LTSP-pnp + 2 NIC setup + Network Manager but no NAT

Alkis Georgopoulos alkisg at
Wed Apr 9 05:05:19 UTC 2014

Στις 09/04/2014 06:35 πμ, ο/η David Groos έγραψε:
> Couldn't get it to work. Did the following:
>  1. sudo mkdir /etc/network/if-up.d/sch-scripts

Don't create a directory there, put the sch-scripts.if-up script in that 
$ ls -l /etc/network/if-up.d/sch-scripts
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1167 Mar  6 18:03 /etc/network/if-up.d/sch-scripts

No need to run ltsp-update-image or anything else, just re-connect the 
server to the network (via network manager or reboot or ...).

> Name for wiki page?:

The UbuntuLTSP wiki is pretty much unmaintained, so no comments from me 
on that one...

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