[PATCH 1/2] Add ACPI IORT test (LP: #1450440)

Colin King colin.king at canonical.com
Thu Jul 16 19:02:23 UTC 2015

From: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>

ARM has a new IORT table, so add support for this.

Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>
 src/Makefile.am             |   1 +
 src/acpi/iort/iort.c        | 707 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/lib/include/fwts_acpi.h |  96 ++++++
 3 files changed, 804 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/acpi/iort/iort.c

diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index ba626f0..3e7fc3c 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ fwts_SOURCES = main.c 				\
 	acpi/gtdt/gtdt.c			\
 	acpi/hest/hest.c			\
 	acpi/hpet/hpet.c 			\
+	acpi/iort/iort.c			\
 	acpi/lid/lid.c 				\
 	acpi/lpit/lpit.c 			\
 	acpi/madt/madt.c			\
diff --git a/src/acpi/iort/iort.c b/src/acpi/iort/iort.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..874b7b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/acpi/iort/iort.c
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 Canonical
+ *
+ * Portions of this code original from the Linux-ready Firmware Developer Kit
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ */
+#include "fwts.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <string.h>
+static fwts_acpi_table_info *table;
+static int iort_init(fwts_framework *fw)
+	if (fwts_acpi_find_table(fw, "IORT", 0, &table) != FWTS_OK) {
+		fwts_log_error(fw, "Cannot read ACPI tables.");
+		return FWTS_ERROR;
+	}
+	if (table == NULL || (table && table->length == 0)) {
+		fwts_log_error(fw, "ACPI IORT table does not exist, skipping test");
+		return FWTS_SKIP;
+	}
+	return FWTS_OK;
+ *  iort_node_dump()
+ *	dump IORT Node header, common to all IORT node types
+ */
+static void iort_node_dump(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	const char *node_name,
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *node)
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "%s:", node_name);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Type:                     0x%2.2" PRIx8, node->type);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Length:                   0x%4.4" PRIx16, node->length);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Revision:                 0x%2.2" PRIx8, node->revision);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Reserved:                 0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->reserved);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Number of ID mappings:    0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->id_mappings_count);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Reference to ID Array:    0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->id_array_offset);
+ *  iort_node_check()
+ *	sanity check IORT Node header
+ */
+static void iort_node_check(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	bool no_id_mappings,
+	bool no_id_array,
+	bool *passed)
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *node = (fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *)data;
+	if (node->revision != 0) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
+			"IORTNodeRevisionNonZero",
+			"IORT Node Revision field is 0x%2.2" PRIx8
+			" and should be zero.",
+			node->revision);
+	}
+	if (node->reserved != 0) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
+			"IORTNodeReservedNonZero",
+			"IORT Node Reserved field is 0x0%8.8" PRIx32
+			" and should be zero.",
+			node->reserved);
+	}
+	if (no_id_mappings && node->id_mappings_count) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
+			"IORTNodeMappingsCountNonZero",
+			"IORT Node Number of ID Mappings field is 0x0%8.8" PRIx32
+			" and should be zero for this node type.",
+			node->id_mappings_count);
+	}
+	if (no_id_array && node->id_array_offset) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_LOW,
+			"IORTNodeRefToIdArrayNonZero",
+			"IORT Node Referenced to ID Array field is 0x0%8.8" PRIx32
+			" and should be zero for this node type.",
+			node->id_array_offset);
+	}
+ *  IORT ID mappings
+ */
+ *  iort_id_mapping_dump()
+ *	dump IORT ID mapping
+ */
+static void iort_id_mapping_dump(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint32_t i,
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_id_mapping *id_mapping)
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "ID Mapping %" PRIu32, i);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Input Base:               0x%8.8" PRIx32, id_mapping->input_base);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  ID Count:                 0x%8.8" PRIx32, id_mapping->id_count);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Output Base:              0x%8.8" PRIx32, id_mapping->output_base);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Output Reference:         0x%8.8" PRIx32, id_mapping->output_reference);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Flags:                    0x%8.8" PRIx32, id_mapping->flags);
