[Bug 1848319] Re: update toolchain packages for bionic
Launchpad Bug Tracker
1848319 at bugs.launchpad.net
Tue Mar 10 10:45:16 UTC 2020
This bug was fixed in the package gcc-7 - 7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04
gcc-7 (7.5.0-3ubuntu1~18.04) bionic-proposed; urgency=medium
* SRU: LP: #1848319.
* Backport GCC 7.5.0 to bionic.
gcc-7 (7.5.0-3ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
* Rebuild for isl soname change.
gcc-7 (7.5.0-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* Rebuild for isl soname change.
gcc-7 (7.5.0-2ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.5.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Stop building -dbg packages, keep building the libstc++6-7-dbg package
containing just the libstdc++ debug build.
gcc-7 (7.5.0-1ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.5.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* GCC 7.5.0 release.
* Refresh patches.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-15ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-15) unstable; urgency=medium
* GCC 7.5.0 release candidate 1.
* Update to SVN 20191105 (r277823) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR target/91275 (PPC), PR libstdc++/92143, PR target/88167 (ARM),
PR debug/91887, PR tree-optimization/91812, PR tree-optimization/92131,
PR target/86040 (AVR), PR rtl-optimization/89721, PR target/89400 (ARM),
PR target/88630 (SH), PR ada/91995, PR fortran/86248, PR fortran/69455.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-14ubuntu2) eoan; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20191008 (r276439) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR target/91275 (PPC).
gcc-7 (7.4.0-14ubuntu1) eoan; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-14) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20191002 (r276439) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR fortran/91557, PR target/86712 (SH), PR target/88562 (SH),
PR target/82920 (Darwin), PR target/82920 (x86), PR target/80672 (SH),
PR target/85993 (SH), PR rtl-optimization/88751, PR fortran/91557.
* Bump standards version.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-13) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190912 (r275684) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR rtl-optimization/89795, PR fortran/91686.
* Upload without binary packages after the accidential gcc-7-source
removal from the archive.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-12ubuntu2) eoan; urgency=medium
* Re-sync with the real 7.4.0-12 upload.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-12ubuntu1) eoan; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-12) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190919 (r275519) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR libgomp/90585, PR target/90811, PR middle-end/89002, PR c/90474,
PR sanitizer/90954, PR c++/90108, PR c/89933, PR c/89734,
PR tree-optimization/90637, PR tree-optimization/90930,
PR middle-end/90194, PR middle-end/90213, PR tree-optimization/90071,
PR middle-end/89677, PR target/91481 (PPC), PR target/91150 (x86),
PR middle-end/78884, PR rtl-optimization/90756, PR c/90760,
PR middle-end/90139, PR target/90811 (nvptx), PR fortran/90329,
PR fortran/90329, PR target/90187 (x86), PR tree-optimization/90208,
PR rtl-optimization/90082, PR tree-optimization/90090,
PR tree-optimization/89998. PR c/89872, PR middle-end/89621,
PR target/89752, PR rtl-optimization/89768, PR target/89752,
PR target/89726 (x86), PR debug/89704, PR rtl-optimization/89679,
PR tree-optimization/89703, PR middle-end/88588, PR middle-end/89663,
PR c/88568, PR target/89587 (PPC), PR middle-end/89590, PR c/89520,
PR middle-end/89412, PR middle-end/89091, PR middle-end/88074,
PR middle-end/89415, PR middle-end/88074, PR target/89361 (S390),
PR tree-optimization/89278, PR other/89342, PR rtl-optimization/89354,
PR tree-optimization/89314, PR middle-end/89303, PR middle-end/89281,
PR middle-end/89246, PR target/88861, PR rtl-optimization/89234,
PR target/89188, PR rtl-optimization/89195, PR target/89186,
PR middle-end/87887, PR tree-optimization/88107, PR c++/66676,
PR ipa/89104, PR middle-end/89002, PR target/87214 (x86),
PR rtl-optimization/49429, PR target/49454, PR rtl-optimization/86334,
PR target/88906, PR rtl-optimization/88870, PR c/88568, PR target/88620,
PR middle-end/82564, PR target/88594 (x86), PR debug/88644,
PR middle-end/85594, PR middle-end/88553, PR rtl-optimization/88563,
PR rtl-optimization/88470, PR rtl-optimization/88416, PR target/85593,
PR tree-optimization/87895, PR middle-end/87647, PR middle-end/85488,
PR middle-end/87649, PR target/91533, PR tree-optimization/91510,
PR rtl-optimization/91347, PR driver/91172, PR target/89222 (ARM),
PR rtl-optimization/91136, PR tree-optimization/90949, PR ipa/90939,
