[PATCH 1/2] acpi: rsdp: don't fail if RSDT and XSDT are both defined and different

Colin King colin.king at canonical.com
Thu Jul 21 17:02:07 UTC 2016

From: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>

relax the rsdp test, don't consider it a failure case if both RSDT
and XSDT are defined. Instead, warn about this, it may be legitmate
for both these to be defined and different if an ACPI 1.0 OS uses
the RSDT while one supporting > ACPI 1.0 can use a different 64 bit

Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>
 src/acpi/rsdp/rsdp.c | 35 ++++++++---------------------------
 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/acpi/rsdp/rsdp.c b/src/acpi/rsdp/rsdp.c
index 92b9753..f7e10bb 100644
--- a/src/acpi/rsdp/rsdp.c
+++ b/src/acpi/rsdp/rsdp.c
@@ -123,33 +123,14 @@ static int rsdp_test1(fwts_framework *fw)
 			    "RSDP: at least one of RsdtAddress or XsdtAddress "
 			    "is non-zero.");
-	if (rsdp->rsdt_address != 0 && rsdp->xsdt_address != 0)
-		if ((uint64_t)rsdp->rsdt_address == rsdp->xsdt_address) {
-			fwts_warning(fw,
-				     "Both RSDT and XSDT addresses are set. "
-				     "Since they are the same address, this "
-				     "is unambiguous to the OS.");
-			fwts_advice(fw,
-				    "Set only one of the 32-bit RSDT or the "
-				    "64-bit XSDT addresses.  Recent versions "
-				    "of the spec require that only one of "
-				    "these be used but as a practical matter, "
-				    "many vendors do use both.  If both "
-				    "fields must be used, make sure they at "
-				    "least contain the same value so that "
-				    "the OS can unambiguously determine "
-				    "which address is the correct one.");
-		} else {
-			fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
-				    "RSDPBothAddressesFound",
-				    "RSDP: only one of RsdtAddress or "
-				    "XsdtAddress should be non-zero.  Both "
-				    "fields are non-zero.");
-		}
-	else
-		fwts_passed(fw,
-			    "RSDP: only one of RsdtAddress or XsdtAddress "
-			    "is non-zero.");
+	if (rsdp->rsdt_address && rsdp->xsdt_address) {
+		fwts_log_warning(fw, "NOTE: The RSDT and XSDT are both "
+			"defined. An operating system supporting ACPI "
+			"1.0 should use the RSDT, otherwise it will "
+			"use the XSDT. RSDT = 0x%" PRIu32 ", "
+			"XSDT = 0x%" PRIu64,
+			rsdp->rsdt_address, rsdp->xsdt_address);
+	}
 	passed = false;
 	switch (fw->target_arch) {

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