<div dir="ltr">Hello David,<br><br>We're still using K12LTSP 5- Centos in our school. We're running about 120 clients off of 4 servers. Also DNS for about 10 years- omg! off of an old box (that died over the summer- no dns for the world right now...). A webserver- only internal right now. What a drag. We were the top of google searches for years ;-)<br>
<br>That's all I can think of right now. Our tech dept is still saying we are going to get Linux ripped out of here and that really will be a shame. I have more than the expected number of students going on to further education in Technology after learning tons of stuff here in my classes.<br>
<br>We do use Crossover in a lab for delivering CadKey and Office (it does run better in Linux than in Windows). The fellows at Codeweavers are great, by the way. Don't get me started up talking about running office... a College sponsored course.<br>
<br>Various stand alones and every notebook has a dual boot for the boggus os and the real one. Teachers usually use ... guess which one.<br><br>Our network is split up into two networks. An office network and a student network. Anything that connects to the student network has linux and others dual boot.<br>
<br>That's about it.<br><br>Thanks for all of your help, by the way, that you've given me over the years. A knowlegable comment or explanation every now and then really has been of such great help for me.<br><br>
I will be setting up some more powerful Windows boxes to run Pro/E in my design classes and I want to have students access their linux homes to save their work on the ltsp servers. I may need some hand holding... Man oh man, I just turned 50 but still feel like a kid!<br>
<br>Thanks again,<br><br>Jim <br><br><br></div>