[PATCH 1/2] acpi: asf: remove the checking of minmun watchdog reset velue 0

Ivan Hu ivan.hu at canonical.com
Tue Jul 12 10:40:05 UTC 2022

BugLink: https://bugs.launchpad.net/fwts/+bug/1981429

>From Alert Standard Format Specification[1]

The Minimum Watchdog Reset Value described as below,
Identifies the minimum value (in the range 1 to 256)
to which an alert-sending device’s watchdog timer
should be set at power-on reset, in seconds. This
value also reflects the maximum amount of time the
system firmware requires to reset the initial system
boot-failure watchdog timer.

It doesn't reference 0x00. However 0x00 in this context means the
watchdog timer is disabled.


Signed-off-by: Ivan Hu <ivan.hu at canonical.com>
 src/acpi/asf/asf.c | 7 -------
 1 file changed, 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/acpi/asf/asf.c b/src/acpi/asf/asf.c
index 74e4521c..675301ff 100644
--- a/src/acpi/asf/asf.c
+++ b/src/acpi/asf/asf.c
@@ -80,13 +80,6 @@ static void asf_check_info(
 	fwts_log_info_verbatim(fw, "  Reserved:                 0x%2.2" PRIx8, info->reserved3);
-	if (info->watchdog_reset_value == 0) {
-		*passed = false;
-		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
-			"ASF!InfoMinWatchDogInvalid",
-			"ASF! ASF_INFO Minimum Watchdog Reset Value is 0x00 and "
-			"must be in the range 0x01..0xff");
-	}
 	if (info->min_sensor_poll_wait_time < 2) {
 		*passed = false;
 		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,

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