[PATCH 2/2] fwts-test: sync up with new fwts_acpi_reserved_bits_check

Alex Hung alex.hung at canonical.com
Tue Sep 26 00:15:24 UTC 2017

Signed-off-by: Alex Hung <alex.hung at canonical.com>
 fwts-test/bgrt-0001/bgrt-0002.log |  4 ++--
 fwts-test/iort-0001/iort-0002.log | 18 +++++++++---------
 fwts-test/lpit-0001/lpit-0002.log |  6 +++---
 fwts-test/mchi-0001/mchi-0002.log | 10 ++++------
 fwts-test/nfit-0001/nfit-0002.log |  4 ++--
 5 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fwts-test/bgrt-0001/bgrt-0002.log b/fwts-test/bgrt-0001/bgrt-0002.log
index a9662c4..edbfd8d 100644
--- a/fwts-test/bgrt-0001/bgrt-0002.log
+++ b/fwts-test/bgrt-0001/bgrt-0002.log
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ bgrt              Image Offset X:           0x00000000
 bgrt              Image Offset Y:           0x00000000
 bgrt            FAILED [MEDIUM] BGRTInvalidVersion: Test 1, BGRT: Version
 bgrt            field is 0x2 and not the expected value of 0x01
-bgrt            FAILED [MEDIUM] BGRTStatusRersevedBits: Test 1, BGRT:
-bgrt            Status field is 0xff, reserved bits [7:3] should be zero
+bgrt            FAILED [HIGH] BGRTReservedBitsNonZero: Test 1, BGRT BGRT
+bgrt            Status Bits [7..3] must be zero, got 0xff instead
 bgrt            FAILED [MEDIUM] BGRTInvalidImageType: Test 1, BGRT: Image
 bgrt            Type field is 0x1, the only allowed type is 0x00
diff --git a/fwts-test/iort-0001/iort-0002.log b/fwts-test/iort-0001/iort-0002.log
index 82eb3d0..0f5e0e5 100644
--- a/fwts-test/iort-0001/iort-0002.log
+++ b/fwts-test/iort-0001/iort-0002.log
@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ iort            FAILED [HIGH] IORTCacheCoherentAttrInvalid: Test 1, IORT
 iort            Named Component Node Coherent Attribute is 0x4 and should
 iort            be either 0 (device is fully coherent) or 1 (device is not
 iort            coherent).
-iort            FAILED [MEDIUM] IORTNodeReservedNonZero: Test 1, IORT
-iort            Named Component Node Node Reserved is 0xdead and is
-iort            reserved and should be zero.
+iort            FAILED [MEDIUM] IORTReservedNonZero: Test 1, IORT Named
+iort            Component Node Reserved field must be zero, got 0xdead
+iort            instead
 iort            FAILED [HIGH] IORTMemAttrInvalid: Test 1, IORT Named
 iort            Component Node Memory Attributes are illegal, CCA cannot
 iort            be 0 if CPM and DACS are 1. If the device has a coherent
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ iort            FAILED [HIGH] IORTCacheCoherentAttrInvalid: Test 1, IORT
 iort            PCI Root Complex Node Coherent Attribute is 0xd1 and
 iort            should be either 0 (device is fully coherent) or 1 (device
 iort            is not coherent).
-iort            FAILED [HIGH] IORTAllocHintsReservedNonZero: Test 1, IORT
-iort            PCI Root Complex Node Allocation Hints reserved bits [7:4]
-iort            are reserved and should be zero.
-iort            FAILED [MEDIUM] IORTNodeReservedNonZero: Test 1, IORT PCI
-iort            Root Complex Node Node Reserved is 0x8000 and is reserved
-iort            and should be zero.
+iort            FAILED [HIGH] IORTReservedBitsNonZero: Test 1, IORT PCI
+iort            Root Complex Node Allocation Hints Bits [7..4] must be
+iort            zero, got 0xfe instead
+iort            FAILED [MEDIUM] IORTReservedNonZero: Test 1, IORT PCI Root
+iort            Complex Node Reserved field must be zero, got 0x8000
+iort            instead
 iort            FAILED [HIGH] IORTIdMappingOutsideTable: Test 1, IORT ID
 iort            Mapping 1 is outside the IORT ACPI table. Either the
