[PATCH 2/2] fwts-test/syntaxcheck: sync regression log with latest ACPICA output

Colin King colin.king at canonical.com
Mon Feb 24 00:13:51 UTC 2020

From: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>

The latest ACPICA core improves warning messages, so sync the log
with the latest changes.

Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>
 .../syntaxcheck-0001/syntaxcheck-0001.log     | 314 +++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 297 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fwts-test/syntaxcheck-0001/syntaxcheck-0001.log b/fwts-test/syntaxcheck-0001/syntaxcheck-0001.log
index 4e3715d3..8bc3e806 100644
--- a/fwts-test/syntaxcheck-0001/syntaxcheck-0001.log
+++ b/fwts-test/syntaxcheck-0001/syntaxcheck-0001.log
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ syntaxcheck     02132|                 }
 syntaxcheck     02133| 
 syntaxcheck     02134|                 Method (_DOD, 0, NotSerialized)  // _DOD: Display Output Devices
 syntaxcheck          |                           ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_SB.PCI0.GFX0._DOD)
 syntaxcheck     02135|                 {
 syntaxcheck     02136|                     Store (Zero, NDID) /* \NDID */
 syntaxcheck     02137|                     If (LNotEqual (DIDL, Zero))
@@ -205,6 +205,76 @@ syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
 syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
 syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 2164
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     02161| 
+syntaxcheck     02162|                     If (LEqual (NDID, One))
+syntaxcheck     02163|                     {
+syntaxcheck     02164|                         Name (TMP1, Package (0x01)
+syntaxcheck          |                                 ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.GFX0._DOD)
+syntaxcheck     02165|                         {
+syntaxcheck     02166|                             0xFFFFFFFF
+syntaxcheck     02167|                         })
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 2174
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     02171| 
+syntaxcheck     02172|                     If (LEqual (NDID, 0x02))
+syntaxcheck     02173|                     {
+syntaxcheck     02174|                         Name (TMP2, Package (0x02)
+syntaxcheck          |                                 ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.GFX0._DOD)
+syntaxcheck     02175|                         {
+syntaxcheck     02176|                             0xFFFFFFFF, 
+syntaxcheck     02177|                             0xFFFFFFFF
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 2186
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     02183| 
+syntaxcheck     02184|                     If (LEqual (NDID, 0x03))
+syntaxcheck     02185|                     {
+syntaxcheck     02186|                         Name (TMP3, Package (0x03)
+syntaxcheck          |                                 ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.GFX0._DOD)
+syntaxcheck     02187|                         {
+syntaxcheck     02188|                             0xFFFFFFFF, 
+syntaxcheck     02189|                             0xFFFFFFFF, 
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 2200
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     02197| 
+syntaxcheck     02198|                     If (LEqual (NDID, 0x04))
+syntaxcheck     02199|                     {
+syntaxcheck     02200|                         Name (TMP4, Package (0x04)
+syntaxcheck          |                                 ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.GFX0._DOD)
+syntaxcheck     02201|                         {
+syntaxcheck     02202|                             0xFFFFFFFF, 
+syntaxcheck     02203|                             0xFFFFFFFF, 
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 2216
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     02213| 
+syntaxcheck     02214|                     If (LGreater (NDID, 0x04))
+syntaxcheck     02215|                     {
+syntaxcheck     02216|                         Name (TMP5, Package (0x05)
+syntaxcheck          |                                 ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.GFX0._DOD)
+syntaxcheck     02217|                         {
+syntaxcheck     02218|                             0xFFFFFFFF, 
+syntaxcheck     02219|                             0xFFFFFFFF, 
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
 syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmASL_MSG_LONG_SLEEP: Test 1, Assembler
 syntaxcheck     remark in line 3015
 syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
@@ -247,6 +317,20 @@ syntaxcheck     03089|                     }
 syntaxcheck     03090| 
 syntaxcheck     03091|                     Return (LNot (ARDY))
 syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 3319
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     03316| 
+syntaxcheck     03317|                 Method (GETF, 3, Serialized)
+syntaxcheck     03318|                 {
+syntaxcheck     03319|                     Name (TMPF, Zero)
+syntaxcheck          |                             ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\GETF)
+syntaxcheck     03320|                     If (Arg0)
+syntaxcheck     03321|                     {
+syntaxcheck     03322|                         Or (TMPF, One, TMPF) /* \GETF.TMPF */
