[utwg] Call for testing - FWTS-LIVE rebased to Ubuntu 20.04 with kernel 5.4

Sivasakthivel Nainar sivasakthiveln at ami.com
Thu Feb 11 22:19:26 UTC 2021

Hi Alex,
  We are trying the  FWTS in the Arm64  SBBR complaint platforms  in our side.  The image we took from https://people.canonical.com/~alexhung/fwts-live-arm/focal/https://people.canonical.com/~alexhung/fwts-live-arm/focal/

We are seeing error as below:

error: disk 'hd0.gpt3' not found.
error:  you need to load the kernel first.

press any key to continue...

The image might be old  and  there might be newer version . Can you point to the FWTS live arm64 latest version for more testing?

From: utwg at uefi.org [utwg at uefi.org] on behalf of Alex Hung [alex.hung at canonical.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 3:09 PM
To: fwts-devel; utwg (utwg at uefi.org)
Subject: [utwg] Call for testing - FWTS-LIVE rebased to Ubuntu 20.04 with kernel 5.4


The current fwts-live image is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with Linux kernel 4.15. With the release of the new LTS, I am planning to rebase it to Ubuntu 20.04 with Linux kernel 5.4 in the next FWTS release this July.

A test image is available @ https://people.canonical.com/~alexhung/fwts-live-focal/fwts-live-20.06.01.img.xz

Most of the tests will not be affected except klog test, but it would be useful to confirm the image is usable on more systems to minimize potential impacts.

Thank you very much,
Alex Hung

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