Edubuntu administration

d.davolio at d.davolio at
Wed Jan 16 10:43:16 UTC 2013

Ok, now I have an Edubuntu 12.04LTS server installed with LTSP.
I'm testing with few thin clients and they boot and work basically out 
of the box.
But there some documentation about the administration of the 
I'm not talking about the lts.conf that is well covered, I mean "how do 
I create users/group? How do I manage quotas on file system per 
user/group?". This kind of stuff.
Since there is Ubuntu under the hood I suspect that the administration 
is the same but I can't find some kind of integration. For example, I 
don't have the "User Account" application in menu. Is Edubuntu using 
something else to create users (like only the cli)?
Can someone point me to the right documentation to read?

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