (Length);
+ *
+ * FUNCTION:    vfprintf
  * PARAMETERS:  File                - File descriptor
  *              Format              - Standard printf format
@@ -832,8 +925,8 @@ AcpiUtSnprintf (
-AcpiUtFileVprintf (
-    ACPI_FILE               File,
+vfprintf (
+    FILE                    *File,
     const char              *Format,
     va_list                 Args)
@@ -842,10 +935,10 @@ AcpiUtFileVprintf (
     Flags = AcpiOsAcquireLock (AcpiGbl_PrintLock);
-    Length = AcpiUtVsnprintf (AcpiGbl_PrintBuffer,
+    Length = vsnprintf (AcpiGbl_PrintBuffer,
         sizeof (AcpiGbl_PrintBuffer), Format, Args);
-    (void) AcpiOsWriteFile (File, AcpiGbl_PrintBuffer, Length, 1);
+    (void) fwrite (AcpiGbl_PrintBuffer, Length, 1, File);
     AcpiOsReleaseLock (AcpiGbl_PrintLock, Flags);
     return (Length);
@@ -854,7 +947,7 @@ AcpiUtFileVprintf (
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiUtFilePrintf
+ * FUNCTION:    fprintf
  * PARAMETERS:  File                - File descriptor
  *              Format, ...         - Standard printf format
@@ -866,8 +959,8 @@ AcpiUtFileVprintf (
-AcpiUtFilePrintf (
-    ACPI_FILE               File,
+fprintf (
+    FILE                    *File,
     const char              *Format,
@@ -876,7 +969,7 @@ AcpiUtFilePrintf (
     va_start (Args, Format);
-    Length = AcpiUtFileVprintf (File, Format, Args);
+    Length = vfprintf (File, Format, Args);
     va_end (Args);
     return (Length);
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/uttrack.c b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/uttrack.c
index cd3495f..c3cb9b9 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/uttrack.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/uttrack.c
@@ -179,14 +179,12 @@ AcpiUtCreateList (
     ACPI_MEMORY_LIST        *Cache;
-    Cache = AcpiOsAllocate (sizeof (ACPI_MEMORY_LIST));
+    Cache = AcpiOsAllocateZeroed (sizeof (ACPI_MEMORY_LIST));
     if (!Cache)
         return (AE_NO_MEMORY);
-    memset (Cache, 0, sizeof (ACPI_MEMORY_LIST));
     Cache->ListName = ListName;
     Cache->ObjectSize = ObjectSize;
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utxface.c b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utxface.c
index b616ed9..a8aeef6 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utxface.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utxface.c
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 AcpiTerminate (
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utxfinit.c b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utxfinit.c
index c6a26d9..c6f875c 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utxfinit.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/components/utilities/utxfinit.c
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ AeDoObjectOverrides (
 AcpiInitializeSubsystem (
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ ACPI_EXPORT_SYMBOL_INIT (AcpiInitializeSubsystem)
 AcpiEnableSubsystem (
     UINT32                  Flags)
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ ACPI_EXPORT_SYMBOL_INIT (AcpiEnableSubsystem)
 AcpiInitializeObjects (
     UINT32                  Flags)
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/acapps.h b/src/acpica/source/include/acapps.h
index b8ab5a3..d580245 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/acapps.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/acapps.h
@@ -116,11 +116,9 @@
 #ifndef _ACAPPS
 #define _ACAPPS
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER                 /* disable some level-4 warnings */
-#pragma warning(disable:4100)   /* warning C4100: unreferenced formal parameter */
+#include <sys/stat.h>
 /* Common info for tool signons */
@@ -157,13 +155,13 @@
 /* Macros for usage messages */
 #define ACPI_USAGE_HEADER(Usage) \
-    AcpiOsPrintf ("Usage: %s\nOptions:\n", Usage);
+    printf ("Usage: %s\nOptions:\n", Usage);
 #define ACPI_USAGE_TEXT(Description) \
-    AcpiOsPrintf (Description);
+    printf (Description);
 #define ACPI_OPTION(Name, Description) \
-    AcpiOsPrintf ("  %-20s%s\n", Name, Description);
+    printf ("  %-20s%s\n", Name, Description);
 /* Check for unexpected exceptions */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/acconfig.h b/src/acpica/source/include/acconfig.h
index 96da50c..23cf1c2 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/acconfig.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/acconfig.h
@@ -218,6 +218,10 @@
 #define ACPI_ADDRESS_RANGE_MAX          2
+/* Maximum number of While() loops before abort */
+#define ACPI_MAX_LOOP_COUNT             0xFFFF
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/acdisasm.h b/src/acpica/source/include/acdisasm.h
index ba8f274..640ecf5 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/acdisasm.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/acdisasm.h
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ typedef enum
+    ACPI_DMT_BUF12,
@@ -351,8 +352,8 @@ extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoErst[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoErst0[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoFacs[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoFadt1[];
-extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoFadt2[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoFadt3[];
+extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoFadt4[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoFadt5[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoFadt6[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoFpdt[];
@@ -458,6 +459,7 @@ extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoPcctHdr[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoPcct0[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoPcct1[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoPcct2[];
+extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoRasf[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoRsdp1[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoRsdp2[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoS3pt[];
@@ -495,6 +497,9 @@ extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoXenv[];
 extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        AcpiDmTableInfoGeneric[][2];
+extern ACPI_DMTABLE_INFO        *FadtRevisionInfo [ACPI_FADT_MAX_VERSION + 1];
  * dmtable and ahtable
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/acglobal.h b/src/acpica/source/include/acglobal.h
index 2376312..001519f 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/acglobal.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/acglobal.h
@@ -464,6 +464,7 @@ ACPI_GLOBAL (const char,                *AcpiGbl_PldShapeList[]);
 ACPI_INIT_GLOBAL (ACPI_FILE,            AcpiGbl_DebugFile, NULL);
 ACPI_INIT_GLOBAL (ACPI_FILE,            AcpiGbl_OutputFile, NULL);
+ACPI_INIT_GLOBAL (BOOLEAN,              AcpiGbl_DebugTimeout, FALSE);
 /* Print buffer */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/acpiosxf.h b/src/acpica/source/include/acpiosxf.h
index 550e264..60d61f1 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/acpiosxf.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/acpiosxf.h
@@ -564,6 +564,15 @@ AcpiOsGetLine (
     UINT32                  *BytesRead);
+AcpiOsTracePoint (
+    BOOLEAN                 Begin,
+    UINT8                   *Aml,
+    char                    *Pathname);
  * Obtain ACPI table(s)
@@ -624,62 +633,4 @@ AcpiOsCloseDirectory (
- * File I/O and related support
- */
-AcpiOsOpenFile (
-    const char              *Path,
-    UINT8                   Modes);
-AcpiOsCloseFile (
-    ACPI_FILE               File);
-AcpiOsReadFile (
-    ACPI_FILE               File,
-    void                    *Buffer,
-    ACPI_SIZE               Size,
-    ACPI_SIZE               Count);
-AcpiOsWriteFile (
-    ACPI_FILE               File,
-    void                    *Buffer,
-    ACPI_SIZE               Size,
-    ACPI_SIZE               Count);
-AcpiOsGetFileOffset (
-    ACPI_FILE               File);
-AcpiOsSetFileOffset (
-    ACPI_FILE               File,
-    long                    Offset,
-    UINT8                   From);
-AcpiOsTracePoint (
-    BOOLEAN                 Begin,
-    UINT8                   *Aml,
-    char                    *Pathname);
 #endif /* __ACPIOSXF_H__ */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/acpixf.h b/src/acpica/source/include/acpixf.h
index 2f939b1..68faadc 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/acpixf.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/acpixf.h
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 /* Current ACPICA subsystem version in YYYYMMDD format */
-#define ACPI_CA_VERSION                 0x20160527
+#define ACPI_CA_VERSION                 0x20160729
 #include "acconfig.h"
 #include "actypes.h"
@@ -492,29 +492,29 @@ ACPI_GLOBAL (BOOLEAN,               AcpiGbl_SystemAwakeAndRunning);
  * Initialization
 AcpiInitializeTables (
     ACPI_TABLE_DESC         *InitialStorage,
     UINT32                  InitialTableCount,
     BOOLEAN                 AllowResize))
 AcpiInitializeSubsystem (
 AcpiEnableSubsystem (
     UINT32                  Flags))
 AcpiInitializeObjects (
     UINT32                  Flags))
 AcpiTerminate (
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ AcpiDecodePldBuffer (
  * ACPI table load/unload interfaces
 AcpiInstallTable (
     BOOLEAN                 Physical))
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ AcpiUnloadParentTable (
     ACPI_HANDLE             Object))
 AcpiLoadTables (
@@ -617,12 +617,12 @@ AcpiLoadTables (
  * ACPI table manipulation interfaces
 AcpiReallocateRootTable (
 AcpiFindRootPointer (
     ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS   *RsdpAddress))
@@ -1304,13 +1304,6 @@ AcpiTracePoint (
     UINT8                   *Aml,
     char                    *Pathname))
-AcpiLogError (
-    const char              *Format,
-    ...))
 AcpiInitializeDebugger (
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/actables.h b/src/acpica/source/include/actables.h
index 204af43..31a4b7d 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/actables.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/actables.h
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ AcpiTbInstallFixedTable (
     char                    *Signature,
     UINT32                  *TableIndex);
 AcpiTbParseRootTable (
     ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS   RsdpAddress);
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/actbl.h b/src/acpica/source/include/actbl.h
index 65261e1..3c73998 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/actbl.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/actbl.h
@@ -328,62 +328,72 @@ typedef struct acpi_table_facs
 typedef struct acpi_table_fadt
-    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       Header;             /* Common ACPI table header */
-    UINT32                  Facs;               /* 32-bit physical address of FACS */
-    UINT32                  Dsdt;               /* 32-bit physical address of DSDT */
-    UINT8                   Model;              /* System Interrupt Model (ACPI 1.0) - not used in ACPI 2.0+ */
-    UINT8                   PreferredProfile;   /* Conveys preferred power management profile to OSPM. */
-    UINT16                  SciInterrupt;       /* System vector of SCI interrupt */
-    UINT32                  SmiCommand;         /* 32-bit Port address of SMI command port */
-    UINT8                   AcpiEnable;         /* Value to write to SMI_CMD to enable ACPI */
-    UINT8                   AcpiDisable;        /* Value to write to SMI_CMD to disable ACPI */
-    UINT8                   S4BiosRequest;      /* Value to write to SMI_CMD to enter S4BIOS state */
-    UINT8                   PstateControl;      /* Processor performance state control*/
-    UINT32                  Pm1aEventBlock;     /* 32-bit port address of Power Mgt 1a Event Reg Blk */
-    UINT32                  Pm1bEventBlock;     /* 32-bit port address of Power Mgt 1b Event Reg Blk */
-    UINT32                  Pm1aControlBlock;   /* 32-bit port address of Power Mgt 1a Control Reg Blk */
-    UINT32                  Pm1bControlBlock;   /* 32-bit port address of Power Mgt 1b Control Reg Blk */
