[utwg] FW: FWTS presentation for today's UTWG meeting
Uma Parepalli
uma.parepalli at skhms.com
Wed Mar 26 17:06:18 UTC 2014
I am interested in the devices managed by the open source UEFI NVMe Driver
and Windows 8.1 built-in / in box NVMe Driver.
Such timing information from OS vendors will help the IHV community in
fine tuning the firmware and drivers for faster execution
as expected by the OS vendors.
Thank you,
-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Hung [mailto:alex.hung at canonical.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 7:55 PM
To: Uma Parepalli
Cc: Wei, Dong (HP Servers CT Office); Steve Magoun; Mangefeste, Tony; Lin,
Wilson (CSI); Cook, Harold E; Rothman, Michael A; fwts-devel
Subject: Re: [utwg] FW: FWTS presentation for today's UTWG meeting
Hi Uma,
I do not think there is a single answer for all devices, as it may really
depends on each device driver. Do you have a specific device in mind?
FWTS has an mail list (fwts-devel at lists.ubuntu.com) which I also included
in this mail loop. Other maintainers may provide better answer than the
Alex Hung
On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 5:30 AM, Uma Parepalli <uma.parepalli at skhms.com>
> Limiting the audience to few:
> One quick question regarding the firmware test suite.
> Is there any way to know using this test kit what are the BIOS and OS
> timeouts for the IHV Firmware to respond by?
> For example when the system is coming up how long does the OS waits
> before putting the controller in low power mode or disabling the
> driver for that If the controller does not respond?
> Also when the OS issues a shutdown how long does the OS waits for the
> IHV controllers to shut down before powering off the system
> irrespective of whether the IHV storage controller (NVMe SSD)
> completed it's shutdown or not?
> Thank you,
> Uma
> -
> Uma M Parepalli
> SK Hynix Memory Solutions Inc
> 3103 North 1st Street, San Jose, CA 95134
> Cell: 408 805 9260
> Work: 408 514 3731
> uma.parepalli at skhms.com / umaparepalli at gmail.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: utwg at uefi.org [mailto:utwg at uefi.org] On Behalf Of Wei, Dong (HP
> Servers CT Office)
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:08 PM
> To: utwg at uefi.org
> Subject: [utwg] FW: FWTS presentation for today's UTWG meeting
> - DW
> -
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Magoun [mailto:steve.magoun at canonical.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:04 PM
> To: Wei, Dong (HP Servers CT Office)
> Subject: FWTS presentation for today's UTWG meeting
> Hello Dong,
> Please find attached a presentation about the Firmware Test Suite
> (FWTS) that I will use during today's UEFI Test Working Group meeting.
> You may distribute this to other members of the working group.
> Thanks,
> Steve Magoun
> Director of Commercial Engineering
> Canonical
Alex Hung
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