Help booting a thin client

d.davolio at d.davolio at
Wed Jan 23 07:58:12 UTC 2013

With a huge help from developers we determined that it's a command that 
hangs during the boot.
After the client connects the nbd image from the server, it run a "blkid 
-s TYPR -o value /dev/nbd0" and this command simply hangs. No timeout, 
no failure.
I'll try with a different network card (this is a SiS190) because all 
other clients models boot perfectly.
I'll tell if it works.

On 01/22/2013 03:43 PM, John Hupp wrote:
> On 1/22/2013 5:46 AM, d.davolio at wrote:
>> I have a bunch of Acer Extensa with SiS Ethernet card. And I have a 
>> boot problem.
>> I'm running Edubuntu 12.04LTS. Many others Thin Clients boot fine but 
>> this model is driving me crazy.
>> The thin client stops at "Begin: Mounting file system...Begin: Runing 
>> /scripts/local-top...Begin: setting up 
>> If I understand this is where the temporary root file system swap to 
>> the ndb root file system.
>> Question is, should I change the nbd-client parameters? But where?
>> I really need help because it's just 10 days that I'm playing with ltsp.
>> Thanks!
>> Davo
> I don't recognize the problem with any certainty, but I wonder, how 
> much memory do those Acers have?

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