Edubuntu 23.10 Beta Released

Erich Eickmeyer eeickmeyer at
Fri Sep 22 18:43:27 UTC 2023

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The Edubuntu Council (Amy and Erich Eickmeyer) is pleased to announce 
Edubuntu 23.10 Beta, codenamed “Mantic Minotaur”. While it is free of 
any showstopper installer bugs and is representative of what will be the 
final release, bugs may be found within.

Images may be downloaded 

For those looking for Raspberry Pi images, while they are planned, they 
will be unavailable for this release. Goals are to have them available 
for 24.04 LTS, subject to change.

*Where’s the website?*
Our website is currently a placeholder website available 
athttps://edubuntu.orgcourtesy ofAaron Prisk, and we are still working 
with Canonical IS to establish a more permanent website where we can 
make these posts and more, including administration instructions and 
other documentation. We do apologize that it is taking so long.

*New Features*

  * *Edubuntu Menu Administratior*can now hide snaps (was supposed to
    work previously, but a bug prevented that).
  * KDE/Qt apps now respect dark/light settings of the desktop. However,
    they still only use a blue accent color. Theongoing discussions
    <>on how to solve
    this previously mentioned in theEdubuntu 23.04 Beta Known Issues
    ground to a halt.

New apps included are:

  * *Startup Disk Creator*: This will help users and administrators make
    an easy USB drive from a .iso image of any Ubuntu flavor.
  * *GNOME Videos*: Video player
  * *GNOME Music*: Music player
  * *Backup*: Backup utility
  * *Basic256*: Teaches students the BASIC programming language
    (Erichfirst learned to program in this language when he was 10 on a
    Commodore VIC-20!)
  * *Extension Manager*: An easy way to add and administer GNOME Shell
  * *OpenBoard*: A whiteboard application for teachers
  * *Mnemosyne*: A flashcard application
  * *Convertall*: A powerful unit converter


*Known Issues*

  * KDE/Qt apps use a blue accent color as opposed to a red accent color
    or whatever accent color is set by the user in the System Settings.
    There is no known fix currently, however future releases may have
    other configurations which allow this. There areongoing
    seem to have come to a halt.
  * The system installer (Ubiquity) provides a minimal install option
    that is currently work-in-progress.
  * GNOME Notes has a search provider for the Activities Overview which
    willsometimes crash <>.
  * GNOME Shelldoes not currently respect the default accent color
    <>or any chosen accent color
    except orange and blue.
  * As Edubuntu shares a desktop with and is based on Ubuntu Desktop,
    any known issues can be found in the officialUbuntu Release
  * Individual applications included with Edubuntu may have their own
    known issues. Please consult upstream release notes for those
    applications before filing bug reports.


*How To Contact*

Edubuntu Users Mailing List 
Edubuntu Developers Mailing 
List<>(Join The 

*Social Media*

Twitter <>
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