PR middle-end/64242, PR target/90530 (PA), PR target/90547 (x86),
PR target/89765 (PPC), PR target/86215, PR target/80556, PR target/61976,
PR target/89424 (PPC), PR middle-end/89037, PR pch/90326, PR c++/90950,
PR c++/90108, PR c/89933, PR sanitizer/89869, PR c++/89796, PR c++/60702,
PR c++/89767, PR c++/89512, PR c++/87148, PR c++/89403, PR c++/89187,
PR c++/88976, PR c++/88949, PR c++/86669, PR c++/87506, PR c++/88103,
PR c++/88181, PR fortran/90329, PR fortran/89651, PR fortran/83246,
PR fortran/89084, PR fortran/88902, PR fortran/88377, PR fortran/87725,
PR libgomp/90585, PR target/90811, PR middle-end/89002,
PR middle-end/89303, PR libstdc++/91308, PR libstdc++/51333,
PR libstdc++/90770, PR c/90474, PR sanitizer/90954, PR pch/61250,
PR c++/90108, PR c/89933, PR c/89734, PR bootstrap/87030,
PR tree-optimization/90328, PR middle-end/89578,
PR tree-optimization/87609, PR tree-optimization/87609,
PR tree-optimization/88149, PR tree-optimization/90006,
PR middle-end/89698, PR tree-optimization/88903, PR middle-end/88448,
PR middle-end/88415, PR tree-optimization/88030, PR middle-end/89572,
PR tree-optimization/87929, PR tree-optimization/89710,
PR tree-optimization/89296, PR tree-optimization/89135,
PR tree-optimization/91200, PR middle-end/91162, PR middle-end/91131,
PR tree-optimization/91126, PR tree-optimization/90278,
PR tree-optimization/90020, PR tree-optimization/91137,
PR middle-end/89392, PR target/87853 (x86), PR target/91704 (x86).
* libstdc++: Fix GCC_LINUX_FUTEX to work with C99 compilers, taken from
the trunk.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-11ubuntu1) eoan; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-11) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190820 (r274750) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR lto/90924, PR rtl-optimization/91347, PR driver/91172,
PR target/89222 (ARM), PR rtl-optimization/91136,
PR tree-optimization/90949, PR fortran/90786, PR fortran/90813.
* Update the Linaro support to the 7-2019.01 snapshot.
* Bump standards version.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-10ubuntu2) eoan; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
* Update the Linaro support to the 7-2019.01 snapshot.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-10) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190628 (r272781) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR libstdc++/89466, PR libstdc++/88740, PR libstdc++/90220,
PR libstdc++/90220, PR libstdc++/90220 (partial), PR libstdc++/90105,
PR libstdc++/89629, PR middle-end/64242, PR target/90530 (PARISC),
PR target/90547 (x86), PR target/89765 (PPC), PR target/86215 (x86),
PR target/80556 (x86), PR target/61976 (PPC), PR target/89424 (PPC),
PR middle-end/89037, PR target/86538 (AArch64), PR target/90075 (AArch64),
PR target/37369 (AArch64), PR fortran/90937, PR fortran/90744,
PR bootstrap/89864, PR libstdc++/90634, PR ipa/90939.
* Fix two lintian warnings.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-9ubuntu1) eoan; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-9) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190425 (r270566) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR target/87532 (PPC), PR target/86952 (x86),
PR target/90024 (ARM), PR target/89945 (x86), PR lto/89896,
PR web/87829, PR tree-optimization/89253, PR middle-end/89223,
PR tree-optimization/88739, PR fortran/87352, PR fortran/89904,
PR fortran/83515, PR fortran/85797, PR libgfortran/79540.
* Mark gcc-7-source as M-A: foreign.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-8ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-8) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190326 (r269936) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR target/89523 (x86), PR lto/87525, PR target/84272 (AArch64),
PR lto/88147, PR c++/89585, PR fortran/84394, PR fortran/66089,
PR fortran/66695, PR fortran/77746, PR fortran/79485, PR fortran/87673,
PR fortran/71544, PR fortran/87734, PR c++/89383, PR middle-end/84552,
PR tree-optimization/86554, PR tree-optimization/88105,
PR tree-optimization/89505, PR fortran/71861, PR fortran/68009.
* Fix PR tree-optimization/89505, taken from the gcc-8 branch.
* Fix package descriptions for cross packages.
* Fix cross building gdc (Helmut Grohne). Addresses: #925040.
* Fix PR jit/87808: Don't rely on the gcc driver. Let libgccjit0
depend on binutils and libgcc-dev. Addresses: #911668.
* Fix stripping the gcc-hppa64 package.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-7ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-7) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190308 (r269489) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR target/89397 (x86), PR ada/81956, PR fortran/72714,
PR fortran/77583, PR fortran/87689.
