live-build ppc64el hdd enablement patch

Deb McLemore debmc at
Tue Feb 14 00:38:07 UTC 2017

Hi All,

I wanted to publish on FWTS list that there is a patch being submitted 
to debian-live for building a ppc64el HDD image (based on live-build v5).

If you want to build a new FWTS-LIVE ISO or IMG using the new live-build 
hdd enablement patch there are also two config trees that I would like 
to contribute to FWTS.


I can send these tar files to the distribution list if that is the 
proper method, just let me know.

I can also send the live-build patch to the FWTS distribution list for 
those interested, or you can pull from the live-build distribution list 
(there seems to be some network delay at the moment, so the live-build 
patch has not shown up all day yet).

Let us know of any comments/suggestions on this patch set and config set.

Thanks so much for the consideration.

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