[PATCH] uefidump: add more bounds checking and remove need for heap

Colin King colin.king at canonical.com
Tue Nov 24 13:06:23 UTC 2015

From: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>

CoverityScan found a buffer overflow where the provided size of the
string may be actually larger than the buffer itself. Add some more
sanity checking on the buffer.  Also, don't allocate a tmp buffer
from the heap, use the stack instead.

Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>
 src/uefi/uefidump/uefidump.c | 13 +++++++------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/uefi/uefidump/uefidump.c b/src/uefi/uefidump/uefidump.c
index 8bb9f00..dc4fa0f 100644
--- a/src/uefi/uefidump/uefidump.c
+++ b/src/uefi/uefidump/uefidump.c
@@ -487,14 +487,15 @@ static char *uefidump_build_dev_path(char *path, fwts_uefi_dev_path *dev_path, c
 			if (dev_path_len >= sizeof(fwts_uefi_uri_dev_path)) {
 				fwts_uefi_uri_dev_path *u = (fwts_uefi_uri_dev_path *)dev_path;
-				char *tmp;
 				uint16_t len = u->dev_path.length[0] | (((uint16_t)u->dev_path.length[1]) << 8);
-				tmp = malloc(len - sizeof(fwts_uefi_uri_dev_path) + 1);
-				if (tmp) {
-					memcpy(tmp, u->uri, len - sizeof(fwts_uefi_uri_dev_path));
-					tmp[len - sizeof(fwts_uefi_uri_dev_path)] = '\0';
+				if ((len > sizeof(fwts_uefi_uri_dev_path)) &&
+				    (len <= dev_path_len - sizeof(fwts_uefi_uri_dev_path))) {
+					uint16_t tmp_len = len - sizeof(fwts_uefi_uri_dev_path);
+					char tmp[tmp_len + 1];
+					memcpy(tmp, u->uri, tmp_len);
+					tmp[tmp_len] = '\0';
 					path = uefidump_vprintf(path, "\\URI(%s)", tmp);
-					free(tmp);

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