FW: FWTS- DMA Remapping (VT-d) test

Huang, Bryan bryanhuang at hpe.com
Wed Feb 16 13:12:47 UTC 2022

Hi Alex and FWTS team members,

Here is TPE HPE Bryan Huang.
We ran DMA Remapping (VT-d) test and encountered the following FWTS issue as shown below. (The FWTS log is as attachment.)
According to this result, we have no further information.
Would you please help us to confirm it?

[cid:image004.jpg at 01D82379.E298A860]

Best regards,
From: Huang, Rachel
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2022 5:44 PM
To: Huang, Bryan <bryanhuang at hpe.com>
Cc: Chang, Alvin (HPE DVT UEFI) <achang at hpe.com>
Subject: RE: FWTS- DMA Remapping (VT-d) test

Hi Bryan,
I'm going to start to test with DMA Remapping(VT-D) under FWTS test plan. Currently ,  check with the test result log and found one test fail while VT-D was enabled. Please review more detail as below:

[cid:image001.png at 01D8235C.BFD94400]

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