[PATCH v2 1/3] ACPI: MADT: add in compliance tests for the MADT and subtables

Colin Ian King colin.king at canonical.com
Tue Jan 12 18:03:34 UTC 2016

On 12/01/16 17:55, Al Stone wrote:
> On 01/12/2016 03:27 AM, Colin Ian King wrote:
>> On 11/01/16 23:23, Al Stone wrote:
>>> This patch adds in a series of detailed ACPI specification compliance
>>> tests for the MADT and most of the possible subtables (tests for the
>>> GIC ITS subtable will be added in a separate patch due to changes needed
>>> in FWTS header files).
>>> The added tests for the MADT include verifying the versions of the table
>>> being used and basic content checks.  The revision of the MADT is also
>>> checked against the version of the FADT to make sure they correspond to
>>> each other.  We also verify that each subtable used is actually defined
>>> for this revision of the MADT and that for each of the possible subtable
>>> types, their contents are reasonably correct.
>>> While this patch is based on the original src/acpi/madt.c file, it has
>>> been reorganized so that each subtable has a separate function in order
>>> to keep things clearer.
>>> Signed-off-by: Al Stone <al.stone at linaro.org>
>>> ---
>>>  src/Makefile.am            |    1 +
>>>  src/acpi/compliance/madt.c | 1293 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>  2 files changed, 1294 insertions(+)
>>>  create mode 100644 src/acpi/compliance/madt.c
>>> diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
>>> index f257a7f..8f76da2 100644
>>> --- a/src/Makefile.am
>>> +++ b/src/Makefile.am
>>> @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ fwts_SOURCES = main.c 				\
>>>  	acpi/brightness/brightness.c 		\
>>>  	acpi/brightness/autobrightness.c 	\
>>>  	acpi/checksum/checksum.c 		\
>>> +	acpi/compliance/madt.c			\
>>>  	acpi/cpep/cpep.c			\
>>>  	acpi/crsdump/crsdump.c			\
>>>  	acpi/crsdump/prsdump.c			\
>>> diff --git a/src/acpi/compliance/madt.c b/src/acpi/compliance/madt.c
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 0000000..78cf4ac
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/src/acpi/compliance/madt.c
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,1293 @@
>>> +/*
>>> + * Copyright (C) 2015 Canonical
>>> + * Portions added (c) 2015, Al Stone <ahs3 at redhat.com>
>>> + *
>>> + * Portions of this code original from the Linux-ready Firmware Developer Kit
>> Which portions are from the Linux-ready Firmware Developer Kit? if none,
>> we can remove that line.
> Hrm.  Good question; this is a cut'n'paste from other FWTS examples so
> it can go away.  Thanks for spotting this.
>>> + *
>>> + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
>>> + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
>>> + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
>>> + * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
>>> + *
>>> + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>>> + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>>> + * GNU General Public License for more details.
>>> + *
>>> + */
>>> +#include "fwts.h"
>>> +
>>> +#include <stdlib.h>
>>> +#include <stdio.h>
>>> +#include <unistd.h>
>>> +#include <inttypes.h>
>>> +#include <string.h>
>>> +#include <ctype.h>
>>> +
>>> +/*
>>> + * The Long, Sad, True Story of the MADT
>>> + *
>>> + * Once upon a time in ACPI 1.0, there was the MADT.  It was a nice table,
>>> + * and it had two subtables all of its own.  But, it was also a pretty
>>> + * busy table, too, so over time the MADT gathered up other nice little
>>> + * subtables.  By the time ACPI 6.0 came around, the MADT had 16 of the
>>> + * little guys.
>>> + *
>>> + * Now, the MADT kept a little counter around for the subtables.  In fact,
>>> + * it kept two counters: one was the revision level, which was supposed to
>>> + * change when new subtables came to be, or as the ones already around grew
>>> + * up. The second counter was a type number, because the MADT needed a unique
>>> + * type for each subtable so he could tell them apart.  But, sometimes the
>>> + * MADT got so busy, he forgot to increment the revision level when he needed
>>> + * to.  Fortunately, the type counter kept increasing since that's the only
>>> + * way the MADT could find each little subtable.  It just wouldn't do to have
>>> + * every subtable called Number 6.
>>> + *
>>> + * In the next valley over, a castle full of wizards was watching the MADT
>>> + * and made a pact to keep their own counter.  Every time the MADT found a
>>> + * new subtable, or a subtable grew up, the wizards promised they would
>>> + * increment their counter.  Well, wizards being the forgetful sort, they
>>> + * didn't alway do that.  And, since there quite a lot of them, they
>>> + * couldn't always remember who was supposed to keep track of the MADT,
>>> + * especially if dinner was coming up soon.  Their counter was called the
>>> + * spec version.
>>> + *
>>> + * Every now and then, the MADT would gather up all its little subtables
>>> + * and take them in to the cobbler to get new boots.  This was a very, very
>>> + * meticulous cobbler, so every time they came, he wrote down all the boot
>>> + * sizes for all of the little subtables.  The cobbler would ask each subtable
>>> + * for its length, check that against his careful notes, and then go get the
>>> + * right boots.  Sometimes, a little subtable would change a bit, and their
>>> + * length did not match what the cobbler had written down.  If the wizards
>>> + * or the MADT had incremented their counters, the cobbler would breath a
>>> + * sigh of relief and write down the new length as the right one.  But, if
>>> + * none of the counters had changed, this would make the cobbler very, very
>>> + * mad.  He couldn't tell if he had the right size boots or not for the
>>> + * little subtable.  He would have to *guess* and this really bugged him.