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
 syntaxcheck     FAILED [MEDIUM] AMLAsmASL_MSG_LOCAL_NOT_USED: Test 1,
 syntaxcheck     Assembler warning in line 5358
 syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
@@ -284,7 +368,7 @@ syntaxcheck     05776|                     }
 syntaxcheck     05777| 
 syntaxcheck     05778|                     Method (_BIF, 0, NotSerialized)  // _BIF: Battery Information
 syntaxcheck          |                               ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.BAT1._BIF)
 syntaxcheck     05779|                     {
 syntaxcheck     05780|                         Name (STAT, Package (0x0D)
 syntaxcheck     05781|                         {
@@ -306,7 +390,7 @@ syntaxcheck     05830|                     }
 syntaxcheck     05831| 
 syntaxcheck     05832|                     Method (_BST, 0, NotSerialized)  // _BST: Battery Status
 syntaxcheck          |                               ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.BAT1._BST)
 syntaxcheck     05833|                     {
 syntaxcheck     05834|                         Name (PBST, Package (0x04)
 syntaxcheck     05835|                         {
@@ -319,6 +403,20 @@ syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
 syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
 syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 5834
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     05831| 
+syntaxcheck     05832|                     Method (_BST, 0, NotSerialized)  // _BST: Battery Status
+syntaxcheck     05833|                     {
+syntaxcheck     05834|                         Name (PBST, Package (0x04)
+syntaxcheck          |                                 ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.BAT1._BST)
+syntaxcheck     05835|                         {
+syntaxcheck     05836|                             Zero, 
+syntaxcheck     05837|                             0xFFFFFFFF, 
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
 syntaxcheck     FAILED [MEDIUM] AMLAsmASL_MSG_LOCAL_NOT_USED: Test 1,
 syntaxcheck     Assembler warning in line 5854
 syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
@@ -342,7 +440,7 @@ syntaxcheck     05936|                 {
 syntaxcheck     05937|                     Name (_ADR, Zero)  // _ADR: Address
 syntaxcheck     05938|                     Method (_GTM, 0, NotSerialized)  // _GTM: Get Timing Mode
 syntaxcheck          |                               ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_SB.PCI0.PATA.PRID._GTM)
 syntaxcheck     05939|                     {
 syntaxcheck     05940|                         Name (PBUF, Buffer (0x14)
 syntaxcheck     05941|                         {
@@ -355,6 +453,20 @@ syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
 syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
 syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 5940
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     05937|                     Name (_ADR, Zero)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     05938|                     Method (_GTM, 0, NotSerialized)  // _GTM: Get Timing Mode
+syntaxcheck     05939|                     {
+syntaxcheck     05940|                         Name (PBUF, Buffer (0x14)
+syntaxcheck          |                                 ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.PATA.PRID._GTM)
+syntaxcheck     05941|                         {
+syntaxcheck     05942|                             /* 0000 */  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  // ........
+syntaxcheck     05943|                             /* 0008 */  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,  // ........
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
 syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmASL_MSG_NOT_REFERENCED: Test 1,
 syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 6011
 syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
@@ -420,7 +532,7 @@ syntaxcheck     06102|                     {
 syntaxcheck     06103|                         Name (_ADR, Zero)  // _ADR: Address
 syntaxcheck     06104|                         Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized)  // _GTF: Get Task File
 syntaxcheck          |                                   ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_SB.PCI0.PATA.PRID.P_D0._GTF)
 syntaxcheck     06105|                         {
 syntaxcheck     06106|                             Name (PIB0, Buffer (0x0E)
 syntaxcheck     06107|                             {
@@ -433,6 +545,20 @@ syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
 syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
 syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 6106
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     06103|                         Name (_ADR, Zero)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     06104|                         Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized)  // _GTF: Get Task File
+syntaxcheck     06105|                         {
+syntaxcheck     06106|                             Name (PIB0, Buffer (0x0E)
+syntaxcheck          |                                     ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.PATA.PRID.P_D0._GTF)
+syntaxcheck     06107|                             {
+syntaxcheck     06108|                                 /* 0000 */  0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xEF, 0x03,  // ........
