[PATCH 1/2][FWTS-TEST] syntaxcheck-0001: update test to sync up with recent fwts changes

Colin King colin.king at canonical.com
Thu Oct 3 10:40:02 UTC 2013

From: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>

fwts syntaxcheck now handles iasl remarks, so update the test

Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <colin.king at canonical.com>
 syntaxcheck-0001/syntaxcheck-0001.log | 305 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 296 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/syntaxcheck-0001/syntaxcheck-0001.log b/syntaxcheck-0001/syntaxcheck-0001.log
index 66cfeeb..7090367 100644
--- a/syntaxcheck-0001/syntaxcheck-0001.log
+++ b/syntaxcheck-0001/syntaxcheck-0001.log
@@ -70,42 +70,329 @@ syntaxcheck     combinations and need to be fixed. See section
 syntaxcheck     Address Space Resource Descriptors of the ACPI
 syntaxcheck     specification for more details.
-syntaxcheck     Table DSDT (0) reassembly: Found 3 errors, 0 warnings.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 2151
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     02148|                     Store (And (Arg0, 0x07), DSEN)
+syntaxcheck     02149|                 }
+syntaxcheck     02150| 
+syntaxcheck     02151|                 Method (_DOD, 0, NotSerialized)  // _DOD: Display Output Devices
+syntaxcheck          |                           ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     02152|                 {
+syntaxcheck     02153|                     Store (Zero, NDID)
+syntaxcheck     02154|                     If (LNotEqual (DIDL, Zero))
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 5812
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     05809|                         }
+syntaxcheck     05810|                     }
+syntaxcheck     05811| 
+syntaxcheck     05812|                     Method (_BIF, 0, NotSerialized)  // _BIF: Battery Information
+syntaxcheck          |                               ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     05813|                     {
+syntaxcheck     05814|                         Name (STAT, Package (0x0D)
+syntaxcheck     05815|                         {
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 5866
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     05863|                         Return (STAT)
+syntaxcheck     05864|                     }
+syntaxcheck     05865| 
+syntaxcheck     05866|                     Method (_BST, 0, NotSerialized)  // _BST: Battery Status
+syntaxcheck          |                               ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     05867|                     {
+syntaxcheck     05868|                         Name (PBST, Package (0x04)
+syntaxcheck     05869|                         {
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 5972
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     05969|                 Device (PRID)
+syntaxcheck     05970|                 {
+syntaxcheck     05971|                     Name (_ADR, Zero)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     05972|                     Method (_GTM, 0, NotSerialized)  // _GTM: Get Timing Mode
+syntaxcheck          |                               ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     05973|                     {
+syntaxcheck     05974|                         Name (PBUF, Buffer (0x14)
+syntaxcheck     05975|                         {
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 6139
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     06136|                     Device (P_D0)
+syntaxcheck     06137|                     {
+syntaxcheck     06138|                         Name (_ADR, Zero)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     06139|                         Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized)  // _GTF: Get Task File
+syntaxcheck          |                                   ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     06140|                         {
+syntaxcheck     06141|                             Name (PIB0, Buffer (0x0E)
+syntaxcheck     06142|                             {
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 6204
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     06201|                     Device (P_D1)
+syntaxcheck     06202|                     {
+syntaxcheck     06203|                         Name (_ADR, One)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     06204|                         Method (_GTF, 0, NotSerialized)  // _GTF: Get Task File
+syntaxcheck          |                                   ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized    (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     06205|                         {
+syntaxcheck     06206|                             Name (PIB1, Buffer (0x0E)
+syntaxcheck     06207|                             {
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Table DSDT (0) reassembly: Found 3 errors, 0 warnings, 6
+syntaxcheck     remarks.
 syntaxcheck     Test 2 of 2: Disassemble and reassemble SSDT
 syntaxcheck     Checking ACPI table SSDT (#0)
-syntaxcheck     PASSED: Test 2, SSDT (0) reassembly, Found 0 errors, 0
-syntaxcheck     warnings.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 32
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00029|         Device (PRT0)
+syntaxcheck     00030|         {
+syntaxcheck     00031|             Name (_ADR, 0xFFFF)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     00032|             Method (_SDD, 1, NotSerialized)  // _SDD: Set Device Data
+syntaxcheck          |                       ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     00033|             {