>>> + *
>>> + * Well, when the cobbler got mad like this, he would go into hiding.  He
>>> + * would not make or sell any boots.  He would not go out at all.  Pretty
>>> + * soon, the coffee shop would have to close because the cobbler wasn't
>>> + * coming by twice a day any more.  Then the grocery store would have to
>>> + * close because he wouldn't eat much.  After a while, everyone would panic
>>> + * and have to move from the village and go live with all their relatives
>>> + * (usually the ones they didn't like very much).
>>> + *
>>> + * Eventually, the cobbler would work his way out of his bad mood, and
>>> + * open up his boot business again.  Then, everyone else could move back
>>> + * to the village and restart their lives, too.
>>> + *
>>> + * Fortunately, we have been able to collect up all the cobbler's careful
>>> + * notes (and we wrote them down below).  We'll have to keep checking these
>>> + * notes over time, too, just as the cobbler does.  But, in the meantime,
>>> + * we can avoid the panic and the reboot since we can make sure that each
>>> + * subtable is doing okay.  And that's what our tests below check.
>>> + *
>> Nice comment :-)
> Thanks.  I enjoyed writing it, I must say :).
>>> + *
>>> + * FADT Major Version ->       1    3    4     4     5     5     6
>>> + * FADT Minor Version ->       x    x    x     x     x     1     0
>>> + * MADT revision ->            1    1    2     3     3     3     3
>>> + * Spec Version ->            1.0  2.0  3.0b  4.0a  5.0b  5.1a  6.0
>>> + * Subtable Name	Type  Expected Length ->
>>> + * Processor Local APIC  0x0    8    8    8     8     8     8     8
>>> + * IO APIC               0x1   12   12   12    12    12    12    12
>>> + * Int Src Override      0x2   10   10   10    10    10    10    10
>>> + * NMI Src               0x3    8    8    8     8     8     8     8
>>> + * Local APIC NMI Struct 0x4    6    6    6     6     6     6     6
>>> + * Local APIC Addr Ovrrd 0x5        16   12    12    12    12    12
>>> + * IO SAPIC              0x6        20   16    16    16    16    16
>>> + * Local SAPIC           0x7         8  >16   >16   >16   >16   >16
>>> + * Platform Int Src      0x8        16   16    16    16    16    16
>>> + * Proc Local x2APIC     0x9                   16    16    16    16
>>> + * Local x2APIC NMI      0xa                   12    12    12    12
>>> + * GICC CPU I/F          0xb                         40    76    80
>>> + * GICD                  0xc                         24    24    24
>>> + * GICv2m MSI            0xd                               24    24
>>> + * GICR                  0xe                               16    16
>>> + * GIC ITS               0xf                                     20
>>> + *
>> This is very useful.
>>> + * In the table, each length entry is what should be in the length
>>> + * field of the subtable, and -- in general -- it should match the
>>> + * size of the struct for the subtable.  Any value that is not set
>>> + * (i.e., is zero) indicates that the subtable is not defined for
>>> + * that version of the ACPI spec.
>>> + *
>>> + */
>>> +
>>> +#define FADT_MAX_MAJOR_REVISION	((uint8_t)6)
>>> +#define FADT_MAX_MINOR_REVISION	((uint8_t)0)
>>> +#define MADT_MAX_REVISION	((uint8_t)4)
>>> +
>>> +#define SUBTABLE_UNDEFINED	0x00
>>> +#define SUBTABLE_VARIABLE	0xff
>>> +#define NUM_SUBTABLE_TYPES	16
>>> +
>>> +struct acpi_madt_subtable_lengths {
>>> +	unsigned short major_version;	/* from revision in FADT header */
>>> +	unsigned short minor_version;	/* FADT field starting with 5.1 */
>>> +	unsigned short madt_version;	/* MADT revision */
>>> +	unsigned short num_types;	/* types possible for this version */
>>> +	unsigned short lengths[NUM_SUBTABLE_TYPES];
>>> +					/* subtable lengths, indexed by type */
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static struct acpi_madt_subtable_lengths spec_info[] = {
>>> +	{ /* for ACPI 1.0b */
>>> +		.major_version = 1,
>>> +		.minor_version = 0,
>>> +		.madt_version = 1,
>>> +		.num_types = 5,
>>> +		.lengths = { 8, 12, 10, 8, 6 }
>>> +	},
>>> +	{ /* for ACPI 2.0 */
>>> +		.major_version = 3,
>>> +		.minor_version = 0,
>>> +		.madt_version = 1,
>>> +		.num_types = 9,
>>> +		.lengths = { 8, 12, 10, 8, 6, 16, 20, 8, 16 }
>>> +	},
>>> +	{ /* for ACPI 3.0b */
>>> +		.major_version = 4,
>>> +		.minor_version = 0,
>>> +		.madt_version = 2,
>>> +		.num_types = 9,
>>> +		.lengths = { 8, 12, 10, 8, 6, 12, 16, SUBTABLE_VARIABLE, 16 }
>>> +	},
>>> +	{ /* for ACPI 4.0a */
>>> +		.major_version = 4,
>>> +		.minor_version = 0,
>>> +		.madt_version = 3,
>>> +		.num_types = 11,
>>> +		.lengths = { 8, 12, 10, 8, 6, 12, 16, SUBTABLE_VARIABLE,
>>> +			     16, 16, 12 }
>>> +	},
>>> +	{ /* for ACPI 5.0b */
>>> +		.major_version = 5,
>>> +		.minor_version = 0,
>>> +		.madt_version = 3,
>>> +		.num_types = 13,
