Firefox or Chrome?

John Hupp edubuntu at
Mon Jan 5 20:43:34 UTC 2015

On 1/5/2015 1:06 PM, Joseph Bishay wrote:
> Good day everyone,
> A very happy new year to you all!
> I'm running LTSP on Ubuntu (Edubuntu 14.04) and from a resources and 
> user-experience point-of-view, which is a lighter load on the server?  
> Firefox or Chrome?
> Thank you
> Joseph

 From an LTSP perspective, with thin clients Firefox is better. Chrome 
renders screens differently, and the net result is that things like 
scrolling are sluggish on clients.

For my purposes, Chrome also suffers from more bugs:

But someone did make a good point about Firefox memory leakage issues.

In any case, I install both because sometimes certain web pages do 
better with one browser than another.  I'm also hoping to use Chrome 
Remote Desktop (Remote Assistance) on the servers if the developers fix 
this show-stopper bug:

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