Epoptes - Lubuntu-ltsp-pnp

Alkis Georgopoulos alkisg at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 19:02:45 UTC 2012

Στις 04/10/2012 09:16 μμ, ο/η asmo.koskinen at arkki.info έγραψε:
> If you wonder, Epoptes works with ltsp-pnp/fat client.
> http://arkki.info/howto/Precise/epoptes-ltsp-pnp.png
> One caveat, I think. Do not 'epoptes-client -c'. Just install epoptes
> (apt-get install epoptes). Then just 'ltsp-update-image -c /'.

Yeah by running `epoptes-client -c` on the server, the same certificate
file is being read and written at the same time, and that zeroes its
contents, breaking epoptes. Epoptes should issue a warning in that case,
that there's no need to copy the server certificate to the server itself.

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