>>> +		.lengths = { 8, 12, 10, 8, 6, 12, 16, SUBTABLE_VARIABLE,
>>> +			     16, 16, 12, 40, 24 }
>>> +	},
>>> +	{ /* for ACPI 5.1a */
>>> +		.major_version = 5,
>>> +		.minor_version = 1,
>>> +		.madt_version = 3,
>>> +		.num_types = 15,
>>> +		.lengths = { 8, 12, 10, 8, 6, 12, 16, SUBTABLE_VARIABLE,
>>> +			     16, 16, 12, 76, 24, 24, 16 }
>>> +	},
>>> +	{ /* for ACPI 6.0 */
>>> +		.major_version = 6,
>>> +		.minor_version = 0,
>>> +		.madt_version = 3,
>>> +		.num_types = 16,
>>> +		.lengths = { 8, 12, 10, 8, 6, 12, 16, SUBTABLE_VARIABLE,
>>> +			     16, 16, 12, 80, 24, 24, 16, 16 }
>>> +	},
>>> +	{ /* terminator */
>>> +		.major_version = 0,
>>> +		.minor_version = 0,
>>> +		.madt_version = 0,
>>> +		.num_types = 0,
>>> +		.lengths = { 0 }
>>> +	}
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static struct acpi_madt_subtable_lengths *spec_data;
>>> +static uint8_t fadt_major;
>>> +static uint8_t fadt_minor;
>>> +
>>> +static fwts_acpi_table_info *mtable;
>>> +static fwts_acpi_table_info *ftable;
>>> +
>>> +static fwts_list msi_frame_ids;
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_init(fwts_framework *fw)
>>> +{
>>> +	fwts_acpi_table_madt *madt;
>>> +	fwts_acpi_table_fadt *fadt;
>>> +	struct acpi_madt_subtable_lengths *ms = spec_info;
>>> +
>>> +	/* find the ACPI tables needed */
>>> +	if (fwts_acpi_find_table(fw, "APIC", 0, &mtable) != FWTS_OK) {
>>> +		fwts_log_error(fw, "Cannot read ACPI MADT tables.");
>>> +		return FWTS_ERROR;
>>> +	}
>> Unfortunately the fwts_acpi_find_table is a bit rubbish, and one should
>> also sanity check if mtable is NULL too.
> Ah, good to know.  I'll add that in.
>>> +	if (fwts_acpi_find_table(fw, "FACP", 0, &ftable) != FWTS_OK) {
>>> +		fwts_log_error(fw, "Cannot read ACPI FADT tables.");
>>> +		return FWTS_ERROR;
>>> +	}
>> ditto, here check if ftable is NULL
> ACK.
>>> +	if (!mtable || (mtable && mtable->length == 0)) {
>>> +		fwts_log_error(fw, "Required ACPI MADT (APIC) table not found");
>>> +		return FWTS_ERROR;
>>> +	}
>> static analysis picked the following up:
>> [src/acpi/compliance/madt.c:222]: (style) Redundant condition: mtable.
>> '!mtable || (mtable && mtable.length==0)' is equivalent to '!mtable ||
>> mtable.length==0'
>>> +	if (!ftable || (ftable && ftable->length == 0)) {
>>> +		fwts_log_error(fw, "Required ACPI FADT (FACP) table not found");
>>> +		return FWTS_ERROR;
>>> +	}
>> [src/acpi/compliance/madt.c:226]: (style) Redundant condition: ftable.
>> '!ftable || (ftable && ftable.length==0)' is equivalent to '!ftable ||
>> ftable.length==0'
> Argh.  My bad; wasn't paying attention.  Easily fixed.  Thanks.
>>> +
>>> +	/* determine the reference data needed */
>>> +	madt = (fwts_acpi_table_madt *)mtable->data;
>>> +	fadt = (fwts_acpi_table_fadt *)ftable->data;
>>> +
>>> +	fadt_major = fadt->header.revision;
>>> +	fadt_minor = 0;
>>> +	if (fadt_major >= 5 && fadt->header.length >= 268)
>>> +		fadt_minor = fadt->minor_version;   /* field added ACPI 5.1 */
>>> +
>>> +	/* find the first occurrence for this version of MADT */
>>> +	while (ms->num_types != 0) {
>>> +		if (ms->madt_version == madt->header.revision)
>>> +			break;
>>> +		ms++;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	/* now, find the largest FADT version supported */
>>> +	spec_data = NULL;
>>> +	while (ms->num_types && ms->madt_version == madt->header.revision) {
>>> +		if (ms->major_version <= fadt_major &&
>>> +		    ms->minor_version <= fadt_minor) {
>>> +			spec_data = ms;
>>> +		}
>>> +		ms++;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	/* initialize the MSI frame ID list should we need it later */
>>> +	fwts_list_init(&msi_frame_ids);
>>> +
>>> +	return (!spec_data) ? FWTS_ERROR : FWTS_OK;
>> is better to have the following to save a !
>> 	return (spec_data) ? FWTS_OK : FWTS_ERROR
> D'oh.  Yup.
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_checksum(fwts_framework *fw)
>>> +{
>>> +	const uint8_t *data = mtable->data;
>>> +	ssize_t length = mtable->length;
>>> +	uint8_t checksum = 0;
>>> +
>>> +	/* verify the table checksum */
>>> +	checksum = fwts_checksum(data, length);
>>> +	if (checksum == 0)
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw, "MADT checksum is correct");
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTChecksum",
>>> +			    "MADT checksum is incorrect: 0x%x", checksum);
>>> +
>>> +	return FWTS_OK;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_revision(fwts_framework *fw)
>>> +{
>>> +	fwts_acpi_table_madt *madt = (fwts_acpi_table_madt *)mtable->data;
>>> +	struct acpi_madt_subtable_lengths *ms = spec_data;
>>> +
>>> +	/* check the table revision */
>>> +	fwts_log_advice(fw, "ADVICE: Most recent FADT revision is %d.%d.",
>>> +	fwts_log_advice(fw, "ADVICE: Most recent MADT revision is %d.",
>> fwts_log_advice() should not have "ADVICE: " prefix to keep it in line
>> with usage in fwts.