+syntaxcheck     06109|                                 /* 0008 */  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0xEF               // ......
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
 syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 6169
 syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
@@ -442,7 +568,7 @@ syntaxcheck     06167|                     {
 syntaxcheck     06168|                         Name (_ADR, One)  // _ADR: Address
 syntaxcheck     06169|                         Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized)  // _GTF: Get Task File
 syntaxcheck          |                                   ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_SB.PCI0.PATA.PRID.P_D1._GTF)
 syntaxcheck     06170|                         {
 syntaxcheck     06171|                             Name (PIB1, Buffer (0x0E)
 syntaxcheck     06172|                             {
@@ -455,7 +581,35 @@ syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
 syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
 syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
-syntaxcheck     Table DSDT (0) reassembly: Found 3 errors, 7 warnings, 17
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 6171
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     06168|                         Name (_ADR, One)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     06169|                         Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized)  // _GTF: Get Task File
+syntaxcheck     06170|                         {
+syntaxcheck     06171|                             Name (PIB1, Buffer (0x0E)
+syntaxcheck          |                                     ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.PATA.PRID.P_D1._GTF)
+syntaxcheck     06172|                             {
+syntaxcheck     06173|                                 /* 0000 */  0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xB0, 0xEF, 0x03,  // ........
+syntaxcheck     06174|                                 /* 0008 */  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xB0, 0xEF               // ......
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 6469
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     06466| 
+syntaxcheck     06467|                 Method (SBLR, 3, Serialized)
+syntaxcheck     06468|                 {
+syntaxcheck     06469|                     Name (TBUF, Buffer (0x0100){})
+syntaxcheck          |                             ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.SBUS.SBLR)
+syntaxcheck     06470|                     If (STRT ())
+syntaxcheck     06471|                     {
+syntaxcheck     06472|                         Return (Zero)
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     Table DSDT (0) reassembly: Found 3 errors, 7 warnings, 28
 syntaxcheck     remarks.
@@ -470,7 +624,7 @@ syntaxcheck     00031|         {
 syntaxcheck     00032|             Name (_ADR, 0xFFFF)  // _ADR: Address
 syntaxcheck     00033|             Method (_SDD, 1, NotSerialized)  // _SDD: Set Device Data
 syntaxcheck          |                       ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.PRT0._SDD)
 syntaxcheck     00034|             {
 syntaxcheck     00035|                 Name (GBU0, Buffer (0x07)
 syntaxcheck     00036|                 {
@@ -483,6 +637,20 @@ syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
 syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
 syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 35
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00032|             Name (_ADR, 0xFFFF)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     00033|             Method (_SDD, 1, NotSerialized)  // _SDD: Set Device Data
+syntaxcheck     00034|             {
+syntaxcheck     00035|                 Name (GBU0, Buffer (0x07)
+syntaxcheck          |                         ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.PRT0._SDD)
+syntaxcheck     00036|                 {
+syntaxcheck     00037|                      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0x00         // .......
+syntaxcheck     00038|                 })
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
 syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmASL_MSG_NOT_REFERENCED: Test 1,
 syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 41
 syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
@@ -548,7 +716,7 @@ syntaxcheck     00073|         {
 syntaxcheck     00074|             Name (_ADR, 0x0001FFFF)  // _ADR: Address
 syntaxcheck     00075|             Method (_SDD, 1, NotSerialized)  // _SDD: Set Device Data
 syntaxcheck          |                       ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.PRT1._SDD)
 syntaxcheck     00076|             {
 syntaxcheck     00077|                 Name (GBU1, Buffer (0x07)
 syntaxcheck     00078|                 {
@@ -561,6 +729,20 @@ syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
 syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
 syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 77
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00074|             Name (_ADR, 0x0001FFFF)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     00075|             Method (_SDD, 1, NotSerialized)  // _SDD: Set Device Data
+syntaxcheck     00076|             {
+syntaxcheck     00077|                 Name (GBU1, Buffer (0x07)
+syntaxcheck          |                         ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.PRT1._SDD)
+syntaxcheck     00078|                 {
+syntaxcheck     00079|                      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0x00         // .......
