Profilemanager multi association to profile

d.davolio at d.davolio at
Thu Mar 28 12:42:49 UTC 2013

Well I found a way.
I created a secondary ubuntu group, I associated the desired menu 
profile to this group with profile manager.
Then with "gpasswd -a user group" and a little script I associated the 
secondary group to the desired users.
Seems to works.

On 03/28/2013 01:11 PM, d.davolio at wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry to disturb. I bet other people asked the same question but I 
> can't find an answer:
> is there a way to associate the desired groups to a profile, outside 
> the GUI?
> I'm asking because the gui permit only one-to-one association and I 
> have +1000 users and +100 groups, so doing the association by hand is 
> time consuming, so to speak :)
> Thanks for any info!
> Davo

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