Ubuntu LTSP 12.04 or 14.04?

Giacomo Trovato giacomo.trovato at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 06:18:19 UTC 2014

Hi All (Alkis),

I've just installed Ubuntu LTSP PNP 12.04.5 for AMD64 (
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/ltsp-pnp) and I have two
- lts.conf is ignored;
- after LTSP PNP installation the server doesn't surf over Internet since
DNS resolution doesn't work.

I have also these questions.
My installation is for an LTSP system with 9 FAT clients (HP250 notebook)
and on the server I want to install also a proxy.
Is it better to move to new 14.04.1 LTS? With or without PNP?

Thank you!

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