clients do not shutdown

Matt Johnson johnsonmlw at
Fri Oct 26 06:48:39 UTC 2012

Hi all, 

Thanks to the help, we're nearly ready to deploy our new 12.04 ltsp solution... However:

Under ubuntu 10.04 on ltsp, clients switch off when selected from the greeter screen.

Under ubuntu 12.04 on ltsp, the same clients do not. They hang at a text screen after leaving the greeter. They do 'reboot' under 12.04 without problem though and they worked fine under 10.04.

I have tried something found on a google search but it has not worked:

sudo nano /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg/default
Add acpi=force to the end of the append

I have also looked in the bios for options, but to no avail.

I have also ltsp-update-kernel after a full apt-get update, apt-get update.

I have read about poweroff versus halt, but none of this helps I don't think.

Any ideas much appreciated as we can't have 32 ict suite machines left on - they need to shut right down when asked.

Thanks in advance.


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