+syntaxcheck     00080|                 })
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
 syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmASL_MSG_NOT_REFERENCED: Test 1,
 syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 83
 syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
@@ -626,7 +808,7 @@ syntaxcheck     00115|         {
 syntaxcheck     00116|             Name (_ADR, 0x0002FFFF)  // _ADR: Address
 syntaxcheck     00117|             Method (_SDD, 1, NotSerialized)  // _SDD: Set Device Data
 syntaxcheck          |                       ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.PRT2._SDD)
 syntaxcheck     00118|             {
 syntaxcheck     00119|                 Name (GBU2, Buffer (0x07)
 syntaxcheck     00120|                 {
@@ -639,6 +821,20 @@ syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
 syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
 syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 119
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00116|             Name (_ADR, 0x0002FFFF)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     00117|             Method (_SDD, 1, NotSerialized)  // _SDD: Set Device Data
+syntaxcheck     00118|             {
+syntaxcheck     00119|                 Name (GBU2, Buffer (0x07)
+syntaxcheck          |                         ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_SB.PCI0.SATA.PRT2._SDD)
+syntaxcheck     00120|                 {
+syntaxcheck     00121|                      0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA0, 0x00         // .......
+syntaxcheck     00122|                 })
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
 syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmASL_MSG_NOT_REFERENCED: Test 1,
 syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 125
 syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
@@ -695,7 +891,7 @@ syntaxcheck     00129|                 CreateByteField (GBU2, 0x06, GB26)
 syntaxcheck     00130|                 If (LEqual (SizeOf (Arg0), 0x0200))
 syntaxcheck     00131|                 {
 syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
-syntaxcheck     Table SSDT (1) reassembly: Found 0 errors, 0 warnings, 15
+syntaxcheck     Table SSDT (1) reassembly: Found 0 errors, 0 warnings, 18
 syntaxcheck     remarks.
@@ -742,7 +938,7 @@ syntaxcheck     00053|         Name (HI0, 0x00)
 syntaxcheck     00054|         Name (HC0, 0x00)
 syntaxcheck     00055|         Method (_PDC, 1, NotSerialized)  // _PDC: Processor Driver Capabilities
 syntaxcheck          |                   ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_PR.CPU0._PDC)
 syntaxcheck     00056|         {
 syntaxcheck     00057|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x00, REVS)
 syntaxcheck     00058|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x04, SIZE)
@@ -764,7 +960,7 @@ syntaxcheck     00068|         }
 syntaxcheck     00069| 
 syntaxcheck     00070|         Method (_OSC, 4, NotSerialized)  // _OSC: Operating System Capabilities
 syntaxcheck          |                   ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_PR.CPU0._OSC)
 syntaxcheck     00071|         {
 syntaxcheck     00072|             CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x00, STS0)
 syntaxcheck     00073|             CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x04, CAP0)
@@ -777,6 +973,48 @@ syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
 syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
 syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 78
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00075|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x04, IID1)
+syntaxcheck     00076|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x08, IID2)
+syntaxcheck     00077|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x0C, IID3)
+syntaxcheck     00078|             Name (UID0, ToUUID ("4077a616-290c-47be-9ebd-d87058713953"))
+syntaxcheck          |                     ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_PR.CPU0._OSC)
+syntaxcheck     00079|             CreateDWordField (UID0, 0x00, EID0)
+syntaxcheck     00080|             CreateDWordField (UID0, 0x04, EID1)
+syntaxcheck     00081|             CreateDWordField (UID0, 0x08, EID2)
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 104
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00101|                     0x09)), LNot (And (SDTL, 0x01))))
+syntaxcheck     00102|                 {
+syntaxcheck     00103|                     Or (SDTL, 0x01, SDTL) /* \SDTL */
+syntaxcheck     00104|                     OperationRegion (IST0, SystemMemory, DerefOf (Index (SSDT, 0x01)), DerefOf (Index (SSDT, 0x02)))
+syntaxcheck          |                                        ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_PR.CPU0._OSC)
+syntaxcheck     00105|                     Load (IST0, HI0) /* \_PR_.CPU0.HI0_ */
+syntaxcheck     00106|                 }
+syntaxcheck     00107|             }
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 115
