clients do not shutdown

Alkis Georgopoulos alkisg at
Thu Nov 8 17:45:37 UTC 2012

Στις 08/11/2012 07:32 μμ, ο/η Matt Johnson έγραψε:
> but from the command line:  'sudo poweroff -fp' works and 'sudo poweroff' does not.

What does `sudo poweroff` do? Last messages on screen etc?

> If i can manually hack a file somewhere to change poweroff to poweroff -fp that will be at least a temporary workaround.

That's in the ldm sources, you'd need to recompile it:
$ grep poweroff ldm-trunk/gtkgreet/greeter.c
  G_CALLBACK(spawn_command), "/sbin/poweroff");

Or you could make a /usr/share/ltsp/init-ltsp.d/50-poweroff wrapper,
that moves poweroff to poweroff.original, and creates a shell file in
/sbin/poweroff that calls poweroff -fp. But it'd be better to find a
proper solution if "normal" shutdown doesn't work for you, so that
nbd-server connections are closed, swap files on the server are cleaned
up etc.

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