-    UINT32                  Pm2ControlBlock;    /* 32-bit port address of Power Mgt 2 Control Reg Blk */
-    UINT32                  PmTimerBlock;       /* 32-bit port address of Power Mgt Timer Ctrl Reg Blk */
-    UINT32                  Gpe0Block;          /* 32-bit port address of General Purpose Event 0 Reg Blk */
-    UINT32                  Gpe1Block;          /* 32-bit port address of General Purpose Event 1 Reg Blk */
-    UINT8                   Pm1EventLength;     /* Byte Length of ports at Pm1xEventBlock */
-    UINT8                   Pm1ControlLength;   /* Byte Length of ports at Pm1xControlBlock */
-    UINT8                   Pm2ControlLength;   /* Byte Length of ports at Pm2ControlBlock */
-    UINT8                   PmTimerLength;      /* Byte Length of ports at PmTimerBlock */
-    UINT8                   Gpe0BlockLength;    /* Byte Length of ports at Gpe0Block */
-    UINT8                   Gpe1BlockLength;    /* Byte Length of ports at Gpe1Block */
-    UINT8                   Gpe1Base;           /* Offset in GPE number space where GPE1 events start */
-    UINT8                   CstControl;         /* Support for the _CST object and C-States change notification */
-    UINT16                  C2Latency;          /* Worst case HW latency to enter/exit C2 state */
-    UINT16                  C3Latency;          /* Worst case HW latency to enter/exit C3 state */
-    UINT16                  FlushSize;          /* Processor memory cache line width, in bytes */
-    UINT16                  FlushStride;        /* Number of flush strides that need to be read */
-    UINT8                   DutyOffset;         /* Processor duty cycle index in processor P_CNT reg */
-    UINT8                   DutyWidth;          /* Processor duty cycle value bit width in P_CNT register */
-    UINT8                   DayAlarm;           /* Index to day-of-month alarm in RTC CMOS RAM */
-    UINT8                   MonthAlarm;         /* Index to month-of-year alarm in RTC CMOS RAM */
-    UINT8                   Century;            /* Index to century in RTC CMOS RAM */
-    UINT16                  BootFlags;          /* IA-PC Boot Architecture Flags (see below for individual flags) */
-    UINT8                   Reserved;           /* Reserved, must be zero */
-    UINT32                  Flags;              /* Miscellaneous flag bits (see below for individual flags) */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    ResetRegister;      /* 64-bit address of the Reset register */
-    UINT8                   ResetValue;         /* Value to write to the ResetRegister port to reset the system */
-    UINT16                  ArmBootFlags;       /* ARM-Specific Boot Flags (see below for individual flags) (ACPI 5.1) */
-    UINT8                   MinorRevision;      /* FADT Minor Revision (ACPI 5.1) */
-    UINT64                  XFacs;              /* 64-bit physical address of FACS */
-    UINT64                  XDsdt;              /* 64-bit physical address of DSDT */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPm1aEventBlock;    /* 64-bit Extended Power Mgt 1a Event Reg Blk address */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPm1bEventBlock;    /* 64-bit Extended Power Mgt 1b Event Reg Blk address */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPm1aControlBlock;  /* 64-bit Extended Power Mgt 1a Control Reg Blk address */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPm1bControlBlock;  /* 64-bit Extended Power Mgt 1b Control Reg Blk address */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPm2ControlBlock;   /* 64-bit Extended Power Mgt 2 Control Reg Blk address */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPmTimerBlock;      /* 64-bit Extended Power Mgt Timer Ctrl Reg Blk address */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XGpe0Block;         /* 64-bit Extended General Purpose Event 0 Reg Blk address */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XGpe1Block;         /* 64-bit Extended General Purpose Event 1 Reg Blk address */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    SleepControl;       /* 64-bit Sleep Control register (ACPI 5.0) */
-    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    SleepStatus;        /* 64-bit Sleep Status register (ACPI 5.0) */
-    UINT64                  HypervisorId;       /* Hypervisor Vendor ID (ACPI 6.0) */
+    ACPI_TABLE_HEADER       Header;             /* [V1] Common ACPI table header */
+    UINT32                  Facs;               /* [V1] 32-bit physical address of FACS */
+    UINT32                  Dsdt;               /* [V1] 32-bit physical address of DSDT */
+    UINT8                   Model;              /* [V1] System Interrupt Model (ACPI 1.0) - not used in ACPI 2.0+ */
+    UINT8                   PreferredProfile;   /* [V1] Conveys preferred power management profile to OSPM. */
+    UINT16                  SciInterrupt;       /* [V1] System vector of SCI interrupt */
+    UINT32                  SmiCommand;         /* [V1] 32-bit Port address of SMI command port */
+    UINT8                   AcpiEnable;         /* [V1] Value to write to SMI_CMD to enable ACPI */
+    UINT8                   AcpiDisable;        /* [V1] Value to write to SMI_CMD to disable ACPI */
+    UINT8                   S4BiosRequest;      /* [V1] Value to write to SMI_CMD to enter S4BIOS state */
+    UINT8                   PstateControl;      /* [V1] Processor performance state control*/
+    UINT32                  Pm1aEventBlock;     /* [V1] 32-bit port address of Power Mgt 1a Event Reg Blk */
+    UINT32                  Pm1bEventBlock;     /* [V1] 32-bit port address of Power Mgt 1b Event Reg Blk */
+    UINT32                  Pm1aControlBlock;   /* [V1] 32-bit port address of Power Mgt 1a Control Reg Blk */
+    UINT32                  Pm1bControlBlock;   /* [V1] 32-bit port address of Power Mgt 1b Control Reg Blk */
+    UINT32                  Pm2ControlBlock;    /* [V1] 32-bit port address of Power Mgt 2 Control Reg Blk */
+    UINT32                  PmTimerBlock;       /* [V1] 32-bit port address of Power Mgt Timer Ctrl Reg Blk */
