client specific problem
Valerio Pachera
sirio81 at
Tue Dec 4 14:28:00 UTC 2012
2012/12/3 John Hupp <edubuntu at>:
> Are you also on Quantal, or something older?
no, ubuntu 12.04.
(I'm testing on two server: edubuntu 12.04 and ubuntu 12.04 where I
installed ltsp-standalone)
> I'm using the LTSP-PNP setup with a single NIC rather than the standard
> LTSP5 setup with two NIC's. You?
Two nic's. I dindn't read abount LTSP-PNP yet. Sounds interesting.
> I'm using the default network-manager configuration to configure my NIC
> rather than the older approach with /etc/network/interfaces. You?
I prefered to remove network-manager and use /etc/network/interfaces.
> I have not compiled any information yet about the chipsets, etc., from
> different clients that work or don't work. You?
No, I didn't.
> I was thinking about reinstalling Lubuntu Quantal to see if this happens on
> a fresh installation, perhaps on a test server. Have you tried that?
Yes. And I lost a lot of time because I thought was my mistake on the
new installation till I tried the other two working clients.
I found the solution, or almost:
--- disable nbd compression! ---
I rememer I read about random issues in the past edubuntu
verions...and it seems they are still there.
So, be sure that you set
NO_COMP="-noF -noD -noI -no-exports"
Note: i use amd64 instead of i386.
I confirm once again that the boot problem is specific for some client/chipset.
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