[Luv] FWTS for RHEL

Blibbet blibbet at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 20:09:19 UTC 2018

On 06/26/2018 03:24 AM, R, Dilip Kumar (FEL) wrote:
> [...] Can you please help us out in understanding the base dependencies
> that we should install to get going with RHEL?[...]

FWTS's UEFI Secure Boot test only tests the Ubuntu key.

If you are are using another OS, this FWTS Secure Boot test is not useful.

To support a non-Ubuntu OS, you'd have to add that OS'es Secure Boot
test alongside the Ubuntu test. And update it each time you update the key.

To make the test OS-neutral, it would be necessary to use the same
key-testing logic that the shim or dbxtool does. (Something I've been
meaning to do, but free time has not permitted it; hopefully in the Fall.)

Lee Fisher

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