+    UINT32                  Gpe0Block;          /* [V1] 32-bit port address of General Purpose Event 0 Reg Blk */
+    UINT32                  Gpe1Block;          /* [V1] 32-bit port address of General Purpose Event 1 Reg Blk */
+    UINT8                   Pm1EventLength;     /* [V1] Byte Length of ports at Pm1xEventBlock */
+    UINT8                   Pm1ControlLength;   /* [V1] Byte Length of ports at Pm1xControlBlock */
+    UINT8                   Pm2ControlLength;   /* [V1] Byte Length of ports at Pm2ControlBlock */
+    UINT8                   PmTimerLength;      /* [V1] Byte Length of ports at PmTimerBlock */
+    UINT8                   Gpe0BlockLength;    /* [V1] Byte Length of ports at Gpe0Block */
+    UINT8                   Gpe1BlockLength;    /* [V1] Byte Length of ports at Gpe1Block */
+    UINT8                   Gpe1Base;           /* [V1] Offset in GPE number space where GPE1 events start */
+    UINT8                   CstControl;         /* [V1] Support for the _CST object and C-States change notification */
+    UINT16                  C2Latency;          /* [V1] Worst case HW latency to enter/exit C2 state */
+    UINT16                  C3Latency;          /* [V1] Worst case HW latency to enter/exit C3 state */
+    UINT16                  FlushSize;          /* [V1] Processor memory cache line width, in bytes */
+    UINT16                  FlushStride;        /* [V1] Number of flush strides that need to be read */
+    UINT8                   DutyOffset;         /* [V1] Processor duty cycle index in processor P_CNT reg */
+    UINT8                   DutyWidth;          /* [V1] Processor duty cycle value bit width in P_CNT register */
+    UINT8                   DayAlarm;           /* [V1] Index to day-of-month alarm in RTC CMOS RAM */
+    UINT8                   MonthAlarm;         /* [V1] Index to month-of-year alarm in RTC CMOS RAM */
+    UINT8                   Century;            /* [V1] Index to century in RTC CMOS RAM */
+    UINT16                  BootFlags;          /* [V3] IA-PC Boot Architecture Flags (see below for individual flags) */
+    UINT8                   Reserved;           /* [V1] Reserved, must be zero */
+    UINT32                  Flags;              /* [V1] Miscellaneous flag bits (see below for individual flags) */
+    /* End of Version 1 FADT fields (ACPI 1.0) */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    ResetRegister;      /* [V3] 64-bit address of the Reset register */
+    UINT8                   ResetValue;         /* [V3] Value to write to the ResetRegister port to reset the system */
+    UINT16                  ArmBootFlags;       /* [V5] ARM-Specific Boot Flags (see below for individual flags) (ACPI 5.1) */
+    UINT8                   MinorRevision;      /* [V5] FADT Minor Revision (ACPI 5.1) */
+    UINT64                  XFacs;              /* [V3] 64-bit physical address of FACS */
+    UINT64                  XDsdt;              /* [V3] 64-bit physical address of DSDT */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPm1aEventBlock;    /* [V3] 64-bit Extended Power Mgt 1a Event Reg Blk address */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPm1bEventBlock;    /* [V3] 64-bit Extended Power Mgt 1b Event Reg Blk address */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPm1aControlBlock;  /* [V3] 64-bit Extended Power Mgt 1a Control Reg Blk address */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPm1bControlBlock;  /* [V3] 64-bit Extended Power Mgt 1b Control Reg Blk address */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPm2ControlBlock;   /* [V3] 64-bit Extended Power Mgt 2 Control Reg Blk address */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XPmTimerBlock;      /* [V3] 64-bit Extended Power Mgt Timer Ctrl Reg Blk address */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XGpe0Block;         /* [V3] 64-bit Extended General Purpose Event 0 Reg Blk address */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    XGpe1Block;         /* [V3] 64-bit Extended General Purpose Event 1 Reg Blk address */
+    /* End of Version 3 FADT fields (ACPI 2.0) */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    SleepControl;       /* [V4] 64-bit Sleep Control register (ACPI 5.0) */
+    /* End of Version 4 FADT fields (ACPI 3.0 and ACPI 4.0) (Field was originally reserved in ACPI 3.0) */
+    ACPI_GENERIC_ADDRESS    SleepStatus;        /* [V5] 64-bit Sleep Status register (ACPI 5.0) */
+    /* End of Version 5 FADT fields (ACPI 5.0) */
+    UINT64                  HypervisorId;       /* [V6] Hypervisor Vendor ID (ACPI 6.0) */
+    /* End of Version 6 FADT fields (ACPI 6.0) */
@@ -399,8 +409,8 @@ typedef struct acpi_table_fadt
 /* Masks for FADT ARM Boot Architecture Flags (arm_boot_flags) ACPI 5.1 */
-#define ACPI_FADT_PSCI_COMPLIANT    (1)         /* 00: [V5+] PSCI 0.2+ is implemented */
-#define ACPI_FADT_PSCI_USE_HVC      (1<<1)      /* 01: [V5+] HVC must be used instead of SMC as the PSCI conduit */
+#define ACPI_FADT_PSCI_COMPLIANT    (1)         /* 00: [V5] PSCI 0.2+ is implemented */
+#define ACPI_FADT_PSCI_USE_HVC      (1<<1)      /* 01: [V5] HVC must be used instead of SMC as the PSCI conduit */
 /* Masks for FADT flags */
@@ -507,20 +517,34 @@ typedef struct acpi_table_desc
  * match the expected length. In other words, the length of the
  * FADT is the bottom line as to what the version really is.
- * For reference, the values below are as follows:
- *     FADT V1 size: 0x074
- *     FADT V2 size: 0x084
- *     FADT V3 size: 0x0F4
- *     FADT V4 size: 0x0F4
- *     FADT V5 size: 0x10C
- *     FADT V6 size: 0x114
+ * NOTE: There is no officialy released V2 of the FADT. This
+ * version was used only for prototyping and testing during the
+ * 32-bit to 64-bit transition. V3 was the first official 64-bit
+ * version of the FADT.
+ *
+ * Update this list of defines when a new version of the FADT is
+ * added to the ACPI specification. Note that the FADT version is
+ * only incremented when new fields are appended to the existing
+ * version. Therefore, the FADT version is competely independent
+ * from the version of the ACPI specification where it is
+ * defined.
