Desktop choice/performance

Alkis Georgopoulos alkisg at
Fri Sep 28 16:47:58 UTC 2012

Στις 28/09/2012 07:35 μμ, ο/η David Groos έγραψε:
> For, "answer to wiki initiative, I think you mean having "page stewards"
> ...

Hi David,

no, what I meant is that sometimes we end up writing the same answers in
mailing lists or forums over and over again, and I think that nice wiki
pages should be written about them instead.
It's not related to what I wrote to the bottom of the ltsp-pnp page.

E.g. I bet the "how to set up a static IP" question has been answered
hundreds of times (I'm not talking just about this mailing list), and
people answered quickly instead of writing a proper wiki page and link
to it.

We all know that software developers or experts give more time
developing and much less time documenting. So my idea was that when a
person asks something that deserves a wiki page, someone of the experts
may give a correct but quick answer, and the person receiving it would
then write a wiki page about it, with screenshots if needed etc etc.

That would motivate developers to answer more frequently, because then a
more complete version of their answer would be written in a wiki page,
and they could link to it when the same question arises in the future,
and it would also benefit users because they'd get technically correct
answers instead of workarounds usually found in forums while googling.

It's not related to who maintains the page; it's just about writing
them; we have a big lack of wiki editors.

I don't know if that approach would work, but we can try it.


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