[PATCH 0/3] UEFI: add some global variables for uefidump utility on fwts (LP#1221078)

Ivan Hu ivan.hu at canonical.com
Thu Sep 5 08:27:13 UTC 2013

1. Add support for HwErrRecSupport - HwErrRecSupport identifies the level of hardware error record persistence support implemented by the platform.
2. Add support for OsIndicationsSupported - The OsIndicationsSupported variable indicates which of the OS indication features and actions that the firmware supports.
3. Add support for VendorKeys - The VendorKeys variable is an 8-bit unsigned integer that defines whether the PK, KEK, db and dbx databases have been modified by anyone other than the platform vendor or a holder of the vendor-provided keys. This variable is new added to the UEFI spec version 2.4.

Ivan Hu (3):
  uefi: uefidump: Add support for HwErrRecSupport
  uefi: uefidump: Add support for OsIndicationsSupported
  uefi: uefidump: Add support for VendorKeys

 src/lib/include/fwts_uefi.h  |    6 +++
 src/uefi/uefidump/uefidump.c |   93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 99 insertions(+)


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