+ *
+ * For reference, the various FADT lengths are as follows:
+ *     FADT V1 size: 0x074      ACPI 1.0
+ *     FADT V3 size: 0x0F4      ACPI 2.0
+ *     FADT V4 size: 0x100      ACPI 3.0 and ACPI 4.0
+ *     FADT V5 size: 0x10C      ACPI 5.0
+ *     FADT V6 size: 0x114      ACPI 6.0
-#define ACPI_FADT_V1_SIZE       (UINT32) (ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (Flags) + 4)
-#define ACPI_FADT_V2_SIZE       (UINT32) (ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (MinorRevision) + 1)
-#define ACPI_FADT_V3_SIZE       (UINT32) (ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (SleepControl))
-#define ACPI_FADT_V5_SIZE       (UINT32) (ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (HypervisorId))
-#define ACPI_FADT_V6_SIZE       (UINT32) (sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_FADT))
+#define ACPI_FADT_V1_SIZE       (UINT32) (ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (Flags) + 4)         /* ACPI 1.0 */
+#define ACPI_FADT_V3_SIZE       (UINT32) (ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (SleepControl))      /* ACPI 2.0 */
+#define ACPI_FADT_V4_SIZE       (UINT32) (ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (SleepStatus))       /* ACPI 3.0 and ACPI 4.0 */
+#define ACPI_FADT_V5_SIZE       (UINT32) (ACPI_FADT_OFFSET (HypervisorId))      /* ACPI 5.0 */
+#define ACPI_FADT_V6_SIZE       (UINT32) (sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_FADT))             /* ACPI 6.0 */
+/* Update these when new FADT versions are added */
 #define ACPI_FADT_CONFORMANCE   "ACPI 6.1 (FADT version 6)"
 #endif /* __ACTBL_H__ */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/actypes.h b/src/acpica/source/include/actypes.h
index 039d71a..abc4f7b 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/actypes.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/actypes.h
@@ -1459,16 +1459,6 @@ typedef enum
 #define ACPI_OSI_WIN_10                 0x0D
-/* Definitions of file IO */
-#define ACPI_FILE_READING               0x01
-#define ACPI_FILE_WRITING               0x02
-#define ACPI_FILE_BINARY                0x04
-#define ACPI_FILE_BEGIN                 0x01
-#define ACPI_FILE_END                   0x02
 /* Definitions of getopt */
 #define ACPI_OPT_END                    -1
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/acutils.h b/src/acpica/source/include/acutils.h
index 3fdca45..358d1c8 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/acutils.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/acutils.h
@@ -1140,48 +1140,6 @@ AcpiAhMatchUuid (
- * utprint - printf/vprintf output functions
- */
-const char *
-AcpiUtScanNumber (
-    const char              *String,
-    UINT64                  *NumberPtr);
-const char *
-AcpiUtPrintNumber (
-    char                    *String,
-    UINT64                  Number);
-AcpiUtVsnprintf (
-    char                    *String,
-    ACPI_SIZE               Size,
-    const char              *Format,
-    va_list                 Args);
-AcpiUtSnprintf (
-    char                    *String,
-    ACPI_SIZE               Size,
-    const char              *Format,
-    ...);
-AcpiUtFileVprintf (
-    ACPI_FILE               File,
-    const char              *Format,
-    va_list                 Args);
-AcpiUtFilePrintf (
-    ACPI_FILE               File,
-    const char              *Format,
-    ...);
  * utuuid -- UUID support functions
 #if (defined ACPI_ASL_COMPILER || defined ACPI_EXEC_APP || defined ACPI_HELP_APP)
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acenv.h b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acenv.h
index 7a72456..4982c87 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acenv.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acenv.h
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@
     (defined ACPI_EXAMPLE_APP)
 /* iASL configuration */
@@ -197,7 +198,6 @@
 /* AcpiNames/Example configuration. Hardware disabled */
@@ -222,7 +222,6 @@
 /* Common for all ACPICA applications */
@@ -239,10 +238,21 @@
  * Host configuration files. The compiler configuration files are included
- * by the host files.
+ * first.
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+#include "acgcc.h"
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include "acmsvc.h"
+#elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+#include "acintel.h"
 #if defined(_LINUX) || defined(__linux__)
 #include "aclinux.h"
@@ -282,18 +292,20 @@
 #elif defined(__OS2__)
 #include "acos2.h"
-#elif defined(_AED_EFI)
-#include "acefi.h"
-#elif defined(_GNU_EFI)
-#include "acefi.h"
 #elif defined(__HAIKU__)
 #include "achaiku.h"
 #elif defined(__QNX__)
 #include "acqnx.h"
+ * EFI applications can be built with -nostdlib, in this case, it must be
+ * included after including all other host environmental definitions, in
+ * order to override the definitions.
+ */
+#elif defined(_AED_EFI) || defined(_GNU_EFI) || defined(_EDK2_EFI)
+#include "acefi.h"
 /* Unknown environment */
@@ -402,7 +414,8 @@
  * ACPI_USE_SYSTEM_CLIBRARY - Define this if linking to an actual C library.
  *      Otherwise, local versions of string/memory functions will be used.
  * ACPI_USE_STANDARD_HEADERS - Define this if linking to a C library and
- *      the standard header files may be used.
+ *      the standard header files may be used. Defining this implies that
+ *      ACPI_USE_SYSTEM_CLIBRARY has been defined.
  * The ACPICA subsystem only uses low level C library functions that do not
  * call operating system services and may therefore be inlined in the code.
@@ -410,7 +423,6 @@
  * It may be necessary to tailor these include files to the target
  * generation environment.
 /* Use the standard C library headers. We want to keep these to a minimum. */
@@ -418,57 +430,20 @@
 /* Use the standard headers from the standard locations */
-#include <stdarg.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <signal.h>
-/* We will be linking to the standard Clib functions */
- *
- * Not using native C library, use local implementations
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- * Use local definitions of C library macros and functions. These function
- * implementations may not be as efficient as an inline or assembly code
- * implementation provided by a native C library, but they are functionally
- * equivalent.
