New User - First impressions

Quynh Vu Do vdquynh at
Fri Mar 22 14:50:11 UTC 2013


2013/3/22 Allan Kelly <allankelly at>

> Dear Quynh Vu Do,
> Thankyou! The filter was exactly what I needed. I have never noticed that
> before, being a command-line sort of chap.
BTW I just discovered that by right-clicking on the dash icon you can
access right away to the applications categories.

> I wonder if it's possible to have the the "Education" category installed
> as a Unity icon?

I read in that post ( that
installing alacarte might be the way to add launchers to  Unity. At the end
of the post page there is a link to that video tutorial on Unity that could
be interesting:

Best regards
Vu Do Quynh (M.)
Hanoi, Vietnam
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