ACK: [PATCH 2/4] lib: klog: load labels from json data file rather than auto-generate

Alex Hung alex.hung at
Mon Nov 5 09:29:42 UTC 2012

On 10/31/2012 10:11 PM, Colin King wrote:
> From: Colin Ian King <colin.king at>
> To ensure we have consistent and well named log failure lables we
> should load them from the json klog data file rather than lazily
> try and automatically generate them based on some regex pattern.
> This leads to more readable labels which are then easily filterable.
> Signed-off-by: Colin Ian King <colin.king at>
> ---
>   src/lib/src/fwts_klog.c |   38 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
>   1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/src/lib/src/fwts_klog.c b/src/lib/src/fwts_klog.c
> index 34e6c0f..445ae4b 100644
> --- a/src/lib/src/fwts_klog.c
> +++ b/src/lib/src/fwts_klog.c
> @@ -284,13 +284,21 @@ static fwts_compare_mode fwts_klog_compare_mode_str_to_val(const char *str)
>    *	given a key, fetch the string value associated with this object
>    *	and report an error if it cannot be found.
>    */
> -static const char *fwts_json_str(fwts_framework *fw, const char *table, int index, json_object *obj, const char *key)
> +static const char *fwts_json_str(
> +	fwts_framework *fw,
> +	const char *table,
> +	int index,
> +	json_object *obj,
> +	const char *key,
> +	bool log_error)
>   {
>   	const char *str;
>   	str = json_object_get_string(json_object_object_get(obj, key));
>   	if (FWTS_JSON_ERROR(str)) {
> -		fwts_log_error(fw, "Cannot fetch %s val from item %d, table %s.", key, index, table);
> +		if (log_error)
> +			fwts_log_error(fw, "Cannot fetch %s val from item %d, table %s.",
> +				key, index, table);
>   		return NULL;
>   	}
>   	return str;
> @@ -355,22 +363,33 @@ static int fwts_klog_check(fwts_framework *fw,
>   			fwts_log_error(fw, "Cannot fetch %d item from table %s.", i, table);
>   			goto fail;
>   		}
> -		if ((str = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "compare_mode")) == NULL)
> +		if ((str = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "compare_mode", true)) == NULL)
>   			goto fail;
>   		patterns[i].compare_mode = fwts_klog_compare_mode_str_to_val(str);
> -		if ((str = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "log_level")) == NULL)
> +		if ((str = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "log_level", true)) == NULL)
>   			goto fail;
>   		patterns[i].level   = fwts_log_str_to_level(str);
> -		if ((str = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "tag")) == NULL)
> +		if ((str = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "tag", true)) == NULL)
>   			goto fail;
>   		patterns[i].tag     = fwts_tag_id_str_to_tag(str);
> -		if ((patterns[i].pattern = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "pattern")) == NULL)
> +		if ((patterns[i].pattern = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "pattern", true)) == NULL)
>   			goto fail;
> -		if ((patterns[i].advice = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "advice")) == NULL)
> +		if ((patterns[i].advice = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "advice", true)) == NULL)
> +			goto fail;
> +
> +		/* Labels appear in fwts 0.26.0, so are optional with older versions */
> +		str = fwts_json_str(fw, table, i, obj, "label", false);
> +		if (str) {
> +			patterns[i].label = strdup(str);
> +		} else {
> +			/* Not specified, so automagically generate */
> +			patterns[i].label = strdup(fwts_klog_unique_label(patterns[i].pattern));
> +		}
> +		if (patterns[i].label == NULL)
>   			goto fail;
>   		if ((patterns[i].re = pcre_compile(patterns[i].pattern, 0, &error, &erroffset, NULL)) == NULL) {
> @@ -388,11 +407,14 @@ static int fwts_klog_check(fwts_framework *fw,
>   	ret = fwts_klog_scan(fw, klog, fwts_klog_scan_patterns, progress, patterns, errors);
>   fail:
> -	for (i=0; i<n; i++)
> +	for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
>   		if (patterns[i].re)
>   			pcre_free(patterns[i].re);
>   		if (patterns[i].extra)
>   			pcre_free(patterns[i].extra);
> +		if (patterns[i].label)
> +			free(patterns[i].label);
> +	}
>   	free(patterns);
>   fail_put:
>   	json_object_put(klog_objs);
Acked-by: Alex Hung <alex.hung at>

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