* Fix PR c++/89585, taken from the gcc-8 branch.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-6ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-6) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190225 (r269187) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR libstdc++/89446, PR rtl-optimization/89242, PR ipa/89009,
PR target/88648 (ARM), PR fortran/88117, PR fortran/71066,
PR fortran/89077, PR fortran/71723.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-5ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190209 (r268732) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR target/88856 (S390X). Addresses: #915738. LP: #1815057.
- Fix PR target/85755 (PPC), PR target/87064 (PPC), PR target/87064 (PPC),
PR fortran/67679, PR fortran/88393, PR libfortran/88678,
PR target/88343 (PPC).
gcc-7 (7.4.0-4ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190203 (r268483) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR rtl-optimization/89115 (compile time part). Addresses: #918329.
- Fix PR tree-optimization/89008, PR fortran/88298, PR fortran/57048.
* Turn on profiled bootstrap on x86_64, ARM32, AArch64, PPC64 and s390x
architectures for native builds.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-3ubuntu2) disco; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190202 (r268474) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR rtl-optimization/89115 (compile time part). Addresses: #918329.
- Fix PR tree-optimization/89008.
* Turn on profiled bootstrap on x86, ARM32, AArch64, PPC64 and s390x
architectures for native builds.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-3ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20190130 (r268403) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR libstdc++/64883, PR libstdc++/70694, PR c/88720, PR c/88726,
PR inline-asm/55681, PR target/88948, PR target/88998 (x86),
PR tree-optimization/89008, PR target/88938 (x86), PR ipa/88214,
PR target/84010 (SPARC), PR target/88343 (PPC), PR c++/87380,
PR target/78444 (x86), PR target/81685 (darwin), PR target/88418 (x86),
PR target/88213 (PPC), PR fortran/56386, PR fortran/58906,
PR fortran/77385, PR fortran/80260, PR fortran/82077, PR fortran/81849,
PR fortran/35031, PR fortran/82550, PR fortran/77703, PR fortran/85798,
PR fortran/85544, PR fortran/88169, PR libfortran/88776.
* Bump standards version.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-2ubuntu1) disco; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Build from upstream sources.
gcc-7 (7.4.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Update to SVN 20181218 (r267229) from the gcc-7-branch.
- Fix PR fortran/88269, PR fortran/88205, PR fortran/88206,
PR fortran/88228, PR libfortran/88137, PR rtl-optimization/88253,
PR rtl-optimization/88001, PR target/87496 (PPC), PR fortran/88138,
PR fortran/88155, PR fortran/88249.
* gcc-7-source: Depend on lsb-release.
-- Matthias Klose <doko at ubuntu.com> Wed, 04 Dec 2019 15:25:41 +0100
** Changed in: gcc-8 (Ubuntu Bionic)
Status: Fix Committed => Fix Released
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Foundations Bugs, which is subscribed to gcc-8 in Ubuntu.
update toolchain packages for bionic
Status in gcc-7 package in Ubuntu:
Fix Released
Status in gcc-7-cross package in Ubuntu:
Status in gcc-7-cross-ports package in Ubuntu:
Status in gcc-8 package in Ubuntu:
Fix Released
Status in gcc-7 source package in Bionic:
Fix Released
Status in gcc-7-cross source package in Bionic:
Fix Released
Status in gcc-7-cross-ports source package in Bionic:
Fix Released
Status in gcc-8 source package in Bionic:
Fix Released
Status in gcc-7 source package in Eoan:
Fix Released
Status in gcc-7-cross source package in Eoan:
Status in gcc-7-cross-ports source package in Eoan:
Status in gcc-8 source package in Eoan:
Fix Released
Bug description:
This is a follow-up to LP: #1814369. I'd like to update the toolchain
packages in bionic, to the state which we have in the eoan release in
October 2019 (gcc-7), and in focal (gcc-8).
- gcc-8, update to the gcc-8.3 branch
- gcc-7, updates to the gcc-7.5.0 release
- corresponding gcc-cross packages
The package builds are prepared in
Provide an upstream release for GCC 7.5, and update GCC 8 to the 8.3
[Regression Potential]
There is regression potential, however with a test rebuild of the main portion of the archive no regressions were found.
[Test Case]
No regressions in the GCC test suite, and no regressions in the test
rebuild of the main component of the archive (all architectures)
As a test, a complete archive rebuild was performed, and no
regressions were found with this new package. The archive rebuild also
contained updated versions of gcc-7, gcc-8, python-stdlib-extensions
and python2.7. The GCC and Python packages should not infer with each
Analyze the build logs for regressions.
For the cross builds, just make sure that the packages build using
the updated sources.
Summary of the test rebuilds:
The first one is a reference build, the second one the test rebuild
with the updated components.
There are no additional regressions except for one Python test, which sometimes hangs on the buildds, sometimes passes (test_ttk_guionly). Will
be disabled in a follow-up upload.
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