[PATCH 2/3] bios: mtrr: fix cache type corner case at end of mtrr range

Ricardo Neri ricardo.neri-calderon at linux.intel.com
Wed Apr 27 20:11:53 UTC 2016

An entry in the mtrr list is set as entry->end = entry->start +
entry->size. Thus, it follows that in order to assign a cache type, we
must test whether any part of the memory range under test is in the
range [entry->start, entry->end); this is, inclusive of entry->start
but exclusive of entry->end.

A DEFAULT type is assigned to a memory range if it is not covered by
any entry of the mtrr list. This check begins verifying whether the
end of the memory range under test ,e, lies inside any of the ranges
described in the mtrr list. This is:

                     entry.start < e <= entry.end                   (1)

However, consider an hypothetical mtrr entry [0x1000, 0x3000) and a
test range [0x2000, 0x3000]. Clearly, the memory location 0x3000 is
not covered by the mtrr entry. However, the condition (1) is met and
the function incorrectly determines that memory range under test is
fully covered by the mtrr entry. Thus, the correct test should be

                     entry.start < e < entry.end                    (1)

Signed-off-by: Ricardo Neri <ricardo.neri-calderon at linux.intel.com>
 src/bios/mtrr/mtrr.c | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/bios/mtrr/mtrr.c b/src/bios/mtrr/mtrr.c
index 698a96c..8176803 100644
--- a/src/bios/mtrr/mtrr.c
+++ b/src/bios/mtrr/mtrr.c
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ restart:
 	fwts_list_foreach(item, mtrr_list) {
 		entry = fwts_list_data(struct mtrr_entry*, item);
-		if (entry->end >= end && entry->start < end) {
+		if (entry->end > end && entry->start < end) {
 			end = entry->start;
 			if (end < start)
 				end = start;

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