+ *  iort_id_mappings_dump()
+ *	dump array of ID mappings
+ */
+static void iort_id_mappings_dump(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	uint8_t *data_end)
+	uint32_t i;
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *node = (fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *)data;
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_id_mapping *id_mapping;
+	id_mapping = (fwts_acpi_table_iort_id_mapping *)(data + node->id_array_offset);
+	for (i = 0; i < node->id_mappings_count; i++, id_mapping++) {
+		if (sizeof(*id_mapping) + (uint8_t *)id_mapping > data_end)
+			break;
+		iort_id_mapping_dump(fw, i, id_mapping);
+	}
+ *  iort_id_mapping_check()
+ *	sanity check ID mapping
+ */
+static void iort_id_mapping_check(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint32_t i,
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_id_mapping *id_mapping,
+	bool *passed)
+	if (id_mapping->flags & ~1) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
+			"IORTIdMappingReservedNonZero",
+			"IORT ID Mapping %" PRIu32 " Reserved Flags field reserved "
+			"bits [31:1] should be all zero, got 0x%" PRIx32
+			" instead",
+			i, id_mapping->flags);
+	}
+	/* Should also check output_reference is out of range or not */
+ *  iort_id_mappings_check()
+ *	snaity check array of ID mappings
+ */
+static void iort_id_mappings_check(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	uint8_t *data_end,
+	bool *passed)
+	uint32_t i;
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *node = (fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *)data;
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_id_mapping *id_mapping;
+	id_mapping = (fwts_acpi_table_iort_id_mapping *)(data + node->id_array_offset);
+	for (i = 0; i < node->id_mappings_count; i++, id_mapping++) {
+		if (sizeof(*id_mapping) + (uint8_t *)id_mapping > data_end) {
+			*passed = false;
+			fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+				"IORTIdMappingOutsideTable",
+				"IORT ID Mapping %" PRIu32 " is outside the "
+				"IORT ACPI table. Either the offset is incorrect "
+				"or the IORT table size or the node is too small.", i);
+			break;
+		}
+		iort_id_mapping_check(fw, i, id_mapping, passed);
+	}
+ *  IORT SMMU interrupts
+ */
+ *  iort_smmu_interrupt_dump()
+ *	dump array of SMMU interrupts
+ */
+static void iort_smmu_interrupt_dump(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	uint8_t *data_end,
+	uint32_t offset,
+	uint32_t count)
+	uint32_t i;
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_interrupt *intr =
+		(fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_interrupt *)(data + offset);
+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++, intr++) {
+		if (sizeof(*intr) + (uint8_t *)intr > data_end)
+			break;
+		fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  GSIV:                     0x%8.8" PRIx32, intr->gsiv);
+		fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Interrupt Flags:          0x%8.8" PRIx32, intr->flags);
+	}
+ *  iort_smmu_interrupt_flags_check()
+ *	sanity check SMMU interrupt flag bits
+ */
+static void iort_smmu_interrupt_flags_check(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	char *name,
+	uint32_t flags,
+	bool *passed)
+	if (flags & ~1) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
+			"IORTSMMUIntrFlagsReservedNonZero",
+			"IORT %s Flags field reserved "
+			"bits [31:1] should be all zero, got 0x%" PRIx32,
+			name, flags);
+	}
+ *  iort_smmu_interrupt_check()
+ *	sanity check array of SMMU interrupts
+ */
+static void iort_smmu_interrupt_check(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	uint8_t *data_end,
+	uint32_t offset,
+	uint32_t count,
+	bool *passed)
+	uint32_t i;
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_interrupt *intr =
+		(fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_interrupt *)(data + offset);
+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++, intr++) {
+		if (sizeof(*intr) + (uint8_t *)intr > data_end) {
+			*passed = false;
+			fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+				"IORTSmmuInterruptsOutsideTable",
+				"IORT SMMU Interrupt %" PRIu32 " is outside the "
+				"IORT ACPI table. Either the offset is incorrect "
+				"or the IORT table size is too small.", i);
+			break;
+		}
+		iort_smmu_interrupt_flags_check(fw, "SMMU_GSV",
+			intr->flags, passed);
+	}
+ * IORT Global Interrupts
+ */
+ *  iort_smmu_global_interrupt_dump()
+ *	dump SMMU global interrupts
+ */
