ACK: [PATCH] data: klog.json: add in some more kernel error messages for 4.3

Alex Hung alex.hung at
Wed Nov 25 03:53:59 UTC 2015

On 2015-11-24 10:14 PM, Colin King wrote:
> From: Colin Ian King <colin.king at>
> Keep klog in-sync with new or modified kernel firmware related
> error messages.
> Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <colin.king at>
> ---
>   data/klog.json | 63 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>   1 file changed, 63 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/data/klog.json b/data/klog.json
> index 3910c5f..8490dc7 100644
> --- a/data/klog.json
> +++ b/data/klog.json
> @@ -2,6 +2,69 @@
>    "firmware_error_warning_patterns":
>    [
>     {
> +   "compare_mode": "regex",
> +   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM",
> +   "pattern": "Target is not of type .*Package.*BufferField",
> +   "advice": "ACPI execution engine failed to store a value in an ACPI buffer or Package Element because the destination type was incorrect. The AML code in the firmware has a bug.",
> +   "label": "KlogAcpiInvalidDestinationType"
> +  },
> +  {
> +   "compare_mode": "regex",
> +   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM",
> +   "pattern": "Source must be type .*Integer.*Buffer.*String.*, found",
> +   "advice": "ACPI execution engine failed to store a value in an ACPI buffer or Package Element because the source type was incorrect. The AML code in the firmware has a bug.",
> +   "label": "KlogAcpiInvalidSourceType"
> +  },
> +  {
> +   "compare_mode": "string",
> +   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM",
> +   "pattern": "During invocation of sleep state",
> +   "advice": "Invoking one of the ACPI sleep states (S0 through to S5) failed to complete, either when trying to transition to the sleep state or returning from it.",
> +   "label": "KlogAcpiSleepError"
> +  },
> +  {
> +   "compare_mode": "string",
> +   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM",
> +   "pattern": "No IRQ available for",
> +   "advice": "The ACPI driver failed to allocate an IRQ to a PCI link, possibly because of prevous IRQ allocations that have precedence. A workaround is to use kernel parameter pci=noacpi or acpi=off",
> +   "label": "KlogAcpiPciLinkIrq"
> +  },
> +  {
> +   "compare_mode": "string",
> +   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM",
> +   "pattern": "ACPI: Invalid data",
> +   "advice": "ACPI _BCL method (Query List of Brightness Control Levels Supported) returned a package that did not contain integer brightness levels",
> +   "label": "KlogAcpiBclInvalidData"
> +  },
> +  {
> +   "compare_mode": "string",
> +   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_HIGH",
> +   "pattern": "failed to merge updated NFIT",
> +   "advice": "ACPI NFIT driver failed to merge the new NFIT from the _FIT object and resorted to using the previous (old) one instead",
> +   "label": "KlogAcpiNfitMergeError"
> +  },
> +  {
> +   "compare_mode": "string",
> +   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_HIGH",
> +   "pattern": "failed to evaluate _FIT",
> +   "advice": "ACPI NFIT driver failed to evaluate the _FIT (Firmware Interface Table) object and no buffer was returned causing the NFIT notify event to fail",
> +   "label": "KlogAcpiFitEvalError"
> +  },
> +  {
> +   "compare_mode": "string",
> +   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_HIGH",
> +   "pattern": "error initializing acpi_desc:",
> +   "advice": "ACPI NFIT driver failed to initialize, either because it was out of memory (unlikely) or the NVDIMM bus failed to register",
> +   "label": "KlogAcpiNfitInitFail"
> +  },
> +  {
> +   "compare_mode": "string",
> +   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_HIGH",
> +   "pattern": "new nfit deletes entries",
> +   "advice": "ACPI NFIT driver could not delete NFIT structure entries, this is funcionality is not currently supported by the ACPI NFIT driver",
> +   "label": "KlogAcpiNfitDeleteNoSupport"
> +  },
> +  {
>      "compare_mode": "string",
>      "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_HIGH",
>      "pattern": "failed to find NFIT",

Acked-by: Alex Hung <alex.hung at>

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