[ubuntu/focal-proposed] statsmodels 0.9.0-6ubuntu1 (Accepted)

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at ubuntu.com
Sat Oct 26 05:30:13 UTC 2019

statsmodels (0.9.0-6ubuntu1) focal; urgency=low

  * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
    - Drop python2 support.

statsmodels (0.9.0-6) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Don't change global pickle settings,
    as this can break unrelated code.

statsmodels (0.9.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update import paths to be compatible with scipy 1.3.
  * Xfail another KalmanFilter test on armhf (#924036).
  * Mark -lib packages Multi-Arch: same.
  * Delete unused patches, document patches upstream status.
  * Upload to unstable.

statsmodels (0.9.0-4) experimental; urgency=medium

  * Loosen singularity detection threshold of VAR model.
  * Make KalmanFilter warning (#924036) work on multiarch arm64/armhf
    and xfail some more related tests.
  * Adapt TestLagmat.test_unknown_trim to work with newer numpy.
  * Loosen TestMultivariateVARUnivariate tolerances on i386.
  * Xfail TestHoltWinters.test_forecast (like upstream).
    Together, the above Closes: #938949.
  * Use Breaks+Replaces for examples move to -doc.  Closes: #938995.
  * Remove no longer needed s390x xfails/warning.

statsmodels (0.9.0-3) experimental; urgency=medium

  * Upload to experimental, as 0.9 is an API break (see #931540).
  * Merge 0.8.0-9 packaging into 0.9.  Drop patches no longer needed,
    refresh others.
  * Revert "Disable KalmanFilter on armhf" as it never actually
    worked (see #924036 / LP#1819227).  Instead,
    warn on use and xfail the tests.
  * Add self to Uploaders.
  * Tests now use pytest: add build-dependencies, adapt autopkgtest.
  * Remove test skips that are no longer needed.
  * Change s390x test skips to xfails (to check whether they are
    still needed), and warn if l1_cvxopt_cp is used on s390x.
  * Fix issues due to newer versions of dependencies:
    - AnovaRM column order
    - various issues within test code
  * Fix midrule bug in LaTeX summary output.
  * Clean up stray whitespace.
  * Fix typos.
  * Clarify -lib description.
  * Use https in links, and update Homepage.
  * Update and sort d/copyright.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.0 (no changes needed).
  * Give a more useful error if cvxopt is not available.
  * Use debhelper-compat.
  * Move examples to the -doc package.
  * Remove obsolete symlink, add symlinks to ease finding docs.
  * Strip timestamps and build paths for reproducibility.
  * Deduplicate documentation images.
  * Fix/improve nocheck/nodoc dependency marking.
  * Categorize build-dependencies.
  * Make -doc Suggest the Python 3 version.
  * Run the R-using examples.
  * Use data from R packages for building examples, instead of
    embedding a copy.  Modify one example to not need r-cran-count.
  * Set Rules-Requires-Root: no.
  * Remove outdated cythonized-files.
  * Don't use pickle for get_rdataset caching, as it is a security hole
    if the cache is shared.  (This invalidates existing cached data;
    it will automatically be re-downloaded if needed.)
  * Warn that load_pickle is for trusted files only.

Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 22:24:26 -0700
Changed-By: Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at ubuntu.com>
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
-------------- next part --------------
Hash: SHA512