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00112|                     And (SDTL, 0x02))))
+syntaxcheck     00113|                 {
+syntaxcheck     00114|                     Or (SDTL, 0x02, SDTL) /* \SDTL */
+syntaxcheck     00115|                     OperationRegion (CST0, SystemMemory, DerefOf (Index (SSDT, 0x07)), DerefOf (Index (SSDT, 0x08)))
+syntaxcheck          |                                        ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_PR.CPU0._OSC)
+syntaxcheck     00116|                     Load (CST0, HC0) /* \_PR_.CPU0.HC0_ */
+syntaxcheck     00117|                 }
+syntaxcheck     00118|             }
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
 syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 128
 syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
@@ -786,7 +1024,7 @@ syntaxcheck     00126|         Name (HI1, 0x00)
 syntaxcheck     00127|         Name (HC1, 0x00)
 syntaxcheck     00128|         Method (_PDC, 1, NotSerialized)  // _PDC: Processor Driver Capabilities
 syntaxcheck          |                   ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_PR.CPU1._PDC)
 syntaxcheck     00129|         {
 syntaxcheck     00130|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x00, REVS)
 syntaxcheck     00131|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x04, SIZE)
@@ -808,7 +1046,7 @@ syntaxcheck     00141|         }
 syntaxcheck     00142| 
 syntaxcheck     00143|         Method (_OSC, 4, NotSerialized)  // _OSC: Operating System Capabilities
 syntaxcheck          |                   ^
-syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized due to creation of named objects within (\_PR.CPU1._OSC)
 syntaxcheck     00144|         {
 syntaxcheck     00145|             CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x00, STS1)
 syntaxcheck     00146|             CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x04, CAP1)
@@ -821,11 +1059,53 @@ syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
 syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
 syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
-syntaxcheck     Table SSDT (5) reassembly: Found 0 errors, 0 warnings, 4
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 151
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00148|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x04, IID1)
+syntaxcheck     00149|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x08, IID2)
+syntaxcheck     00150|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x0C, IID3)
+syntaxcheck     00151|             Name (UID1, ToUUID ("4077a616-290c-47be-9ebd-d87058713953"))
+syntaxcheck          |                     ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_PR.CPU1._OSC)
+syntaxcheck     00152|             CreateDWordField (UID1, 0x00, EID0)
+syntaxcheck     00153|             CreateDWordField (UID1, 0x04, EID1)
+syntaxcheck     00154|             CreateDWordField (UID1, 0x08, EID2)
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 177
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00174|                     0x09)), LNot (And (SDTL, 0x10))))
+syntaxcheck     00175|                 {
+syntaxcheck     00176|                     Or (SDTL, 0x10, SDTL) /* \SDTL */
+syntaxcheck     00177|                     OperationRegion (IST1, SystemMemory, DerefOf (Index (SSDT, 0x04)), DerefOf (Index (SSDT, 0x05)))
+syntaxcheck          |                                        ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_PR.CPU1._OSC)
+syntaxcheck     00178|                     Load (IST1, HI1) /* \_PR_.CPU1.HI1_ */
+syntaxcheck     00179|                 }
+syntaxcheck     00180|             }
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     FAILED [LOW] AMLAsmUnknown: Test 1, Assembler remark in
+syntaxcheck     line 188
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00185|                     And (SDTL, 0x20))))
+syntaxcheck     00186|                 {
+syntaxcheck     00187|                     Or (SDTL, 0x20, SDTL) /* \SDTL */
+syntaxcheck     00188|                     OperationRegion (CST1, SystemMemory, DerefOf (Index (SSDT, 0x0A)), DerefOf (Index (SSDT, 0x0B)))
+syntaxcheck          |                                        ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2173: Creation of named objects within a method is highly inefficient, use globals or method local variables instead (\_PR.CPU1._OSC)
+syntaxcheck     00189|                     Load (CST1, HC1) /* \_PR_.CPU1.HC1_ */
+syntaxcheck     00190|                 }
+syntaxcheck     00191|             }
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     Table SSDT (5) reassembly: Found 0 errors, 0 warnings, 10
 syntaxcheck     remarks.
 syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
-syntaxcheck     2 passed, 47 failed, 0 warning, 0 aborted, 0 skipped, 0
+syntaxcheck     2 passed, 67 failed, 0 warning, 0 aborted, 0 skipped, 0
 syntaxcheck     info only.
 syntaxcheck     ==========================================================

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