> Fair enough.  Will fix.
>>> +
>>> +	/* is the madt revision defined at all? */
>>> +	if (!ms->num_types) {
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTRevision",
>>> +			    "Undefined MADT revision being used: %d",
>>> +			    madt->header.revision);
>>> +	} else {
>>> +			fwts_passed(fw, "MADT revision %d is defined.",
>>> +				    madt->header.revision);
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	/* is the madt revision in sync with the fadt revision? */
>>> +	if (ms->major_version != fadt_major ||
>>> +	    ms->minor_version != fadt_minor) {
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTFADTRevisions",
>>> +			    "MADT revision is not in sync with "
>>> +			    "the FADT revision;\n"
>>> +			    "MADT %d expects FADT %d.%d "
>>> +			    "but found %d.%d instead.",
>>> +			    madt->header.revision,
>>> +			    ms->major_version, ms->minor_version,
>>> +			    fadt_major, fadt_minor);
>>> +	} else {
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw, "MADT revision %d is in sync "
>>> +				"with FADT revision %d.%d.",
>>> +			madt->header.revision, fadt_major, fadt_minor);
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	return FWTS_OK;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_arch_revision(fwts_framework *fw)
>>> +{
>>> +	fwts_acpi_table_madt *madt = (fwts_acpi_table_madt *)mtable->data;
>>> +#if defined(FWTS_ARCH_AARCH64)
>>> +	const uint8_t minrev = 3;
>>> +	const char *arch = "aarch64";
>>> +#elif defined(FWTS_ARCH_INTEL)
>>> +	const uint8_t minrev = 1;
>>> +	const char *arch = "intel";
>>> +#else
>>> +#error "cannot compile for unsupported architecture"
>> fwts can run on lots of architectures and be fed ACPI tables from x86 or
>> aarch64 systems, so making a per-arch based decision on the platform it
>> was compiled on is not a good idea.
>> Also, we build fwts for other architectures, so #error is going to make
>> these builds fail. So can we remove this arch specific code out?
> Yeah, let me think on it a bit.  I may have to add an --arch=<foo> parameter
> to allow for all possibilities (e.g., examining x86 tables while running on
> an arm64 machine...); the rules change slightly based on the arch but that's
> not in an ACPI table anywhere.
>>> +#endif
>>> +
>>> +	/* check the supported revision for this architecture */
>>> +	if (madt->header.revision >= minrev)
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw, "MADT revision %d meets the minimum needed "
>>> +			    "(%d) for the %s architecture.",
>>> +			    madt->header.revision, minrev, arch);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTArchRevision",
>>> +			    "MADT revision is %d, must be >= %d "
>>> +			"when running on %s",
>>> +			madt->header.revision, minrev, arch);
>>> +
>>> +	return FWTS_OK;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_flags(fwts_framework *fw)
>>> +{
>>> +	fwts_acpi_table_madt *madt = (fwts_acpi_table_madt *)mtable->data;
>>> +
>>> +	/* make sure the reserved bits in the flag field are zero */
>>> +	if (madt->flags & 0xfffffffe)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			"MADTFlagsNonZero",
>>> +			"MADT flags field, bits 1..31 are reserved and "
>>> +			"should be zero, but are set as: %" PRIx32 ".\n",
>>> +			madt->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw, "MADT flags reserved bits are not set.");
>>> +
>>> +	return FWTS_OK;
>>> +}
>>> +
>> i'd prefer static const char *spec_madt_sub_names[]
> Will do.
>>> +static char *spec_madt_sub_names[] = {
>>> +	/* 0x00 */ "Processor Local APIC",
>>> +	/* 0x01 */ "I/O APIC",
>>> +	/* 0x02 */ "Interrupt Source Override",
>>> +	/* 0x03 */ "Non-maskable Interrupt Source (NMI)",
>>> +	/* 0x04 */ "Local APIC NMI",
>>> +	/* 0x05 */ "Local APIC Address Override",
>>> +	/* 0x06 */ "I/O SAPIC",
>>> +	/* 0x07 */ "Local SAPIC",
>>> +	/* 0x08 */ "Platform Interrupt Sources",
>>> +	/* 0x09 */ "Processor Local x2APIC",
>>> +	/* 0x0a */ "Local x2APIC NMI",
>>> +	/* 0x0b */ "GICC CPU Interface",
>>> +	/* 0x0c */ "GICD GIC Distributor",
>>> +	/* 0x0d */ "GICv2m MSI Frame",
>>> +	/* 0x0e */ "GICR Redistributor",
>>> +	/* 0x0f */ "GIC Interrupt Translation Service (ITS)",
>>> +	NULL
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_local_apic(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +				fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +				const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 0: Processor Local APIC */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_processor_local_apic *lapic =
>>> +		(fwts_acpi_madt_processor_local_apic *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 *  TODO: verify UID field has a corresponding
>>> +	 *  Processor device object with a matching
>>> +	 *  _UID result
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	if (lapic->flags & 0xfffffffe)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTAPICFlagsNonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags field, bits 1..31 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and should be zero, but are set "
>>> +			    "to: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], lapic->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags field, bits 1..31 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_io_apic(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +			     fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +			     const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 1: I/O APIC */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_io_apic *ioapic = (fwts_acpi_madt_io_apic *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	if (ioapic->reserved != 0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTIOAPICFlags",
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags are reserved, should be zero "
>>> +			    "but are set to: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], ioapic->reserved);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags are reserved, and set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	if (ioapic->io_apic_phys_address == 0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTIOAPICAddrZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s address is zero, needs to be defined.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw, "MADT %s address in non-zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_interrupt_override(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +					fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +					const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 2: Interrupt Source Override */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_interrupt_override *int_override =
>>> +		(fwts_acpi_madt_interrupt_override *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	if (int_override->bus != 0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTIRQSrcISA",
>>> +			    "MADT %s bus should be 0 for ISA bus.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw, "MADT %s Bus is 0 for ISA bus.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	if (int_override->flags & 0xfffffff0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTIRQSrcFlags",
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags, bits 4..31 are reserved "
>>> +			    "and should be zero, but are set as: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type],
>>> +			    int_override->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags, bits 4..31 are reserved "