+static void iort_smmu_global_interrupt_dump(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	uint8_t *data_end,
+	uint32_t offset)
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_global_interrupt_array *intr =
+		(fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_global_interrupt_array *)(data + offset);
+	if (sizeof(*intr) + (uint8_t*)intr <= data_end) {
+		fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  SMMU_NSgIrpt:             0x%8.8" PRIx32, intr->smmu_nsgirpt);
+		fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  SMMU_NSgIrpt Flags:       0x%8.8" PRIx32, intr->smmu_nsgirpt_flags);
+		fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  SMMU_NSgCfgIrpt:          0x%8.8" PRIx32, intr->smmu_nsgcfgirpt);
+		fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  SMMU_NSgCfgIrpt Flags:    0x%8.8" PRIx32, intr->smmu_nsgcfgirpt_flags);
+	}
+ *  iort_smmu_global_interrupt_check()
+ *	sanity check SMMU global interrupts
+ */
+static void iort_smmu_global_interrupt_check(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	uint8_t *data_end,
+	uint32_t offset,
+	bool *passed)
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_global_interrupt_array *intr =
+		(fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_global_interrupt_array *)(data + offset);
+	uint8_t *intr_end = data + offset +
+			sizeof(fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_global_interrupt_array);
+	if (sizeof(*intr) + (uint8_t *)intr_end > data_end) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTSmmuGlobalInterruptsOutsideTable",
+			"IORT SMMU Global Interrupt is outside the "
+			"IORT ACPI table. The offset is incorrect "
+			"or the IORT table size is too small.");
+		return;
+	}
+	iort_smmu_interrupt_flags_check(fw, "SMMU_NsgIrpt",
+		intr->smmu_nsgirpt_flags, passed);
+	iort_smmu_interrupt_flags_check(fw, "SMMU_NsgCfgIrpt",
+		intr->smmu_nsgcfgirpt_flags, passed);
+ *  IORT Node checks
+ */
+ *  Check IORT ITS Group Node
+ */
+static void iort_check_its_group(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	uint8_t *node_end,
+	bool *passed)
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_its_group_node *node =
+		(fwts_acpi_table_iort_its_group_node *)data;
+	uint32_t *its_id = node->identifier_array;
+	size_t its_id_array_size = node->its_count * sizeof(*its_id);
+	iort_node_dump(fw, "IORT ITS Group Node", (fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *)data);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Number of ITSs:           0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->its_count);
+	/* Array too big? */
+	if (its_id_array_size + (uint8_t*)its_id > node_end) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTItsIdArrayOutsideTable",
+			"IORT ITS Identifier Array end is outside the "
+			"IORT ACPI table. Either the Number of ID mappings is "
+			"too large or the IORT table size or ITS Group Node is too small.");
+	} else {
+		uint32_t i;
+		for (i = 0; i < node->its_count; i++, its_id++) {
+			fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  GIC ITS Identifier:       0x%8.8" PRIx32, *its_id);
+		}
+	}
+	iort_node_check(fw, data, true, true, passed);
+	fwts_log_nl(fw);
+ *  iort_memory_access_properties_check()
+ *	sanity check memory access properties
+ */
+static void iort_memory_access_properties_check(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	const char *name,
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_properties *properties,
+	bool *passed)
+	uint8_t cca, cpm, dacs;
+	if (properties->cache_coherent > 1) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTCacheCoherentAttrInvalid",
+			"IORT %s Coherent Attribute "
+			"is 0x%" PRIx32 " and should be either "
+			"0 (device is fully coherent) or 1 (device is "
+			"not coherent).",
+			name, properties->cache_coherent);
+	}
+	if (properties->allocation_hints & ~0xf) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTAllocHintsReservedNonZero",
+			"IORT %s Allocation Hints reserved bits "
+			"[7:4] are reserved and should be zero.",
+			name);
+	}
+	if (properties->reserved) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_MEDIUM,
+			"IORTNodeReservedNonZero",
+			"IORT %s Node Reserved is 0x%" PRIx32
+			" and is reserved and should be zero.",
+			name, properties->reserved);
+	}
+	if (properties->memory_access_flags & ~0x3) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTMemoryAccessFlagsReservedNonZero",
+			"IORT %s Memory Access Flags is 0x%" PRIx8
+			" and all the reserved bits [7:2] should be zero but some are not.",
+			name, properties->memory_access_flags);
+	}
+	cca = properties->cache_coherent & 1;
+	cpm = properties->memory_access_flags & 1;
+	dacs = (properties->memory_access_flags >> 1) & 1;
+	if ((cca == 1) && (cpm == 0)) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTMemAttrInvalid",
