Link issues trying to package fwts for Mageia

Bruno Cornec Bruno.Cornec at
Wed May 21 05:51:31 UTC 2014

Hello Colin,

Colin Ian King said on Fri, May 16, 2014 at 02:32:51PM +0100:
> I managed to figure out how to get Megeia 4 installed and configured
> with the necessary packages to build fwts.  The only issue I found was
> that the json-c headers were in a different location, so I had to make a
> small change to some of the sources to fix this up.

Ok. I adopted your change and build string and it works.
The difference is around the way to invoke configure which makes it
fail. I'll try to investigate.

I think that could be handled at autoconf level BTW, by checking both
json/json.h and json-c/json.h and generating the appropriate entry in
config.h and use it (which it doesn't seem to be BTW)

BTW not having found json/json.h should generate an error in configure no ?
The build process shouldn't continue I think.

> and it runs OK too.  So I am unable to reproduce the build issue you are
> seeing.
Ok I see why now. Let me come back again to you once it's packaged.

Best regards,
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