>>> +			    "and set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_nmi_source(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +				fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +				const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 3: NMI Source */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_nmi *nmi = (fwts_acpi_madt_nmi *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	if (nmi->flags & 0xfffffff0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTNMISrcFlags",
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags, bits 4..31 are reserved "
>>> +			    "and should be zero, but are set as: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], nmi->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags, bits 4..31 are reserved "
>>> +			    "and set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_local_apic_nmi(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +				    fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +				    const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 4: Local APIC NMI */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_local_apic_nmi *nmi =
>>> +		(fwts_acpi_madt_local_apic_nmi *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 *  TODO: verify UID field has a corresponding
>>> +	 *  Processor device object with a matching
>>> +	 *  _UID result
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	if (nmi->flags & 0xfffffff0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTLAPICNMIFlags",
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags, bits 4..31 are reserved "
>>> +			    "and should be zero, but are set as: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], nmi->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags, bits 4..31 are reserved "
>>> +			    "and set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_lapic_addr_override(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +					  fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +					  const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 5: Local APIC Address Override */
>>> +	static int count;
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_local_apic_addr_override *laao =
>>> +		(fwts_acpi_madt_local_apic_addr_override *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	count++;
>>> +	if (laao->reserved != 0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTLAPICOVRReserved",
>>> +			    "MADT %s bytes 2..4 are reserved "
>>> +			    "and should be zero, but are set as: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], laao->reserved);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s bytes 2..4 are reserved and set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	if (laao->address == 0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTLAPICOVRAddress",
>>> +			    "MADT %s address should not be set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s address set to non-zero value.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	if (count > 1)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTLAPICOVRCount",
>>> +			    "Only one MADT %s allowed, %d found.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], count);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_io_sapic(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +			      fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +			      const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 6: I/O SAPIC */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_io_sapic *sapic = (fwts_acpi_madt_io_sapic *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	if (sapic->reserved != 0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTIOSAPICReserved",
>>> +			    "MADT %s byte offset 3 is reserved "
>>> +			    "and should be zero, but is set to: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], sapic->reserved);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s bytes 2..4 are reserved and set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	if (sapic->address == 0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADIOSPAICAddrZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s address is zero, needs to be defined.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s address set to non-zero value.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * TODO: if both I/O APIC and I/O SAPIC subtables exist, there
>>> +	 * must be at least as many I/O SAPIC subtables as I/O APIC subtables,
>>> +	 * and that every I/O APIC has a corresponding I/O SAPIC with the
>>> +	 * same APIC ID.
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_local_sapic(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +				 fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +				 const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 7: Processor Local SAPIC */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_local_sapic *lsapic = (fwts_acpi_madt_local_sapic *)data;
>>> +	uint8_t tmp;
>>> +	int ii;
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * TODO: if using the SAPIC model, check that each processor in
>>> +	 * the system has a SAPIC record as required.  The table is not
>>> +	 * required to match hotplug additions, but should at least match
>>> +	 * initial boot state.
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	if (hdr->length != (strlen(lsapic->uid_string) + 16))
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTLSAPICLength",
>>> +			    "MADT %s length of %d bytes does not match "
>>> +			    "actual length of %ld bytes.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], hdr->length,
>>> +			    strlen(lsapic->uid_string) + 16);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s table length (%d) is correct.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], hdr->length);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * TODO: should the processor ID field be zero?  The use of
>>> +	 * the Processor object has been deprecated in 6.0, and this
>>> +	 * field is used to match this local SAPIC to the processor
>>> +	 * via the ID.  This has been replaced, I believe, with the
>>> +	 * processor device object _UID result.  On the other hand,
>>> +	 * perhaps older tables are still using Processor objects....
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	for (tmp = 0, ii = 0; ii < 3; tmp |= lsapic->reserved[ii], ii++)
>>> +		continue;
>>> +	if (tmp)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTLSAPICReservedNonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field, byte offsets 5..8 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and should be zero, but are set "
>>> +			    "to: 0x%2x %2x %2x.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type],
>>> +			    lsapic->reserved[0], lsapic->reserved[1],
>>> +			    lsapic->reserved[2]);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field, byte offsets 5..8 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	if (lsapic->flags & 0xfffffffe)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTLSAPICFlagsNonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags field, bits 1..31 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and should be zero, but are set "
>>> +			    "to: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], lsapic->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags field, bits 1..31 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 *  TODO: verify UID field has a corresponding
>>> +	 *  Processor device object with a matching
>>> +	 *  _UID result (or Processor object ID?)