Format: 1.8
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2019 22:24:26 -0700
Source: statsmodels
Architecture: source
Version: 0.9.0-6ubuntu1
Distribution: focal
Urgency: medium
Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com>
Changed-By: Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at ubuntu.com>
Closes: 938949 938995
 statsmodels (0.9.0-6ubuntu1) focal; urgency=low
   * Merge from Debian unstable.  Remaining changes:
     - Drop python2 support.
 statsmodels (0.9.0-6) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Don't change global pickle settings,
     as this can break unrelated code.
 statsmodels (0.9.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Update import paths to be compatible with scipy 1.3.
   * Xfail another KalmanFilter test on armhf (#924036).
   * Mark -lib packages Multi-Arch: same.
   * Delete unused patches, document patches upstream status.
   * Upload to unstable.
 statsmodels (0.9.0-4) experimental; urgency=medium
   * Loosen singularity detection threshold of VAR model.
   * Make KalmanFilter warning (#924036) work on multiarch arm64/armhf
     and xfail some more related tests.
   * Adapt TestLagmat.test_unknown_trim to work with newer numpy.
   * Loosen TestMultivariateVARUnivariate tolerances on i386.
   * Xfail TestHoltWinters.test_forecast (like upstream).
     Together, the above Closes: #938949.
   * Use Breaks+Replaces for examples move to -doc.  Closes: #938995.
   * Remove no longer needed s390x xfails/warning.
 statsmodels (0.9.0-3) experimental; urgency=medium
   * Upload to experimental, as 0.9 is an API break (see #931540).
   * Merge 0.8.0-9 packaging into 0.9.  Drop patches no longer needed,
     refresh others.
   * Revert "Disable KalmanFilter on armhf" as it never actually
     worked (see #924036 / LP#1819227).  Instead,
     warn on use and xfail the tests.
   * Add self to Uploaders.
   * Tests now use pytest: add build-dependencies, adapt autopkgtest.
   * Remove test skips that are no longer needed.
   * Change s390x test skips to xfails (to check whether they are
     still needed), and warn if l1_cvxopt_cp is used on s390x.
   * Fix issues due to newer versions of dependencies:
     - AnovaRM column order
     - various issues within test code
   * Fix midrule bug in LaTeX summary output.
   * Clean up stray whitespace.
   * Fix typos.
   * Clarify -lib description.
   * Use https in links, and update Homepage.
   * Update and sort d/copyright.
   * Bump Standards-Version to 4.4.0 (no changes needed).
   * Give a more useful error if cvxopt is not available.
   * Use debhelper-compat.
   * Move examples to the -doc package.
   * Remove obsolete symlink, add symlinks to ease finding docs.
   * Strip timestamps and build paths for reproducibility.
   * Deduplicate documentation images.
   * Fix/improve nocheck/nodoc dependency marking.
   * Categorize build-dependencies.
   * Make -doc Suggest the Python 3 version.
   * Run the R-using examples.
   * Use data from R packages for building examples, instead of
     embedding a copy.  Modify one example to not need r-cran-count.
   * Set Rules-Requires-Root: no.
   * Remove outdated cythonized-files.
   * Don't use pickle for get_rdataset caching, as it is a security hole
     if the cache is shared.  (This invalidates existing cached data;
     it will automatically be re-downloaded if needed.)
   * Warn that load_pickle is for trusted files only.
 5d0320998e96a01864cd23172c31e23c0bde6d0e 3563 statsmodels_0.9.0-6ubuntu1.dsc
 480b55b1648c2c946dff926e14c5992e9a99216c 9516464 statsmodels_0.9.0.orig.tar.gz
 cd1368f75e99ac63dd809c5949d9566afd097eff 50872 statsmodels_0.9.0-6ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz
 ae26d1129c215b4d29d97262bb4c1cf5ebbb0df0 8196 statsmodels_0.9.0-6ubuntu1_source.buildinfo
 22e8c6df77111fa21c6b3392be04ae277ee93cf5559fec0ceb77187678af39b9 3563 statsmodels_0.9.0-6ubuntu1.dsc
 4ab219c776bf5b2187645c0ccb00cf8564c6c17541ae66ab96503f07368197d3 9516464 statsmodels_0.9.0.orig.tar.gz
 9e838012db31c374b3d4d2ba2ef4290d8ab0438169fd72037200f3d5cf7833d8 50872 statsmodels_0.9.0-6ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz
 719a2579f859ce08f843b0583ea4c62d85fe7955e4c30d3e0d48457845c57f9a 8196 statsmodels_0.9.0-6ubuntu1_source.buildinfo
 56a0a0b0d0033b84d821faab99fd645e 3563 python optional statsmodels_0.9.0-6ubuntu1.dsc
 8cb06154cef733d1e03b1b5d763a2ae1 9516464 python optional statsmodels_0.9.0.orig.tar.gz
 c2303ed2fdafa49cd64b1e96120d42f4 50872 python optional statsmodels_0.9.0-6ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz
 2368357651f678afe4310116ab4c2f85 8196 python optional statsmodels_0.9.0-6ubuntu1_source.buildinfo
Original-Maintainer: Debian Science Maintainers <debian-science-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>



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