- */
-#ifndef va_arg
-#ifndef _VALIST
-#define _VALIST
-typedef char *va_list;
-#endif /* _VALIST */
-/* Storage alignment properties */
-#define  _AUPBND                (sizeof (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) - 1)
-#define  _ADNBND                (sizeof (ACPI_NATIVE_INT) - 1)
-/* Variable argument list macro definitions */
-#define _Bnd(X, bnd)            (((sizeof (X)) + (bnd)) & (~(bnd)))
-#define va_arg(ap, T)           (*(T *)(((ap) += (_Bnd (T, _AUPBND))) - (_Bnd (T,_ADNBND))))
-#define va_end(ap)              (ap = (va_list) NULL)
-#define va_start(ap, A)         (void) ((ap) = (((char *) &(A)) + (_Bnd (A,_AUPBND))))
-#endif /* va_arg */
-/* Use the local (ACPICA) definitions of the clib functions */
-#ifndef ACPI_FILE
-#include <stdio.h>
 #define ACPI_FILE              FILE *
 #define ACPI_FILE_OUT          stdout
 #define ACPI_FILE_ERR          stderr
@@ -477,6 +452,9 @@ typedef char *va_list;
 #define ACPI_FILE_OUT          NULL
 #define ACPI_FILE_ERR          NULL
 #endif /* ACPI_APPLICATION */
-#endif /* ACPI_FILE */
 #endif /* __ACENV_H__ */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acenvex.h b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acenvex.h
index a0a4ed1..94b53e7 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acenvex.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acenvex.h
@@ -128,17 +128,24 @@
 #if defined(_LINUX) || defined(__linux__)
 #include "aclinuxex.h"
-#elif defined(WIN32)
-#include "acwinex.h"
+#elif defined(__DragonFly__)
+#include "acdragonflyex.h"
-#elif defined(_AED_EFI)
+ * EFI applications can be built with -nostdlib, in this case, it must be
+ * included after including all other host environmental definitions, in
+ * order to override the definitions.
+ */
+#elif defined(_AED_EFI) || defined(_GNU_EFI) || defined(_EDK2_EFI)
 #include "acefiex.h"
-#elif defined(_GNU_EFI)
-#include "acefiex.h"
-#elif defined(__DragonFly__)
-#include "acdragonflyex.h"
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
+#include "acgccex.h"
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include "acmsvcex.h"
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acgcc.h b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acgcc.h
index 3d36a38..097539c 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acgcc.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acgcc.h
@@ -116,6 +116,12 @@
 #ifndef __ACGCC_H__
 #define __ACGCC_H__
+ * Use compiler specific <stdarg.h> is a good practice for even when
+ * -nostdinc is specified (i.e., ACPI_USE_STANDARD_HEADERS undefined.
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
 #define ACPI_INLINE             __inline__
 /* Function name is used for debug output. Non-ANSI, compiler-dependent */
@@ -136,17 +142,6 @@
 #define ACPI_UNUSED_VAR __attribute__ ((unused))
- * Some versions of gcc implement strchr() with a buggy macro. So,
- * undef it here. Prevents error messages of this form (usually from the
- * file getopt.c):
- *
- * error: logical '&&' with non-zero constant will always evaluate as true
- */
-#ifdef strchr
-#undef strchr
 /* GCC supports __VA_ARGS__ in macros */
 #define COMPILER_VA_MACRO               1
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acgccex.h b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acgccex.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8aed194
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/acgccex.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+ *
+ * Name: acgccex.h - Extra GCC specific defines, etc.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ *
+ * 1. Copyright Notice
+ *
+ * Some or all of this work - Copyright (c) 1999 - 2016, Intel Corp.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * 2. License
+ *
+ * 2.1. This is your license from Intel Corp. under its intellectual property
+ * rights. You may have additional license terms from the party that provided
+ * you this software, covering your right to use that party's intellectual
+ * property rights.
+ *
+ * 2.2. Intel grants, free of charge, to any person ("Licensee") obtaining a
+ * copy of the source code appearing in this file ("Covered Code") an
+ * irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide license under Intel's copyrights in the
+ * base code distributed originally by Intel ("Original Intel Code") to copy,
+ * make derivatives, distribute, use and display any portion of the Covered
+ * Code in any form, with the right to sublicense such rights; and
+ *
+ * 2.3. Intel grants Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable patent
+ * license (with the right to sublicense), under only those claims of Intel
+ * patents that are infringed by the Original Intel Code, to make, use, sell,
+ * offer to sell, and import the Covered Code and derivative works thereof
+ * solely to the minimum extent necessary to exercise the above copyright
+ * license, and in no event shall the patent license extend to any additions
+ * to or modifications of the Original Intel Code. No other license or right
+ * is granted directly or by implication, estoppel or otherwise;
+ *
+ * The above copyright and patent license is granted only if the following
+ * conditions are met:
+ *
+ * 3. Conditions
+ *
+ * 3.1. Redistribution of Source with Rights to Further Distribute Source.
+ * Redistribution of source code of any substantial portion of the Covered
+ * Code or modification with rights to further distribute source must include
+ * the above Copyright Notice, the above License, this list of Conditions,
+ * and the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance provision. In addition,
+ * Licensee must cause all Covered Code to which Licensee contributes to
+ * contain a file documenting the changes Licensee made to create that Covered
+ * Code and the date of any change. Licensee must include in that file the
+ * documentation of any changes made by any predecessor Licensee. Licensee
+ * must include a prominent statement that the modification is derived,
+ * directly or indirectly, from Original Intel Code.
+ *
+ * 3.2. Redistribution of Source with no Rights to Further Distribute Source.
+ * Redistribution of source code of any substantial portion of the Covered
+ * Code or modification without rights to further distribute source must
+ * include the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance provision in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with distribution. In
+ * addition, Licensee may not authorize further sublicense of source of any
+ * portion of the Covered Code, and must include terms to the effect that the
+ * license from Licensee to its licensee is limited to the intellectual
+ * property embodied in the software Licensee provides to its licensee, and
+ * not to intellectual property embodied in modifications its licensee may
+ * make.