+			"IORT %s Memory Attributes are illegal, "
+			"CCA cannot be 1 if CPM is 0.", name);
+	}
+	if ((cca == 0) && (cpm == 1) && (dacs == 1)) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTMemAttrInvalid",
+			"IORT %s Memory Attributes are illegal, "
+			"CCA cannot be 0 if CPM and DACS are 1. If the device "
+			"has a coherent path to memory and natively outputs "
+			"IWB-OWB-ISH then CCA must be 1.", name);
+	}
+ *  Check IORT Named Component Node
+ */
+static void iort_check_named_component(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	uint8_t *node_end,
+	bool *passed)
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_named_component_node *node =
+		(fwts_acpi_table_iort_named_component_node *)data;
+	uint8_t *obj_name;
+	iort_node_dump(fw, "IORT Named Component Node", (fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *)data);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Node Flags:               0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->flags);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Cache Coherent Attribute: 0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->properties.cache_coherent);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Allocation Hints:         0x%2.2" PRIx8, node->properties.allocation_hints);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Reserved:                 0x%4.4" PRIx16, node->properties.reserved);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Memory Access Flags       0x%2.2" PRIx8, node->properties.memory_access_flags);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Device Memory Addr. Size: 0x%2.2" PRIx8, node->device_memory_address_size);
+	/* Is object name sane, zero terminated and inside the table? */
+	for (obj_name = node->device_object_name; *obj_name; obj_name++) {
+		if (obj_name > node_end) {
+			*passed = false;
+			fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+				"IORTBadNamedComponentDeviceObjectName",
+				"IORT Named Component Device Object Name string "
+				"does not contain a null byte string terminator "
+				"inside the IORT ACPI table.  Either the null "
+				"terminator is missing, or the IORT ACPI table "
+				"is truncated.");
+			/* Need to skip dumping it out as it is probably garbage */
+			goto next;
+		}
+	}
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Device Object Name:       %s", (char *)node->device_object_name);
+	iort_id_mappings_dump(fw, data, node_end);
+	iort_node_check(fw, data, false, false, passed);
+	if (node->flags) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTNamedComponentNodeFlagsNonZero",
+			"IORT Named Component Node Flags is 0x%" PRIx32 " and is "
+			"reserved and should be zero.", node->flags);
+	}
+	iort_memory_access_properties_check(fw, "Named Component Node", &node->properties, passed);
+	iort_id_mappings_check(fw, data, node_end, passed);
+	fwts_log_nl(fw);
+ *  Check IORT PCI Root Complex Node
+ */
+static void iort_check_pci_root_complex(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	uint8_t *node_end,
+	bool *passed)
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_pci_root_complex_node *node =
+		(fwts_acpi_table_iort_pci_root_complex_node *)data;
+	iort_node_dump(fw, "IORT PCI Root Complex Node", (fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *)data);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Cache Coherent Attribute: 0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->properties.cache_coherent);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Allocation Hints:         0x%2.2" PRIx8, node->properties.allocation_hints);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Reserved:                 0x%4.4" PRIx16, node->properties.reserved);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Memory Access Flags       0x%4.4" PRIx16, node->properties.memory_access_flags);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  ATS Attribute:            0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->ats_attribute);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  PCI Segment Number:       0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->pci_segment_number);
+	iort_id_mappings_dump(fw, data, node_end);
+	iort_node_check(fw, data, false, false, passed);
+	if (node->ats_attribute > 1) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTCPCIRootComplexAtsAttrInvalid",
+			"IORT PCI Root Complex Node ATS Attribute is 0x%" PRIx32
+			" and was expecting either 0 (root complex supports ATS) "
+			"or 1 (root complex does not support ATS).",
+			node->ats_attribute);
+	}
+	iort_memory_access_properties_check(fw, "PCI Root Complex Node", &node->properties, passed);
+	iort_id_mappings_check(fw, data, node_end, passed);
