[Bug 1214352] Re: GUINT32/64_SWAP_LE_BE macros do not enclose val argument in parentheses

Bug Watch Updater 1214352 at bugs.launchpad.net
Tue Aug 20 12:40:16 UTC 2013

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On 2013-07-30T09:29:39+00:00 Oskar Rittsél wrote:

I'm running LO from your PPA on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit - libreoffice

After the last update to I can't open odt, ods & xlsx (can be
more extensions that I haven't found yet) over SMB within Nautilus.
However .doc works fine.

If I open any of the others i get that the file is corrupt and the
possibility to repair the file. Problem is that it's not corrupt, my
colleagues can open them (other OS and software), and if I copy the file
to my local computer I'm able to open them without a problem.

Doesn't matter if I start Writer and use the open file option there.

Even if i use this with terminal it's no problem:
$ libreoffice --writer /home/user/.gvfs/path/to/document.odt

So I don't know how to give you more information since I can't reproduce
it through the terminal. Is there any way to debug with GUI or get a log
file? Can't find any answers on Google for that.

To reproduce:
Nautilus -> Browse Network -> Windows network -> SHARE -> double click *.odt

Reply at:

On 2013-07-30T13:32:52+00:00 Samuel Wolf wrote:

Can not save or change .odb file over smb/nautilus mount, work fine in LO4.0.
It look like it is the same source problem you have.

Reply at:

On 2013-07-30T13:40:06+00:00 Samuel Wolf wrote:

Created attachment 83298
Can edit and save

Reply at:

On 2013-07-30T13:40:36+00:00 Samuel Wolf wrote:

Created attachment 83299
Can not edit or save

Reply at:

On 2013-07-31T09:53:56+00:00 Björn Michaelsen wrote:

confirmed by comment #2 => NEW, regression as claimed to have worked
with 4.0.x.

Can you test (maybe in a VM) if a later Ubuntu version (e.g. 13.04)
still shows the issue? => NEEDINFO

Reply at:

On 2013-07-31T13:42:41+00:00 Samuel Wolf wrote:

My system is debian 7.1 (wheezy) amd64.

Reply at:

On 2013-08-01T19:02:10+00:00 Jmadero-dev wrote:

Bjoern - going to go ahead and mark this as NEW - as you've confirmed.
I'll leave any further discussion to you and maiil at rittsel.com - seems
like a nasty one so upping priority.

Reply at:

On 2013-08-05T12:45:35+00:00 Oskar Rittsél wrote:

(In reply to comment #4)
> confirmed by comment #2 => NEW, regression as claimed to have worked with
> 4.0.x.
> Can you test (maybe in a VM) if a later Ubuntu version (e.g. 13.04) still
> shows the issue? => NEEDINFO

Hi Björn,

I've installed 13.04 in a VM and funny enough it didn't work with the
default installation of 4.0, however, I installed through PPA
for 13.04 (raring), and it works just fine!

I ran ps aux | grep libreoffice on both machines and they both show the

rittsel   2824  0.0  0.1 143728  3184 ?        Sl   04:46   0:00 /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/oosplash --writer /run/user/rittsel/gvfs/smb-share:server=XXXXX,share=bibliotek/Serverdrift/Backupunderlag.ods
rittsel   2845  0.7  3.0 808068 61496 ?        Dl   04:46   0:00 /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin --writer /run/user/rittsel/gvfs/smb-share:server=XXXXX,share=bibliotek/Serverdrift/Backupunderlag.ods --splash-pipe=6

Reply at:

On 2013-08-07T07:16:54+00:00 Martijnbuikema wrote:

Might this bug be similar to Bug 67675 & Bug 67769?

Reply at:

On 2013-08-07T08:13:30+00:00 Oskar Rittsél wrote:

(In reply to comment #8)
> Might this bug be similar to Bug 67675 & Bug 67769?

Looks like it's exactly the same as 67675, but 67769 says it disappears after 10 seconds, that's not the case for me. I get the repair dialog, just as 67675.

