Internal error in syntaxcheck test

Colin Ian King colin.king at
Wed Oct 5 18:56:59 UTC 2016

On 05/10/16 19:54, Jeffrey Hugo wrote:
> I'm encountering an odd error in the syntaxcheck test, and I'm trying to
> debug why.  Any pointers would be appreciated.
> An example instance of the error I get:
> in line
> 6136
> Line | AML source
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 06133|                     If (LNotEqual (ToInteger (Local0), 0x00))
> 06134|                     {
> 06135|                         ShiftLeft (Local0, 0x04, Local0)
> 06136|                         Store (Concatenate (Concatenate
> (Concatenate ("USB[", "0"), "]: Fused Value for TUNE2: "), ToHexString
> (Local0)
>      |          ^
>      | Error 6014: Could not evaluate constant expression    (AE_NO_MEMORY)
> 06137|                             ), Debug)
> 06138|                     }
> 06139|                     Else
> ================================================================================
> ADVICE: (for Error #6014, ASL_MSG_CONSTANT_EVALUATION): Failed to
> evaluate a
> constant expression, the compiler could not resolve a subtree for some
> unknown
> reason.
> I may be wrong, but this reads like some kind of internal error in the
> test, rather than an issue with the DSDT table.
> The only odd thing is that for some reason, the disassembly split the
> source line into two - 06137, above, is really a continuation of 06136.
> Manually disassemblying my compiled source with iasl -d, I see the same
> odd split, but recompiling the disasembled source with iasl does not
> generate any errors.
> I first see these errors with tag V16.05.00.  I did a git bisect between
> V16.03.00 and V16.05.00, which pointed me at:
> commit 9cbc043fcc51d7de6dd8bc1680414a6248ad6cc6
> Author: Colin Ian King <colin.king at>
> Date:   Fri Mar 18 23:58:30 2016 +0000
>     ACPICA: Update to version 20160318 (LP: #1559312)
>     Changes in this release of ACPICA are detailed at the following
>     link on the ACPICA developer mailing list:
>     Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <colin.king at>
>     Acked-by: Alex Hung <alex.hung at>
>     Acked-by: Ivan Hu < at>
> Is there some weird interaction between how FWTS runs syntaxcheck and
> current versions of ACPICA?
It may be an interaction issue; the interfaces between FWTS and ACPICA
may be buggy. Do you have the table available so I can debug this?


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