+	fwts_log_nl(fw);
+ *  Check IORT SMMUv1, SMMUv2 node
+ */
+static void iort_check_smmu(
+	fwts_framework *fw,
+	uint8_t *data,
+	uint8_t *node_end,
+	bool *passed)
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_node *node =
+		(fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_node *)data;
+	iort_node_dump(fw, "IORT SMMU node", (fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *)data);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Base Address:             0x%16.16" PRIx64, node->base_address);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Span:                     0x%16.16" PRIx64, node->span);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Model:                    0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->model);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Flags:                    0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->flags);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Global Intr. Offset:      0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->global_interrupt_array_offset);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Number of Context Intr.:  0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->context_interrupt_count);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Context Intr. Offset:     0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->context_interrupt_array_offset);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Number of PMU Intr.:      0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->pmu_interrupt_count);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  PMU Intr. Offset:         0x%8.8" PRIx32, node->pmu_interrupt_array_offset);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "Global Interrupt Array:");
+	iort_smmu_global_interrupt_dump(fw, data, node_end,
+		node->global_interrupt_array_offset);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "Context Interrupt Array:");
+	iort_smmu_interrupt_dump(fw, data, node_end,
+		node->context_interrupt_array_offset, node->context_interrupt_count);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "PMU Interrupt Array:");
+	iort_smmu_interrupt_dump(fw, data, node_end,
+		node->pmu_interrupt_array_offset, node->pmu_interrupt_count);
+	iort_id_mappings_dump(fw, data, node_end);
+	iort_node_check(fw, data, false, false, passed);
+	iort_smmu_global_interrupt_check(fw, data, node_end,
+		node->global_interrupt_array_offset, passed);
+	iort_smmu_interrupt_check(fw, data, node_end,
+		node->context_interrupt_array_offset, node->context_interrupt_count, passed);
+	iort_smmu_interrupt_check(fw, data, node_end,
+		node->pmu_interrupt_array_offset, node->pmu_interrupt_count, passed);
+	iort_id_mappings_check(fw, data, node_end, passed);
+	if (node->model > 3) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTSmmuInvalidModel",
+			"IORT SMMU Model is 0x%" PRIx32 " and was expecting "
+			"a model value 0 to 3.", node->model);
+	}
+	if (node->flags & ~3) {
+		*passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTSmmuReservedFlags",
+			"IORT SMMU Reserved Flags is 0x%" PRIx32 " and has "
+			"some reserved bits [31:2] set when they should be zero.",
+			node->flags);
+	}
+	fwts_log_nl(fw);
+ *  IORT Remapping Table
+ *     http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.den0049a/DEN0049A_IO_Remapping_Table.pdf
+ */
+static int iort_test1(fwts_framework *fw)
+	bool passed = true;
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort *iort = (fwts_acpi_table_iort *)table->data;
+        uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)table->data;
+	uint8_t *data_end;
+	uint32_t count;
+	if (table->length < (ssize_t)iort->header.length) {
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTTooShort",
+			"IORT table incorrectly sized, IORT "
+			"header reports it is %" PRIu32 " bytes, "
+			"instead got %zu bytes",
+			iort->header.length, table->length);
+		goto done;
+	}
+	if (table->length < sizeof(fwts_acpi_table_iort)) {
+		passed = false;
+		fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+			"IORTTooShort",
+			"IORT table too short, expecting %zu bytes, "
+			"instead got %zu bytes",
+			sizeof(fwts_acpi_table_iort), table->length);
+		goto done;
+	}
+	data_end = data + table->length;
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "IORT IO Remapping Table test");
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Number of IORT Nodes:     0x%4.4" PRIx8, iort->io_rt_nodes_count);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  IORT Node Array Offset:   0x%4.4" PRIx8, iort->io_rt_offset);
+	fwts_log_info_verbatum(fw, "  Reserved:                 0x%4.4" PRIx8, iort->reserved);
+	fwts_log_nl(fw);
+	data = (uint8_t *)table->data + iort->io_rt_offset;
