ACK: [PATCH] acpi: bert: remove confusing warning
ivanhu at
Wed Nov 29 09:40:09 UTC 2017
On 11/23/2017 02:51 AM, Jeffrey Hugo wrote:
> commit a82d373f65ae ("acpi: bert: do not fail if BERT error region
> raw_data_length is zero") added a warning which triggers when a BERT table
> is present, but contains no raw data (ie a boot error did not occur). This
> is a perfectly valid scenario, and the spec defines bits which indicate if
> valid data is present to be parsed.
> The warning is confusing because it implies that having a BERT table which
> contains no data is wrong, ie violates the spec, but unlikely to cause a real
> issue. This is incorrect as the spec specifically allows a BERT with no
> data. Additionally, the warning is coupled with advice text which states
> that the BERT may not have raw data, ie doing the right thing, which adds
> further confusion.
> The warning just causes unnecessary churn as questions arise about if the
> implementation is following the spec ("yes it is, just ignore the warning"
> is hardly satisfactory), and there is no real way to determine if there is
> raw data which is not being properly reported to the HLOS, therefore remove
> the warning.
> Signed-off-by: Jeffrey Hugo <jhugo at>
> ---
> src/acpi/bert/bert.c | 14 +-------------
> 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 13 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/acpi/bert/bert.c b/src/acpi/bert/bert.c
> index 748993a..156f416 100644
> --- a/src/acpi/bert/bert.c
> +++ b/src/acpi/bert/bert.c
> @@ -144,19 +144,7 @@ static int bert_test1(fwts_framework *fw)
> region->raw_data_offset,
> region->raw_data_length);
> passed = false;
> - } else {
> - fwts_warning(fw, "BERT Boot Error Region Raw Data Offset %"
> - PRIu32 " is smaller than end of the data"
> - "region. BERT Boot Error Region Data Length "
> - "is zero.",
> - region->raw_data_offset);
> - fwts_advice(fw,
> - "If there is raw data in the BERT Boot Error Region, "
> - "Raw Data Offset must be larger than the end of the "
> - "data region if there is raw data. However, since "
> - "BERT Boot Error Region Raw Data Length is zero, "
> - "this may mean that there is no raw data.");
> - }
> + }
> }
> if (region->raw_data_length + region->raw_data_offset > bert->boot_error_region_length) {
> fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
Acked-by: Ivan Hu < at>
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