Blibbet blibbet at gmail.com
Fri Jan 22 16:51:56 UTC 2016

On 01/21/2016 12:44 PM, Blibbet wrote:
> ---snip---
> Well, as far as I can tell, nobody at AMD knows about the ASPT table.
> First I asked the relevant specialists, then I asked everybody
associated with BIOS.
> Nobody recognizes it as an AMD thing.
> Then we found an IBV .txt file that listed a bunch of Intel-sounding
platforms associated with ASPT.
> So, could you double check whether this is really being seen on AMD
platforms, please?
> Even if you do find it on some AMD platforms, I’m now pretty sure it’s
not an AMD thing.
> It might be a proprietary ACPI table added by an OEM or and IBV.
> I believe proprietary tables are allowed by the ACPI spec.
> ---snip---

Two more clues, which make it sound like this table is not from AMD, but
perhaps may be from Intel:

1) Comment from an IBV, via AMD:

"It’s actually a definition from another silicon vendor for their
overclocking information. Since the table only shows up on systems that
support overclocking, it only shows up on systems with fast graphics
controllers. That’s might be why “AMD” is referenced."

2) Comment from IBV Insyde:

"I believe you would be better served by contacting any of your contacts
at Intel Client.  I'm not saying they will document this table, but it's
clear to me by looking at our code, this is Intel's table. Maybe the AMD
false pointer is probably because most overclocking systems have
non-integrated graphics?"


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