
Chris Van Hoof vanhoof at canonical.com
Fri Sep 21 16:33:06 UTC 2012

On 09/11/2012 09:19 PM, Chris Van Hoof wrote:
> On 09/11/2012 05:57 AM, Colin Ian King wrote:
>> On 11/09/12 09:30, Keng-Yu Lin wrote:
>>> Hi all:
>>>    fwts has a new home (http://fwts.ubuntu.com).
>>>    I already put the 0.25.07 tarballs in http://fwts.ubuntu.com/release/
>>>    If you have any idea or anything to put in the web site, please let
>>> Chris or me know. :-)
>> That's great!  It would be good to have some links to various pages and
>> info (in the ubuntu web house-style), such as:
>> 1. Link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Reference/fwts
>> 2. Git repo links:
>>      http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=hwe/fwts.git;a=summary
>>      git://kernel.ubuntu.com/hwe/fwts.git
>>      ..and also fwts-test too (and perhaps instructions on how to use
>> etc).
>>      instructions how to clone and build from source (for non-debian
>> users)
>> 3. Links to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/fwts-devel and the
>> archive https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/fwts-devel/
>> 4. Links to the fwts bugs in Launchpad
>> 5. Links to the fwts project page in Launchpad
> Thanks Colin -- Certainly not very well versed in web pleasures but I'll
> see what I can sort out from this list (if anyone else has ideas chime
> in!) based on the current schema we're using for similar sites.
> I'll also factor in bits on fwts-live as well, current blueprints, etc.

As a start, I've refreshed our fwts-live images with kernel 3.2.0-31,
and fwts version 0.26.00 and placed them in their new home :)



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