 iort            offset is incorrect or the IORT table size or the node is
diff --git a/fwts-test/lpit-0001/lpit-0002.log b/fwts-test/lpit-0001/lpit-0002.log
index d362acd..4e29206 100644
--- a/fwts-test/lpit-0001/lpit-0002.log
+++ b/fwts-test/lpit-0001/lpit-0002.log
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ lpit
 lpit            FAILED [MEDIUM] LPITReservedNonZero: Test 1, LPIT Native
 lpit            C-state based LPI structure reserved field must be zero,
 lpit            got 0xffff instead
-lpit            FAILED [LOW] LPITNativeCStateLpitFlagsReserved: Test 1,
-lpit            Some of the Native C-state based LPI structure flags bits
-lpit            [31:2] are set, they are expected to be zero
+lpit            FAILED [HIGH] LPITReservedBitsNonZero: Test 1, LPIT LPI
+lpit            structure flags Bits [31..2] must be zero, got 0x0000fffd
+lpit            instead
 lpit            FAILED [LOW] LPITNativeCStateLpitResidencyCounterWidth:
 lpit            Test 1, Native C-state based LPI structure Residency
 lpit            Structure Register Bit Width was 16 for a FFH Address
diff --git a/fwts-test/mchi-0001/mchi-0002.log b/fwts-test/mchi-0001/mchi-0002.log
index ae92693..55bb5e4 100644
--- a/fwts-test/mchi-0001/mchi-0002.log
+++ b/fwts-test/mchi-0001/mchi-0002.log
@@ -30,15 +30,13 @@ mchi            FAILED [HIGH] MCHIInvalidProtocolIdentifier: Test 1, MCHI
 mchi            Protocol Identifier 0xfe which is reserved, allowed values
 mchi            are 0x00 (Unspecifier), 0x01 (MCTP), 0x02 (IPMI) or 255
 mchi            (OEM defined)
-mchi            FAILED [HIGH] MCHIInterruptTypeReservedNonZero: Test 1,
-mchi            MCHI Interrupt Type 0x80 has some reserved bits [7:2] set,
-mchi            these should be all zero.
+mchi            FAILED [HIGH] MCHIReservedBitsNonZero: Test 1, MCHI
+mchi            Interrupt Type Bits [7..2] must be zero, got 0x80 instead
 mchi            FAILED [HIGH] MCHIGpeNonZero: Test 1, MCHI GPE is 0xf0 and
 mchi            should be zero when bit 0 of the Interrupt Type field is 0
 mchi            (SCI triggered through GPE non-supported)
-mchi            FAILED [HIGH] MCHIPciDeviceFlagReservedNonZero: Test 1,
-mchi            MCHI PCI Device Flag 0xf1 has some reserved bits [7:1] set
-mchi            , these should be all zero.
+mchi            FAILED [HIGH] MCHIReservedBitsNonZero: Test 1, MCHI PCI
+mchi            Device Flag Bits [7..1] must be zero, got 0xf1 instead
 mchi            FAILED [HIGH] MCHIGsiNonZero: Test 1, MCHI Global System
 mchi            Interrupt is 0x234 and should be zero when bit 1 of the
 mchi            Interrupt Type field is 0
diff --git a/fwts-test/nfit-0001/nfit-0002.log b/fwts-test/nfit-0001/nfit-0002.log
index 2b13fe4..e5572e3 100644
--- a/fwts-test/nfit-0001/nfit-0002.log
+++ b/fwts-test/nfit-0001/nfit-0002.log
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ nfit            FAILED [HIGH] NFITBadRevisionId: Test 1, NFIT Revision
 nfit            ID's BYTE 1 must be zero, got 0x5501 instead
 nfit            FAILED [HIGH] NFITBadRevisionId: Test 1, NFIT Subsystem
 nfit            Revision ID's BYTE 1 must be zero, got 0xaa01 instead
-nfit            FAILED [HIGH] NFITBadValidField: Test 1, NFIT Valid
-nfit            Field's Bits[7..1] must be zero, got 0x03 instead
+nfit            FAILED [HIGH] NFITReservedBitsNonZero: Test 1, NFIT Valid
+nfit            Bits [7..1] must be zero, got 0x03 instead
 nfit            FAILED [HIGH] NFITReservedBitsNonZero: Test 1, NFIT NVDIMM
 nfit            Control Region Flags Bits [15..1] must be zero, got 0x0003
 nfit            instead

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