Reply at:

On 2013-08-07T08:24:16+00:00 Ildar Saidashev wrote:

I have the same problem

Reply at:

On 2013-08-08T11:16:59+00:00 Momonasmon wrote:

*** Bug 67675 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at:

On 2013-08-08T11:18:18+00:00 Momonasmon wrote:

*** Bug 67892 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at:

On 2013-08-08T11:19:16+00:00 Momonasmon wrote:

*** Bug 67769 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at:

On 2013-08-08T21:25:30+00:00 Libreo wrote:

Can confirm this issue on my machine with Ubuntu 12.04 with LO
from ppa:libreoffice/ppa . I can only open .odt or .odp files
successfully either from a local folder or by going via
~/.gvfs/sharename/document.odt . Opening from the share in Nautilus
triggers the repair dialog.

Reply at:

On 2013-08-11T15:27:03+00:00 Momonasmon wrote:


For Nautilus users:
Open the .desktop file (such as /usr/share/applications/libreoffice4.1-writer.desktop for LO Writer) and comment the following line:

For Dolphin users:
Open the same file, and comment the following line:

Reply at:

On 2013-08-13T19:41:52+00:00 Momonasmon wrote:

I've made some testing of this bug, and it seems that it depends on
distribution\packages-source combination, as follows:

What was tested:
1) Ubuntu 12.04.2, 13.04 (64-bit) with packages from PPA and packages from libreoffice.org
2) Fedora 19 (64-bit) with packages from repos and packages from libreoffice.org
3) Ubuntu 13.10 (64-bit) with packages from repos
LO was used in all cases.

Reproduction steps:
1) Double-click in Nautilus
2) From CLI: libreoffice(4.1) --writer smb://ip_address/share_name/document.odt
Both methods always gave the same results. Each time I couldn't open the document, applying the workaround from comment 15 did the job.

1) Cases when I got the repair dialog:
Ubuntu 12.04.2 + Packages from PPA

2) Cases when LO just closed immediately (just like in bug 67769):
Ubuntu 12.04.2 + Packages from libreoffice.org
Ubuntu 13.04 + Packages from libreoffice.org
Ubuntu 13.10 + Packages from repos
Fedora 19 + Packages from libreoffice.org

3) Cases when I couldn't reproduce the bug:
Fedora 19 + Packages from repos

4) Uncertain:
Ubuntu 13.04 + Packages from PPA (This one is really strange, as it works when double-clicking in Nautilus, but don't work from the CLI, unless you opened Nautilus and mounted the share before that.)

Reply at:

On 2013-08-13T20:19:32+00:00 Momonasmon wrote:

Just to correct some inaccuracy in my last comment: Fedora 19 + Packages
from repos behave the same as Ubuntu 13.04 + Packages from PPA.

Reply at:

On 2013-08-15T13:45:40+00:00 Momonasmon wrote:

*** Bug 68119 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Reply at:

On 2013-08-16T19:39:02+00:00 Bryan Berndt wrote:

Problem happens with me as well.  Fedora 18, x64, (KDE) LibreOffice 4.1,
installed with rpm's from the LibreOffice site.

Doubleclicking on any Libreoffice file from a SBM share in Dolphin
browser, Libreoffice starts, if its not already running, and then I get
the bouncing icon next to my mouse cursor for a little while, and then
no document.  No obvious error, or anything, just no document.  Clicking
on a plain text file, for example works fine.  LibreOffice 4.0 worked

Work around in comment 15 also fixes problem. (so far with .xls files, Using Calc)

Reply at:

On 2013-08-19T16:55:20+00:00 Sbergman wrote:

What I can reproduce on a Fedora 19 (x86_64) machine is as follows:

Installed a local samba server with
$ sudo yum install samba samba-client
$ sudo setsebool samba_enable_home_dirs on
$ sudo systemctl start smb.service
$ sudo smbpasswd -a "$USER"

Then, used Nautilus "Connect to Server" to connect to
smb://<USER>, and opened some *.odt file via double-click in
the Fedora 19 distro LibreOffice (4.1.0), which worked as expected.

Then, used command line ".../soffice smb://"$USER"/...odt" to
open that *.odt file in various LibreOffice versions:

It opened the document as expected in all those LibreOffice versions
that are built with GIO support (the distro's LO 4.1.0, my own-built

But it failed to do anything and just silently returned with all those
LibreOffice versions that are built with old GnomeVFS support (the LO
3.6, 4.0, 4.1 available from <http://www.libreoffice.org/download>).