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	for (tmp = 0, ii = 0; ii < (int)strlen(lsapic->uid_string); ii++)
>>> +		if (isascii(lsapic->uid_string[ii]))
>>> +			tmp++;
>>> +		else
>>> +			break;
>>> +	if (tmp < strlen(lsapic->uid_string))
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTLSAPICUIDNonAscii",
>>> +			    "MADT %s UID string has non-ASCII character "
>>> +			    "in position %d.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], tmp);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s UID string is an ASCII string.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_platform_int_source(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +					 fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +					 const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 8: Platform Interrupt Sources */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_platform_int_source *src =
>>> +				(fwts_acpi_madt_platform_int_source *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	if (src->flags & 0xfffffff0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTPlatIRQSrcFlags",
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags, bits 4..31 are reserved and "
>>> +			    "should be zero, but are set as: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], src->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags, bits 4..31 are reserved and "
>>> +			    "set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	if (src->type < 1 || src->type > 3)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTPlatIRQType",
>>> +			    "MADT %s type field is %" PRIu8 ", must be 1..3.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], src->type);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s type field is %" PRIu8 "and in 1..3.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], src->type);
>>> +
>>> +	/* TODO: verify Processor ID actually exists.   */
>>> +
>>> +	/* TODO: verify Processor EID actually exists.  */
>>> +
>>> +	if (src->io_sapic_vector == 0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTPlatIRQIOSAPICVector",
>>> +			    "MADT %s IO SAPIC Vector is "
>>> +			    "zero, appears not to be defined.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s IO SAPIC Vector is non-zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/* TODO: verify the GSI is properly set? */
>>> +
>>> +	if (src->pis_flags & 0xfffffffe)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTPlatIRQSrcFlagsNonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s, Platform Interrupt Source flag "
>>> +			    "bits 1..31 are reserved and should be zero, "
>>> +			    "but are set as: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], src->pis_flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s, Platform Interrupt Source flag "
>>> +			    "bits 1..31 are reserved and set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_local_x2apic(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +				  fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +				  const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 9: Processor Local x2APIC */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_local_x2apic *lx2apic =
>>> +					(fwts_acpi_madt_local_x2apic *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	if (lx2apic->reserved)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTLX2APICReservedNonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field, byte offsets 2..3 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and should be zero, but are set "
>>> +			    "to: 0x%8x.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], lx2apic->reserved);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field, byte offsets 2..3 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/* TODO: do we need to verify that the x2APIC ID is > 255? */
>>> +
>>> +	if (lx2apic->flags & 0xfffffffe)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTX2APICFlagsNonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags field, bits 1..31 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and should be zero, but are set "
>>> +			    "to: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], lx2apic->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags field, bits 1..31 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 *  TODO: verify UID field has a corresponding
>>> +	 *  Processor device object with a matching
>>> +	 *  _UID result
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_local_x2apic_nmi(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +				      fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +				      const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 0xa: Local x2APIC NMI */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_local_x2apic_nmi *nmi =
>>> +					(fwts_acpi_madt_local_x2apic_nmi *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	if (nmi->flags & 0xfffffff0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTLAPICX2APICNMIFlags",
>>> +			    "MADT %s, flags, bits 4..31 are reserved and "
>>> +			    "should be zero, but are set as: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], nmi->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s flags field, bits 4..31 are "
>>> +			    "reserved and properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_gicc(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +			  fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +			  const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 0xb: GICC */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_gic *gic = (fwts_acpi_madt_gic *)data;
>>> +	uint32_t mask;
>>> +	int start;
>>> +
>>> +	if (gic->reserved)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
>>> +			    "MADTGICCReservedNonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field should be zero, but is "
>>> +			    "instead 0x%" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], gic->reserved);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 *  TODO: verify UID field has a corresponding
>>> +	 *  Processor device object with a matching
>>> +	 *  _UID result
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	mask = 0xfffffffc;
>>> +	start = 2;
>>> +	if (hdr->length == 80) {	/* ACPI 6.0 */
>>> +		mask = 0xfffffff8;
>>> +		start = 3;
>>> +	}
>>> +	if (gic->flags & mask)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTGICFLags",
>>> +			    "MADT %s, flags, bits %d..31 are reserved "
>>> +			    "and should be zero, but are set as: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], start, gic->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s, flags, bits %d..31 are reserved and "
>>> +			    "properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], start);
>>> +
>>> +	if (gic->parking_protocol_version != 0 &&
>>> +	    gic->parking_protocol_version != 1)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTGICCParkingVersion",
>>> +			    "MADT %s, protocol versions defined are 0..1 but "
>>> +			    "%d is being used.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type],
>>> +			    gic->parking_protocol_version);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s, is using a defined parking protocol "
>>> +			    "version.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * TODO: is it even possible to verify the MPIDR is valid?  Or,
>>> +	 * is there sufficient variation that it is not predictable?
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	if (hdr->length == 80) {	/* added in ACPI 6.0 */
>>> +		uint8_t tmp = gic->reserved2[0] | gic->reserved2[1] |
>>> +			      gic->reserved2[2];
>>> +
>>> +		if (tmp)
>>> +			fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
>>> +				    "MADTGICCReserved2NonZero",
>>> +				    "MADT %s second reserved field must "
>>> +				    "be zero.", spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +		else
>>> +			fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +				    "MADT %s second reserved field properly "
>>> +				    "set to zero.",
>>> +				    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * TODO: the local GICC corresponding to the boot processor must
>>> +	 * be the the first entry in the interrupt controller structure
>>> +	 * list.
