Running fwts on Linux

Shubham Sharma kernel.shubham at
Thu Jul 23 06:36:29 UTC 2015

Hi Developers,

This is my first post to this group. I was checking fwts and found it very
useful for UEFI tests.

I was wondering, if fwts is supported on non-debian based OS (ex:CentOS,
Fedora etc) . I tried to use fwts but didn't get success.

I followed following steps :

1. Get the source tarball of latest version of fwts
2. Extract the source, configure , make install
3. All went smooth so now I executed tests
4. I could execute all tests excepts uefi runtime tests.  uefi runtime
tests were aborted due to below error
Load efi_runtime module error.
Cannot load efi_runtime module. Aborted.
Aborted test, initialisation failed.

5. Then I figured out that I need to have efi_runtime kernel driver to
execute uefi runtime service tests. I installed dkms package too.
6. But now I am clueless as in what should be done to load efi_runtime
module (I don't see and .ko file)

Your help will be much appreciated.

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