So I created an own-built master with GnomeVFS rather than GIO support
(--disable-gio --enable-gnome-vfs), which also failed to do anything,
ultimately because the call to gnome_vfs_get_file_info in
gvfs::Content::getInfo (ucb/source/ucp/gvfs/gvfs_content.cxx) failed
with GNOME_VFS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.  The reason for that, in turn, was
that package gnome-vfs2-smb was not installed on the machine.

That is, installing the Fedora 19 package gnome-vfs2-smb made the
command line ".../soffice smb://"$USER"/...odt" work for all
those cases for which it had previously failed, incl. the LO 3.6., 4.0,
4.1 available from <http://www.libreoffice.org/download>.

This likely explains comment 19 "No obvious error, or anything, just no

What I could not (yet?) reproduce is a repair dialog appearing.

So, the new NEEDINFO request is whether there is anybody

Reply at:

On 2013-08-19T16:57:20+00:00 Sbergman wrote:

(In reply to comment #20)
> So, the new NEEDINFO request is whether there is anybody

please ignore that junk at the end of the comment

Reply at:

On 2013-08-19T17:06:40+00:00 Momonasmon wrote:

(In reply to comment #20)
> What I could not (yet?) reproduce is a repair dialog appearing.
As it's reproducible only under Ubuntu 12.04, I guess it's caused by old versions of GNOME\Samba libs. This explains the fact you can't reproduce that on a recent distro.

Reply at:

On 2013-08-20T07:24:42+00:00 Sbergman wrote:

(In reply to comment #22)
> (In reply to comment #20)
> > What I could not (yet?) reproduce is a repair dialog appearing.
> As it's reproducible only under Ubuntu 12.04, I guess it's caused by old
> versions of GNOME\Samba libs. This explains the fact you can't reproduce
> that on a recent distro.

That makes it sound suspiciously like yet another fallout of GLib bug
"GUINT32/64_SWAP_LE_BE macros do not enclose val argument in
parentheses," "which [...] caused trouble with LibreOffice, where
running 'soffice sftp://.../.../test.odt' to access an .odt file via
GVFS failed to properly type-detect that file as a Writer document and
produced bogus error messages about the file being broken."

Reply at:

On 2013-08-20T07:47:51+00:00 Sbergman wrote:

(In reply to comment #23)
> (In reply to comment #22)
> > (In reply to comment #20)
> > > What I could not (yet?) reproduce is a repair dialog appearing.
> > As it's reproducible only under Ubuntu 12.04, I guess it's caused by old
> > versions of GNOME\Samba libs. This explains the fact you can't reproduce
> > that on a recent distro.
> That makes it sound suspiciously like yet another fallout of GLib bug
> <https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695925> "GUINT32/64_SWAP_LE_BE
> macros do not enclose val argument in parentheses," "which [...] caused
> trouble with LibreOffice, where running 'soffice sftp://.../.../test.odt' to
> access an .odt file via GVFS failed to properly type-detect that file as a
> Writer document and produced bogus error messages about the file being
> broken."

Björn, can you verify whether on Ubuntu 12.04 this issue is indeed
caused by <https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695925>
"GUINT32/64_SWAP_LE_BE macros do not enclose val argument in
parentheses" not yet being fixed?  (Note that it does not suffice to
have that GLib header fix in place, you also need to have any relevant
packages that include that header rebuilt.)

Reply at:

On 2013-08-20T11:16:53+00:00 Björn Michaelsen wrote:

Confirming Ubuntu 12.04 does not have the extra parathesis, filed:


and adding remote bugs.

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** Changed in: df-libreoffice
       Status: Unknown => Confirmed

** Changed in: df-libreoffice
   Importance: Unknown => Critical

** Changed in: glib
       Status: Unknown => Fix Released

** Changed in: glib
   Importance: Unknown => Medium

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Foundations Bugs, which is subscribed to glib2.0 in Ubuntu.

  GUINT32/64_SWAP_LE_BE macros do not enclose val argument in

Status in LibreOffice Productivity Suite:
Status in The "G" Library - GLib:
  Fix Released
Status in “glib2.0” package in Ubuntu:

Bug description:
  On 12.04 LTS precise GUINT32/64_SWAP_LE_BE macros do not enclose val argument in parentheses, causing trouble down the stack in gvfs and LibreOffice (and possibly in lots of obscure bugs elsewhere).
  There is a patch available, but as this touches the header, it needs a full recompile of rdepends.
  see: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/devel/2013-March/180302.html ff. for details

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