FWTS-Live Update

Chris Van Hoof vanhoof at canonical.com
Fri Jul 13 15:53:28 UTC 2012

Hey folks -- A new FWTS Live image has been posted at
http://hwe.ubuntu.com. Details on usage can be found on the wiki:


Couple quick notes on recent changes:

 * migrated to Precise (kernel version 3.2.0-26)
 * fwts is version 0.25.25[1]
  * also see the Quantal blueprint[2] for for additional features added
to fwts
 * serial console support has been added to both i386 and amd64 builds
 * html formatted[3] results are now generated when running fwts-live
through the recent addition of the --log-type option in fwts (thanks Colin!)

Validated native UEFI and legacy modes of firmware operation (amd64) and
legacy only on i386.

Lastly I've been playing around with Quantal builds but they're not
/quite/ ready but I'll upload them once I'm happy with them.

If you have any questions let me know or file a bug at
https://launchpad.net/fwts-live .

Thanks to Colin, Keng-yu, Alex, and Ivan for all the new feature support
in firmware test suite so far this cycle!


[0] -- http://hwe.ubuntu.com/fwts-live
[1] --
[2] --
[3] -- http://hwe.ubuntu.com/fwts-live/results_example/results.html

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