+syntaxcheck     00034|                 Name (GBU0, Buffer (0x07)
+syntaxcheck     00035|                 {
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 74
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00071|         Device (PRT1)
+syntaxcheck     00072|         {
+syntaxcheck     00073|             Name (_ADR, 0x0001FFFF)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     00074|             Method (_SDD, 1, NotSerialized)  // _SDD: Set Device Data
+syntaxcheck          |                       ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     00075|             {
+syntaxcheck     00076|                 Name (GBU1, Buffer (0x07)
+syntaxcheck     00077|                 {
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 116
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00113|         Device (PRT2)
+syntaxcheck     00114|         {
+syntaxcheck     00115|             Name (_ADR, 0x0002FFFF)  // _ADR: Address
+syntaxcheck     00116|             Method (_SDD, 1, NotSerialized)  // _SDD: Set Device Data
+syntaxcheck          |                       ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     00117|             {
+syntaxcheck     00118|                 Name (GBU2, Buffer (0x07)
+syntaxcheck     00119|                 {
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Table SSDT (0) reassembly: Found 0 errors, 0 warnings, 3
+syntaxcheck     remarks.
 syntaxcheck     Checking ACPI table SSDT (#1)
 syntaxcheck     PASSED: Test 2, SSDT (1) reassembly, Found 0 errors, 0
-syntaxcheck     warnings.
+syntaxcheck     warnings, 0 remarks.
 syntaxcheck     Checking ACPI table SSDT (#2)
 syntaxcheck     PASSED: Test 2, SSDT (2) reassembly, Found 0 errors, 0
-syntaxcheck     warnings.
+syntaxcheck     warnings, 0 remarks.
 syntaxcheck     Checking ACPI table SSDT (#3)
 syntaxcheck     PASSED: Test 2, SSDT (3) reassembly, Found 0 errors, 0
-syntaxcheck     warnings.
+syntaxcheck     warnings, 0 remarks.
 syntaxcheck     Checking ACPI table SSDT (#4)
-syntaxcheck     PASSED: Test 2, SSDT (4) reassembly, Found 0 errors, 0
-syntaxcheck     warnings.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 54
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00051|     {
+syntaxcheck     00052|         Name (HI0, 0x00)
+syntaxcheck     00053|         Name (HC0, 0x00)
+syntaxcheck     00054|         Method (_PDC, 1, NotSerialized)  // _PDC: Processor Driver Capabilities
+syntaxcheck          |                   ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     00055|         {
+syntaxcheck     00056|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x00, REVS)
+syntaxcheck     00057|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x04, SIZE)
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 73
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00070|                 }, REVS, SIZE, Local2)
+syntaxcheck     00071|         }
+syntaxcheck     00072| 
+syntaxcheck     00073|         Method (_OSC, 4, NotSerialized)  // _OSC: Operating System Capabilities
+syntaxcheck          |                   ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     00074|         {
+syntaxcheck     00075|             CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x00, STS0)
+syntaxcheck     00076|             CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x04, CAP0)
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 137
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00134|     {
+syntaxcheck     00135|         Name (HI1, 0x00)
+syntaxcheck     00136|         Name (HC1, 0x00)
+syntaxcheck     00137|         Method (_PDC, 1, NotSerialized)  // _PDC: Processor Driver Capabilities
+syntaxcheck          |                   ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     00138|         {
+syntaxcheck     00139|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x00, REVS)
+syntaxcheck     00140|             CreateDWordField (Arg0, 0x04, SIZE)
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Assembler remark in line 156
+syntaxcheck     Line | AML source
+syntaxcheck     ----------------------------------------------------------
+syntaxcheck     00153|                 }, REVS, SIZE, Local2)
+syntaxcheck     00154|         }
+syntaxcheck     00155| 
+syntaxcheck     00156|         Method (_OSC, 4, NotSerialized)  // _OSC: Operating System Capabilities
+syntaxcheck          |                   ^
+syntaxcheck          | Remark 2120: Control Method should be made Serialized (due to creation of named objects within)
+syntaxcheck     00157|         {
+syntaxcheck     00158|             CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x00, STS1)
+syntaxcheck     00159|             CreateDWordField (Arg3, 0x04, CAP1)
+syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
+syntaxcheck     ADVICE: (for Remark #2120, ASL_MSG_SERIALIZED_REQUIRED): A
+syntaxcheck     named object is created inside a non-serialized method -
+syntaxcheck     this method should be serialized. It is possible that one
+syntaxcheck     thread enters the method and blocks and then a second
+syntaxcheck     thread also executes the method, ending up in two attempts
+syntaxcheck     to create the object and causing a failure.
+syntaxcheck     Table SSDT (4) reassembly: Found 0 errors, 0 warnings, 4
+syntaxcheck     remarks.
 syntaxcheck     ==========================================================
-syntaxcheck     5 passed, 3 failed, 0 warning, 0 aborted, 0 skipped, 0
+syntaxcheck     3 passed, 16 failed, 0 warning, 0 aborted, 0 skipped, 0
 syntaxcheck     info only.
 syntaxcheck     ==========================================================

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