hardware-r-fwts-features: OEM-specific (hotkey) features

Alex Hung alex.hung at canonical.com
Wed Nov 28 08:20:39 UTC 2012


As discussed in UDS-r, I modified drivers/platform/x86/hp-wmi.c to 
demonstrate my ideas of verifying OEM's BIOS interface, and the source 
code is attached. Please note it is still in early stage.

Some highlights of my ideas:

1. fwts's OEM modules should replace existing ones during the execution, 
i.e. rmmod hp-wmi and insmod fwts's hp-wmi. This is done to focus on 
verify BIOS instead of exiting kernel modules.

2. sysfs nodes are used to trigger tests, and returns pass/fail. I tend 
to make the interface simpler and have kernel modules to perform the 
actual checking.
For example,
	I. this hp-wmi.c creates 
	II. Reading wireless-state_test returns wireless devices recognized by 
BIOS (this can be used to compare with lspci or/and lsusb for read 
hardware devices) - can be added to fwts
	III. Writing to wireless-state_test triggers soft_block changes for 
supported wireless devices.

3. fwts can also expect a keycode from the modules, ex. adding the 
keycode in hp_wmi_notify who is expecting receives with hotkey presses 
(note: in 2.III HP BIOS also generates a HPWMI_WIRELESS event).

As each OEM has different interfaces, we will need to create modules for 
thinkpad-acpi, asus-wmi, dell-laptops and so on.

Any comments are most appreciated.

Alex Hung
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