+ *
+ * 3.3. Redistribution of Executable. Redistribution in executable form of any
+ * substantial portion of the Covered Code or modification must reproduce the
+ * above Copyright Notice, and the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance
+ * provision in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * distribution.
+ *
+ * 3.4. Intel retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Original
+ * Intel Code.
+ *
+ * 3.5. Neither the name Intel nor any other trademark owned or controlled by
+ * Intel shall be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
+ * other dealings in products derived from or relating to the Covered Code
+ * without prior written authorization from Intel.
+ *
+ * 4. Disclaimer and Export Compliance
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * 4.3. Licensee shall not export, either directly or indirectly, any of this
+ * software or system incorporating such software without first obtaining any
+ * required license or other approval from the U. S. Department of Commerce or
+ * any other agency or department of the United States Government. In the
+ * event Licensee exports any such software from the United States or
+ * re-exports any such software from a foreign destination, Licensee shall
+ * ensure that the distribution and export/re-export of the software is in
+ * compliance with all laws, regulations, orders, or other restrictions of the
+ * U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Licensee agrees that neither it nor
+ * any of its subsidiaries will export/re-export any technical data, process,
+ * software, or service, directly or indirectly, to any country for which the
+ * United States government or any agency thereof requires an export license,
+ * other governmental approval, or letter of assurance, without first obtaining
+ * such license, approval or letter.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#ifndef __ACGCCEX_H__
+#define __ACGCCEX_H__
+ * Some versions of gcc implement strchr() with a buggy macro. So,
+ * undef it here. Prevents error messages of this form (usually from the
+ * file getopt.c):
+ *
+ * error: logical '&&' with non-zero constant will always evaluate as true
+ */
+#ifdef strchr
+#undef strchr
+#endif /* __ACGCCEX_H__ */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/aclinux.h b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/aclinux.h
index 9127735..6f7c577 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/aclinux.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/aclinux.h
@@ -161,6 +161,8 @@
 #include <asm/acenv.h>
+#define ACPI_INIT_FUNCTION __init
 #ifndef CONFIG_ACPI
 /* External globals for __KERNEL__, stubs is needed */
@@ -245,11 +247,11 @@
 #else /* !__KERNEL__ */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
 /* Define/disable kernel-specific declarators */
@@ -280,8 +282,4 @@
 #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-/* Linux uses GCC */
-#include "acgcc.h"
 #endif /* __ACLINUX_H__ */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/aclinuxex.h b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/aclinuxex.h
index fb259b0..7f24989 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/include/platform/aclinuxex.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/include/platform/aclinuxex.h
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
  * Overrides for in-kernel ACPICA
-ACPI_STATUS __init AcpiOsInitialize (
 ACPI_STATUS AcpiOsTerminate (
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/os_specific/service_layers/oslibcfs.c b/src/acpica/source/os_specific/service_layers/oslibcfs.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 26c1a8f..0000000
--- a/src/acpica/source/os_specific/service_layers/oslibcfs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Module Name: oslibcfs - C library OSL for file I/O
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- *
- * 1. Copyright Notice
- *
- * Some or all of this work - Copyright (c) 1999 - 2016, Intel Corp.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * 2. License
- *
- * 2.1. This is your license from Intel Corp. under its intellectual property
- * rights. You may have additional license terms from the party that provided
- * you this software, covering your right to use that party's intellectual
- * property rights.
- *
- * 2.2. Intel grants, free of charge, to any person ("Licensee") obtaining a
- * copy of the source code appearing in this file ("Covered Code") an
- * irrevocable, perpetual, worldwide license under Intel's copyrights in the
- * base code distributed originally by Intel ("Original Intel Code") to copy,
- * make derivatives, distribute, use and display any portion of the Covered
- * Code in any form, with the right to sublicense such rights; and
- *
- * 2.3. Intel grants Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable patent
- * license (with the right to sublicense), under only those claims of Intel
- * patents that are infringed by the Original Intel Code, to make, use, sell,
- * offer to sell, and import the Covered Code and derivative works thereof
- * solely to the minimum extent necessary to exercise the above copyright
- * license, and in no event shall the patent license extend to any additions
- * to or modifications of the Original Intel Code. No other license or right
- * is granted directly or by implication, estoppel or otherwise;
- *
- * The above copyright and patent license is granted only if the following
- * conditions are met:
- *
- * 3. Conditions
- *
- * 3.1. Redistribution of Source with Rights to Further Distribute Source.
- * Redistribution of source code of any substantial portion of the Covered
- * Code or modification with rights to further distribute source must include
- * the above Copyright Notice, the above License, this list of Conditions,
- * and the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance provision. In addition,
- * Licensee must cause all Covered Code to which Licensee contributes to
- * contain a file documenting the changes Licensee made to create that Covered
- * Code and the date of any change. Licensee must include in that file the
- * documentation of any changes made by any predecessor Licensee. Licensee
- * must include a prominent statement that the modification is derived,
- * directly or indirectly, from Original Intel Code.
- *
- * 3.2. Redistribution of Source with no Rights to Further Distribute Source.
- * Redistribution of source code of any substantial portion of the Covered
- * Code or modification without rights to further distribute source must
- * include the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance provision in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with distribution. In
- * addition, Licensee may not authorize further sublicense of source of any
- * portion of the Covered Code, and must include terms to the effect that the
- * license from Licensee to its licensee is limited to the intellectual
- * property embodied in the software Licensee provides to its licensee, and
- * not to intellectual property embodied in modifications its licensee may
- * make.
- *
- * 3.3. Redistribution of Executable. Redistribution in executable form of any
- * substantial portion of the Covered Code or modification must reproduce the
- * above Copyright Notice, and the following Disclaimer and Export Compliance
- * provision in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
- * distribution.
- *
- * 3.4. Intel retains all right, title, and interest in and to the Original
- * Intel Code.
- *
- * 3.5. Neither the name Intel nor any other trademark owned or controlled by
- * Intel shall be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or
- * other dealings in products derived from or relating to the Covered Code
- * without prior written authorization from Intel.
