LTSP fat clients

Matt Johnson johnsonmlw at
Mon Jul 16 17:12:03 UTC 2012

> From: Ingrid Siebörger <ings at>
>To: edubuntu-users at 
>Sent: Monday, 16 July 2012, 8:45
>Subject: LTSP fat clients
>I have tried to set up an LTSP fat client server and image but have 
>encountered a strange problem.  The clients boot but when I log in with a user 
>account all I get is the wall paper and mouse pointer, nothing else.  I 
>followed the instructions pretty much to the letter on Jonathan Carter's blog 
>( except 
>that I didn't skip building the image but built it straight away (choosing not 
>to add anything else to the standard image) and I built it with a root 
>password for login to the booted image, using --prompt-rootpass.

Try adding this to lts.conf force Unity 2d...

LDM_SESSION=”gnome-session –session=ubuntu-2d”

Hope that helps. It fixed it for me.


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