+	for (count = 0; count < iort->io_rt_nodes_count; count++) {
+		fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *node = (fwts_acpi_table_iort_node *)data;
+		uint8_t *node_end;
+		if (data + node->length > data_end) {
+			passed = false;
+			fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+				"IORTTooShort",
+				"IORT table too short, parsing IORT node %" PRIu32
+				" and the end of this node falls outside "
+				"the IORT table.", count);
+			break;
+		}
+		node_end = data + node->length;
+		switch (node->type) {
+		case 0x00:
+			iort_check_its_group(fw, data, node_end, &passed);
+			break;
+		case 0x01:
+			iort_check_named_component(fw, data, node_end, &passed);
+			break;
+		case 0x02:
+			iort_check_pci_root_complex(fw, data, node_end, &passed);
+			break;
+		case 0x03:
+			iort_check_smmu(fw, data, node_end, &passed);
+			break;
+		default:
+			/* reserved */
+			passed = false;
+			fwts_failed(fw, LOG_LEVEL_HIGH,
+				"IORTInvalidType",
+				"IORT Type 0x%2.2" PRIx8 " is invalid, aborting check",
+				node->type);
+			data = data_end;	/* Forces termination */
+			break;
+		}
+		data += node->length;
+	}
+	if (passed)
+		fwts_passed(fw, "No issues found in IORT.");
+	return FWTS_OK;
+static fwts_framework_minor_test iort_tests[] = {
+	{ iort_test1, "IORT IO Remapping Table test." },
+	{ NULL, NULL }
+static fwts_framework_ops iort_ops = {
+	.description = "IORT IO Remapping Table test.",
+	.init        = iort_init,
+	.minor_tests = iort_tests
diff --git a/src/lib/include/fwts_acpi.h b/src/lib/include/fwts_acpi.h
index 112af72..3da5ad3 100644
--- a/src/lib/include/fwts_acpi.h
+++ b/src/lib/include/fwts_acpi.h
@@ -1172,4 +1172,100 @@ typedef struct {
 	uint8_t		data[0];	/* Proprietary data */
 } __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_msdm;
+ *  IORT IO Remapping Table
+ *    http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.den0049a/DEN0049A_IO_Remapping_Table.pdf
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	fwts_acpi_table_header  header;
+	uint32_t	io_rt_nodes_count;
+	uint32_t	io_rt_offset;
+	uint32_t	reserved;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_iort;
+typedef struct {
+	uint8_t		type;
+	uint16_t	length;
+	uint8_t		revision;
+	uint32_t	reserved;
+	uint32_t	id_mappings_count;
+	uint32_t	id_array_offset;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_iort_node;
+typedef struct {
+	uint32_t	input_base;
+	uint32_t	id_count;
+	uint32_t	output_base;
+	uint32_t	output_reference;
+	uint32_t	flags;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_iort_id_mapping;
+typedef struct {
+	uint32_t	gsiv;
+	uint32_t	flags;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_interrupt;
+typedef struct {
+	/* Global Interrupt Array Section */
+	uint32_t	smmu_nsgirpt;
+	uint32_t	smmu_nsgirpt_flags;
+	uint32_t	smmu_nsgcfgirpt;
+	uint32_t	smmu_nsgcfgirpt_flags;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_global_interrupt_array;
+typedef struct {
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_node iort_node;
+	uint64_t	base_address;
+	uint64_t	span;
+	uint32_t	model;
+	uint32_t	flags;
+	uint32_t	global_interrupt_array_offset;
+	uint32_t	context_interrupt_count;
+	uint32_t	context_interrupt_array_offset;
+	uint32_t	pmu_interrupt_count;
+	uint32_t	pmu_interrupt_array_offset;
+	/*
+	 * Global Interrupt array, Context Interrupt Array
+	 * and PMU Interrupt arrays follow at offsets into
+	 * the table
+	 */
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_iort_smmu_node;
+typedef struct {
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_node iort_node;
+	uint32_t	its_count;
+	uint32_t	identifier_array[0];
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_iort_its_group_node;
+typedef struct {
+	uint32_t	cache_coherent;
+	uint8_t		allocation_hints;
+	uint16_t	reserved;
+	uint8_t		memory_access_flags;
+}  __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_iort_properties;
+typedef struct {
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_node iort_node;
+	uint32_t	flags;
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_properties properties;
+	uint8_t		device_memory_address_size;
+	uint8_t		device_object_name[0];
+	/*
+	   followed by padding and array of ids_mappings at some offset
+	   uint32_t	identifier_array[0];
+	*/
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_iort_named_component_node;
+typedef struct {
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_node iort_node;
+	fwts_acpi_table_iort_properties properties;
+	uint32_t	ats_attribute;
+	uint32_t	pci_segment_number;
+	/*
+	   followed by array of ids_mappings at some offset
+	   uint32_t	identifier_array[0];
+	*/
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) fwts_acpi_table_iort_pci_root_complex_node;

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