[ubuntu/eoan-proposed] opticalraytracer 9.6-1 (Accepted)

Jeremy Bicha jeremy at bicha.net
Sun Sep 15 23:17:21 UTC 2019

opticalraytracer (9.6-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * New upstream release
  * Allow running with any Java 7+ runtime
  * No longer use javahelper
  * Build with the DH sequencer
  * No longer install the help files
  * Updated the package description
  * Removed the menu file
  * Removed the build dependency on junit
  * Removed the unused dependency on java-wrappers
  * Use a plain file for the wrapper script instead of a patch
  * Added a watch file
  * Use salsa.debian.org Vcs-* URLs
  * Standards-Version updated to 4.4.0
  * Switch to debhelper level 11
  * Updated the Homepage field

Date: 2019-09-11 22:40:01.023224+00:00
Signed-By: Jeremy Bicha <jeremy at bicha.net>
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