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_gicd(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +			  fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +			  const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 0xc: GIC Distributor */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_gicd *gicd = (fwts_acpi_madt_gicd *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	uint32_t gicd_reserve2 = gicd->reserved2[0] +
>>> +				 (gicd->reserved2[1] << 4) +
>>> +				 (gicd->reserved2[2] << 8);
>>> +
>>> +	if (gicd->reserved)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
>>> +			    "MADTGICDReservedNonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field should be zero, "
>>> +			    "instead got 0x%" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], gicd->reserved);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/* TODO: is the physical base address required to be non-zero? */
>>> +
>>> +	if (gicd->gic_version != 0 && gicd->gic_version > 4)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTGICDVersion",
>>> +			    "MADT %s GIC version field should be in 0..4, "
>>> +			    "but instead have 0x%" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], gicd->gic_version);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s GIC version field is in 0..4.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	if (gicd_reserve2)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
>>> +			    "MADTGICDReserved2NonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s second reserved field should be zero, "
>>> +			    "instead got 0x%" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], gicd_reserve2);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s second reserved field is properly set "
>>> +			    "to zero.", spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_gic_msi_frame(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +				   fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +				   const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 0xd: GIC MSI Frame */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_gic_msi *gic_msi = (fwts_acpi_madt_gic_msi *)data;
>>> +	fwts_list_link *item;
>>> +	bool found;
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * TODO: is there some way to test that the entries found are
>>> +	 * for only non-secure MSI frames?
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	if (gic_msi->reserved)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
>>> +			    "MADTGICMSIReservedNonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field should be zero, "
>>> +			    "instead got 0x%" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type], gic_msi->reserved);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * Check MSI Frame ID against previously found IDs to see if it
>>> +	 * is unique.  According to the spec, they must be.
>>> +	 */
>>> +	found = false;
>>> +	fwts_list_foreach(item, &msi_frame_ids) {
>>> +		uint32_t *frame_id = fwts_list_data(uint32_t *, item);
>>> +
>>> +		if (*frame_id == gic_msi->frame_id)
>>> +			found = true;
>>> +	}
>>> +	if (found) {
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTGICMSINonUniqueFrameId",
>>> +			    "MADT %s Frame ID 0x%" PRIx32 " is not unique "
>>> +			    "and has already be defined in a previous %s.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type],
>>> +			    gic_msi->frame_id,
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +	} else {
>>> +		fwts_list_append(&msi_frame_ids, &(gic_msi->frame_id));
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s Frame ID 0x%" PRIx32 " is unique "
>>> +			    "as is required.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type],
>>> +			    gic_msi->frame_id);
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * TODO: can the physical base address be tested, or is zero
>>> +	 * allowed?
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	if (gic_msi->flags & 0xfffffffe)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "MADTGICMSIFLags",
>>> +			    "MADT %s, flags, bits 1..31 are reserved "
>>> +			    "and should be zero, but are set as: %" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type],
>>> +			    gic_msi->flags);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s, flags, bits 1..31 are reserved "
>>> +			    "and properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * TODO: can we check the SPI Count and SPI Base against the MSI_TYPER
>>> +	 * register in the frame at this point?  Or is this something that
>>> +	 * can only been done when running on the arch we're testing for?
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_gicr(fwts_framework *fw,
>>> +			  fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr,
>>> +			  const uint8_t *data)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* specific checks for subtable type 0xe: GICR */
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_gicr *gicr = (fwts_acpi_madt_gicr *)data;
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * TODO: GICR structures should only be used when GICs implement
>>> +	 * version 3 or higher.
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	if (gicr->reserved)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
>>> +			    "MADTGICRReservedNonZero",
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field should be zero, "
>>> +			    "instead got 0x%" PRIx32 ".",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type],
>>> +			    gicr->reserved);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s reserved field properly set to zero.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * TODO: can Discovery Range Base Address ever be zero?
>>> +	 * Or, can we assume it must be non-zero?
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	if (gicr->discovery_range_length == 0)
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTGICRZeroLength",
>>> +			    "MADT %s discovery range length should be > 0.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +	else
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +			    "MADT %s discovery range length of %d > 0.",
>>> +			    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type],
>>> +			    gicr->discovery_range_length);
>>> +
>>> +	return (hdr->length - sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header));
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_subtables(fwts_framework *fw)
>>> +{
>>> +	fwts_acpi_table_madt *madt = (fwts_acpi_table_madt *)mtable->data;
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *hdr;
>>> +	fwts_acpi_madt_local_sapic *lsapic;
>>> +	struct acpi_madt_subtable_lengths *ms = spec_data;
>>> +	const uint8_t *data = mtable->data;
>>> +	ssize_t length = mtable->length;
>>> +	ssize_t skip;
>>> +	int ii = 0;
>>> +	int len, proper_len;
>>> +	bool passed = true;
>>> +
>>> +	/*
>>> +	 * check the correctness of each subtable type, and whether or
>>> +	 * not the subtable is allowed for this revision of the MADT
>>> +	 */
>>> +
>>> +	data += sizeof(fwts_acpi_table_madt);
>>> +	length -= sizeof(fwts_acpi_table_madt);
>>> +
>>> +	if (!ms->num_types) {
