FWTS 23.03.00 is released

ivanhu ivan.hu at canonical.com
Tue Mar 28 06:48:51 UTC 2023

FWTS 23.03.00 is released.

It is available from:



Release notes:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirmwareTestSuite/ReleaseNotes/23.03.00

= New Features =
   * dmicheck: update for supporting DMI version to 3.6

= Fixed Bugs =
   * Add support for 64 bit LoongArch compilation
   * sbbr: add esrt and uefibootpath tests to sbbr option
   * ebbr: add some tests to ebbr option
   * acpi: method: NIH method output buffer should be 4 bytes
   * debian: update copyright
   * dmicheck: fix the length check error for type 9
   * dmicheck: fix the wrong slot height value range
   * dmicheck: fix the extended bios ROM size bit check of type 0
   * dmicheck: add processor family check for type 4
   * dmicheck: add status check for type 4
   * dmicheck: add bit 0 reserved check of the processor characteristics for type 4
   * dmicheck: modify the memory type range check for type 17
   * dmicheck: add some bit 0 reserved checks for type 17
   * dmicheck: update the interface field for type 21
   * dmicheck: update the device type field for type 41
   * dmicheck: fix the print format
   * auto-packager: mkpackage: add build depend dh-dkms for lunar
   * libfwtsiasl: fix undefined symbols in shared library

= Detail Changelog =
To check /usr/share/doc/fwts/changelog.Debian.gz or fwts_23.03.00-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz fromhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fwts

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