[PATCH] data: klog.json: set _DOS error to low as kernel workarounds it (LP#1250764) Signed-off-by: Alex Hung <alex.hung at canonical.com>

Alex Hung alex.hung at canonical.com
Wed Nov 20 09:39:32 UTC 2013

 data/klog.json | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/data/klog.json b/data/klog.json
index 5d18c01..52aaacd 100644
--- a/data/klog.json
+++ b/data/klog.json
@@ -5139,10 +5139,10 @@
    "compare_mode": "regex",
-   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_HIGH",
+   "log_level": "LOG_LEVEL_LOW",
    "tag": "FWTS_TAG_ACPI",
    "pattern": ".*defines _DOD but not _DOS",
-   "advice": "ACPI Method _DOD (Enumerate all devices attached to display adapter) is defined but we should also have _DOS (Enable\/Disable output switching) defined but it's been omitted. This can cause display switching issues.",
+   "advice": "ACPI Method _DOD (Enumerate all devices attached to display adapter) is defined but we should also have _DOS (Enable\/Disable output switching) defined but it's been omitted.",
    "label": "KlogAcpiDodWithNoDos"

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