"vi" tab completion

Namba Takaya takayanamba at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 3 08:48:08 UTC 2012

Dear sir
In Bash, I wish to use tab completion for vi
When I type "vi" and then press "tab", but  does not show any candidate files as tab completion.In the root directory of myself, it is strange that the tab completion work in "vi" and show all the candidates files for vi to edit.But as I explained above, in other directories, the tab completion does not work in the case of  "vi" and does not show any candidate files.When I use other  bash commands like "ls" or "cat" in the directory of question, the tab completion can work very well.
I did set -o vi   to change the environment, but does not improve at all.
Could you tell me how to deal with this issue?
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