- *
- * 4. Disclaimer and Export Compliance
- *
- *
- *
- * 4.3. Licensee shall not export, either directly or indirectly, any of this
- * software or system incorporating such software without first obtaining any
- * required license or other approval from the U. S. Department of Commerce or
- * any other agency or department of the United States Government. In the
- * event Licensee exports any such software from the United States or
- * re-exports any such software from a foreign destination, Licensee shall
- * ensure that the distribution and export/re-export of the software is in
- * compliance with all laws, regulations, orders, or other restrictions of the
- * U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Licensee agrees that neither it nor
- * any of its subsidiaries will export/re-export any technical data, process,
- * software, or service, directly or indirectly, to any country for which the
- * United States government or any agency thereof requires an export license,
- * other governmental approval, or letter of assurance, without first obtaining
- * such license, approval or letter.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-#include "acpi.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-        ACPI_MODULE_NAME    ("oslibcfs")
- *
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiOsOpenFile
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  Path                - File path
- *              Modes               - File operation type
- *
- * RETURN:      File descriptor.
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Open a file for reading (ACPI_FILE_READING) or/and writing
- *              (ACPI_FILE_WRITING).
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-AcpiOsOpenFile (
-    const char              *Path,
-    UINT8                   Modes)
-    ACPI_FILE               File;
-    UINT32                  i = 0;
-    char                    ModesStr[4];
-    if (Modes & ACPI_FILE_READING)
-    {
-        ModesStr[i++] = 'r';
-    }
-    if (Modes & ACPI_FILE_WRITING)
-    {
-        ModesStr[i++] = 'w';
-    }
-    if (Modes & ACPI_FILE_BINARY)
-    {
-        ModesStr[i++] = 'b';
-    }
-    ModesStr[i++] = '\0';
-    File = fopen (Path, ModesStr);
-    if (!File)
-    {
-        perror ("Could not open file");
-    }
-    return (File);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiOsCloseFile
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  File                - An open file descriptor
- *
- * RETURN:      None.
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Close a file opened via AcpiOsOpenFile.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-AcpiOsCloseFile (
-    ACPI_FILE               File)
-    fclose (File);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiOsReadFile
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  File                - An open file descriptor
- *              Buffer              - Data buffer
- *              Size                - Data block size
- *              Count               - Number of data blocks
- *
- * RETURN:      Number of bytes actually read.
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Read from a file.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-AcpiOsReadFile (
-    ACPI_FILE               File,
-    void                    *Buffer,
-    ACPI_SIZE               Size,
-    ACPI_SIZE               Count)
-    int                     Length;
-    Length = fread (Buffer, Size, Count, File);
-    if (Length < 0)
-    {
-        perror ("Error reading file");
-    }
-    return (Length);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiOsWriteFile
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  File                - An open file descriptor
- *              Buffer              - Data buffer
- *              Size                - Data block size
- *              Count               - Number of data blocks
- *
- * RETURN:      Number of bytes actually written.
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Write to a file.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-AcpiOsWriteFile (
-    ACPI_FILE               File,
-    void                    *Buffer,
-    ACPI_SIZE               Size,
-    ACPI_SIZE               Count)
-    int                     Length;
-    Length = fwrite (Buffer, Size, Count, File);
-    if (Length < 0)
-    {
-        perror ("Error writing file");
-    }
-    return (Length);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiOsGetFileOffset
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  File                - An open file descriptor
- *
- * RETURN:      Current file pointer position.
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Get current file offset.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-AcpiOsGetFileOffset (
-    ACPI_FILE               File)
-    long                    Offset;
-    Offset = ftell (File);
-    return (Offset);
- *
- * FUNCTION:    AcpiOsSetFileOffset
- *
- * PARAMETERS:  File                - An open file descriptor
- *              Offset              - New file offset
- *              From                - From begin/end of file
- *
- * RETURN:      Status
- *
- * DESCRIPTION: Set current file offset.
- *
- ******************************************************************************/
-AcpiOsSetFileOffset (
-    ACPI_FILE               File,
-    long                    Offset,
-    UINT8                   From)
-    int                     Ret = 0;
-    if (From == ACPI_FILE_BEGIN)
-    {
-        Ret = fseek (File, Offset, SEEK_SET);
-    }
-    if (From == ACPI_FILE_END)
-    {
-        Ret = fseek (File, Offset, SEEK_END);
-    }
-    if (Ret < 0)
-    {
-        return (AE_ERROR);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        return (AE_OK);
-    }
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/os_specific/service_layers/osunixxf.c b/src/acpica/source/os_specific/service_layers/osunixxf.c
index c3a66d7..f04b59e 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/os_specific/service_layers/osunixxf.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/os_specific/service_layers/osunixxf.c
@@ -136,9 +136,6 @@
         ACPI_MODULE_NAME    ("osunixxf")
-BOOLEAN                        AcpiGbl_DebugTimeout = FALSE;
 /* Upcalls to AcpiExec */
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/tools/acpiexec/aecommon.h b/src/acpica/source/tools/acpiexec/aecommon.h
index 12199b0..dc15556 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/tools/acpiexec/aecommon.h
+++ b/src/acpica/source/tools/acpiexec/aecommon.h
@@ -131,11 +131,6 @@
 #include "amlresrc.h"
 #include "acapps.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <signal.h>
  * Debug Regions
diff --git a/src/acpica/source/tools/acpiexec/aeinitfile.c b/src/acpica/source/tools/acpiexec/aeinitfile.c
index 57c20dc..b1b60cd 100644
--- a/src/acpica/source/tools/acpiexec/aeinitfile.c
+++ b/src/acpica/source/tools/acpiexec/aeinitfile.c
@@ -158,7 +158,8 @@ AeOpenInitializationFile (
     InitFile = fopen (Filename, "r");
     if (!InitFile)
-        perror ("Could not open initialization file");
+        fprintf (stderr,
+            "Could not open initialization file: %s\n", Filename);
         return (-1);
    Acked-by: Ivan Hu <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"