>>> +		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +			    "SPECMADTRevision",
>>> +			    "Undefined MADT revision being used: %d",
>>> +			    madt->header.revision);
>>> +	} else {
>>> +		fwts_passed(fw, "MADT revision %d is defined.",
>>> +			    madt->header.revision);
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	while (length > (ssize_t)sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header)) {
>>> +		hdr = (fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header *)data;
>>> +		skip = 0;
>>> +		ii++;
>>> +
>>> +		data += sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header);
>>> +		length -= sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_sub_table_header);
>>> +
>>> +		/* is this subtable type defined? */
>>> +		len = ms->lengths[hdr->type];
>>> +		if (!len) {
>>> +			fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +				    "SPECMADTSubType",
>>> +				    "Undefined MADT subtable type for this "
>>> +				    "version of the MADT: %d (%s)",
>>> +				    hdr->type, spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +		} else {
>>> +			fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +				    "MADT subtable type %d (%s) is defined.",
>>> +				    hdr->type, spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type]);
>>> +		}
>>> +
>>> +		/* verify that the length is what we expect */
>>> +		passed = true;
>>> +		if (len == SUBTABLE_VARIABLE) {
>>> +			if (hdr->type == FWTS_ACPI_MADT_LOCAL_SAPIC) {
>>> +				lsapic = (fwts_acpi_madt_local_sapic *)hdr;
>>> +				proper_len =
>>> +				     sizeof(fwts_acpi_madt_local_sapic) +
>>> +				     strlen(lsapic->uid_string) + 1;
>>> +
>>> +				if (proper_len != hdr->length)
>>> +					passed = false;
>>> +			}
>>> +		} else {
>>> +			if (hdr->length != len)
>>> +				passed = false;
>>> +		}
>>> +		if (passed) {
>>> +			fwts_passed(fw,
>>> +				    "Subtable %d of type %d (%s) is the "
>>> +				    " correct length: %d",
>>> +				    ii, hdr->type,
>>> +				    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type],
>>> +				    hdr->length);
>>> +		} else {
>>> +			fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +				    "SPECMADTSubLen",
>>> +				    "Subtable %d of type %d (%s) is %d bytes "
>>> +				    " long but should be %d bytes",
>>> +				    ii, hdr->type,
>>> +				    spec_madt_sub_names[hdr->type],
>>> +				    hdr->length, len);
>>> +		}
>>> +
>>> +		/* perform checks specific to subtable types */
>>> +		switch (hdr->type) {
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_local_apic(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_io_apic(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_interrupt_override(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_nmi_source(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_local_apic_nmi(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_lapic_addr_override(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_io_sapic(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_local_sapic(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_platform_int_source(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_local_x2apic(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_local_x2apic_nmi(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_gicc(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_gicd(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_gic_msi_frame(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +			skip = spec_madt_gicr(fw, hdr, data);
>>> +			break;
>>> +
>>> +		default:
>>> +			if (hdr->type >= 0x10 && hdr->type <= 0x7f)
>>> +				fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
>>> +					    "SPECMADTSubReservedID",
>>> +					    "MADT subtable %d is using the "
>>> +					    "reserved value 0x%x for a type. "
>>> +					    "Subtable type values 0x10..0x7f "
>>> +					    "are reserved; 0x80..0xff can be "
>>> +					    "used by OEMs.",
>>> +					    ii, hdr->type);
>>> +			skip = hdr->length;
>>> +			break;
>>> +		}
>>> +
>>> +		if (hdr->length == 0) {
>>> +			fwts_log_error(fw, "INTERNAL ERROR: "
>>> +				       "zero length subtable means something "
>>> +				       "is seriously broken. Subtable %d has "
>>> +				       "the problem.", ii);
>>> +			break;
>>> +		}
>>> +		data   += skip;
>>> +		length -= skip;
>>> +	}
>>> +
>>> +	return FWTS_OK;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static int spec_madt_deinit(fwts_framework *fw)
>>> +{
>>> +	/* only one minor clean up needed */
>>> +	fwts_list_free_items(&msi_frame_ids, NULL);
>>> +
>>> +	return (fw) ? FWTS_ERROR : FWTS_OK;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static fwts_framework_minor_test spec_madt_tests[] = {
>>> +	{ spec_madt_checksum, "MADT checksum test." },
>>> +	{ spec_madt_revision, "MADT revision test." },
>>> +	{ spec_madt_arch_revision, "MADT architecture minimum revision test." },
>>> +	{ spec_madt_flags, "MADT flags field reserved bits test." },
>>> +	{ spec_madt_subtables, "MADT subtable tests." },
>>> +	{ NULL, NULL }
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static fwts_framework_ops spec_madt_ops = {
>>> +	.description = "MADT Multiple APIC Description Table spec compliance.",
>>> +	.init        = spec_madt_init,
>>> +	.deinit      = spec_madt_deinit,
>>> +	.minor_tests = spec_madt_tests
>>> +};
>>> +
>> Thanks for this new test Al.
>> From my casual observations, this code probably is a superset of the
>> tests in the src/acpi/madt/madt.c checks (correct me if I'm wrong!).
>> Rather than have two tests (madt *and* spec_madt), I recommend we
>> replace the original madt test with this one.  And we should just then
>> keep the original name "madt" test and not add an additional "spec_madt".
>> Is that OK with you Al?
> It's really up to you, Colin.  I'm comfortable either way.  I was a little
> wary of that given how extensive this change was to madt.c and I didn't want
> to perturb too many things at once.  It is indeed a superset, though.
> If you prefer updating madt.c, it's easy enough to restructure the next version
> of the patch set to do so; which would you like?

I'm totally fine with throwing away the old madt.c and replacing it with
yours since your code is superior and I'm very pragmatic - your code
beats the old code, so lets completely replace it.

>> There are a bunch of "TODOs" in the comments. I am happy to accept this
>> code without these being implemented as long as we get around to
>> implementing them sometime :-)
> Yup, there are, unfortunately.  Yes, absolutely, the plan is to implement
> them over the next few months -- for quite a few of them, it may take spec
> clarification or community discussion to figure out so I went with "release
> early, release often" instead of prolonged waiting for The Ultimate Answer
> to Life, The Universe, and Everything :-).  I appreciate your being flexible
> on this, just the same.
Sounds like a good plan to me. I'm all for getting stuff done
incrementally and since we release fwts monthly we can get code added as
and when.

Thanks Al,


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