Pay what you want for a educational bundle
Éric Seigne
eric.seigne at
Fri Oct 5 17:12:50 UTC 2012
Hello edubuntu users,
we @abuledu/ryxeo are working on educational software since 1998 ...
ohloh estimate our work to $ 6,195,188 !!!!
$ 6 Million on free software for primary school !
All of theses apps are in french only, but now we need *your* help,
please pay what you want for our first international bundle on
Please forward this news to your followers on every twit or others
social networks.
Thanks in advance,
-- ABULEDU - Distribution Linux pour les écoles --
-- NouvaLinux - Distribution Linux pour les TPE/PME --
Éric Seigne - Directeur | eric.seigne at
RyXéo SARL |
21 avenue M. et E. Dulout | tel +33 (0)5 35 540 118
33600 Pessac - FRANCE | fax +33 (0)9 56 606 607
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